Is it okay to rate a flawed game 8/10 when its most important aspects are 10/10?

Is it okay to rate a flawed game 8/10 when its most important aspects are 10/10?

That depends on what are the most important aspects for you. Big anime titties?

10/10 is pure perfection in my book, it means no matter what game of the same genre you make, you will never top the 10/10 game and at best hope to get close to it.
10/10 scores are fucking retarded.

Story, music, combat, cutscene animation are all important aspects for JRPGs and 2 executes well on all of them, at least 9/10 for most of them if not higher

the flaws are really fucking annoying so yeah, 8/10 is justified

That's fucking retarded, 10/10 means that the game is so good that any possible flaws cannot ruin the experience in any way. There is literally no fucking reason that we should cut off 1/10 of a grading scale.

Numeric values were a mistake

If it's flawed then it's not 10/10

I give it a 9/10, design flaws and overall weaker voice performance than XC1 drag it down. However it does indeed have some of the best stuff from xenoblade; best combat, best party, best lore/worldbuilding, best story in the last couple of chapters, best music (this is going to be the most divisive, but I believe mitsuda did a better job than shimomura and the other did as well as XC1, actually Hiramatsu may have done better in 2).

Fix the stupid design shit and make the DLC really meaningful and we've got a classic on our hand

Hello Scaruffi

It's ok to rate a game whatever the fuck you want for whatever reason you want because numbered rating scales like this are entirely subjective and meaningless because there's no universal standard.

Sure. Just like how XCX only had its open world going for it but it was so good I’d give it 9/10

>most important aspects are 10/10
Anime tiddies and vagina bones?

>Weaker voice performance
Just play with the original voices you fucking retard.

JP XC2 voices arn't as good as dubed XC1 either, the best part about the game voice wise is english Malos anyway

IMO both the jap and bong voices have ups and downs, an auto plus are the accents but Christ Nia can't emote for shit, and Rex is half and half. Malos, Pyra Mythra, Addam, etc are all great in Eng, Jin is somehow EXACTLY like JP, Azurda BTFOs Jap version.

This is a 7/10 game. painfully fucking average.

>Shit villain with shit motives
>Cluttered UI
>Mary sue MC
>Merc missions are in real time
>Poor frame rates
>QTE in salvaging
>1 credit in Tiger Tiger
>Long ass tutorial mode.

Very flawed game

>shit villain
stopped reading, Malos is one of the best villains in jRPG history

>QTE in salvaging
what's wrong with that though

>Shit villain
Better than other JRPGS
>Cluttered UI
No, since everything is useful. Plus you can turn shit off
>Mary Sue MC
No he isn't, he fucks up plenty, he just has "hope" and "optimism" aka the average shonen protagonist
>Merc missions
Pretty subjective complaint
That's not a design issue and can be patched out
Do you want Tiger Tiger X2 for salvaging?
>Long tutorial
Better that than 0 tutorial.

Your complaints are very different from the most disliked issues like the map or blade RNG, or not being able to see tutorials whenever. Seems like you just dislike the game's length

Skies of Arcadia is a 10/10 in my book. It ultimately depends on your experience with the game.

>Better than other JRPGS
and that excuses this game? no.
>No, since everything is useful.
they could have made it more pleasing to the eye instead of plastering the information everywhere in the fucking game

>QTE covering the middle
>blue bars on top left
>character info on the left
>character attack trigger left right or bottom

all this while green pots flying around and possible dead characters on screen. like what the fuck.

>No he isn't, he fucks up plenty, he just has "hope" and "optimism" aka the average shonen protagonist

his "fuck ups" are poor character building and you fucking know it. He has no other flaws other than making decisions. Terrible

>Pretty subjective complaint
How is it subjective? this isn't an MMO or a mobile game. why are merc missions in real time?

>Do you want Tiger Tiger X2 for salvaging?
anything is better than QTE for loot

>Better that than 0 tutorial.
0 tutorial would have been better