Queue for the mythic +15 run for my alt

>Queue for the mythic +15 run for my alt
>Cancel it myself because no invite after 2 minutes
>No one else doing high darkheart and I'm not interested in others dungeons anyway
>Go into my main to see is there anything worthwhile to do
>That group now searching tank(lol)
>Got instant invite
>Waited until this faggots put key and left right after run started
Feels good, cancerous "mythic+ score checkers" wasted 2 minutes of my time, so I wasted their gay key for insta inviting my 962 tank

>No one
>That group
>this faggots
Just kys

This is why I run all my own keys with mostly the same people. The general people in LFG are casuals looking to be carried and or think you need high ilv or rating to complete high keys

Depending on how high keys we're talking about you do need some gear. Also, most of the players you run in to while pugging are fucking horrible, so can you really blame people for wanting something to assure them you're good?

I saw people with high mythic score who don't even use def cd on the last boos first shadowbolt volley in the blackrook hold.
It's literally gearscore 2.0 and tells you nothing about person skill

god damn tier 1 was such a fucking mess

please delete this comment, vanilla wow was perfect

>make a group as DPS
>healer and dps group joins
>waiting for tank
>they leave and say they are not waiting lol
>switch to tank after they leave
>get a whisper say "lol we were just kidding reinvite :)"
>invite another healer and dps
>say "sorry we are full, have fun not waiting i guess :)"

I don't understand how you can feel insulted that someone wants a party member who is properly geared for the content they're doing.

Why does it feel like the higher someone's ilvl is the more cancerous they are

I feel insulted for faggots pretending to check mythic score and fucking inviting my tank right away despite the fact that tanks can fuck up the most there.
They literally wasted my 2 minutes just to be assholes.

lmao I did the same thing because the group wouldn't invite my alt tank because it was under 2k M+ score yet my main tank was 2500+

it makes you look like a giant banana that's been cut into pieces or something

the only people that have 960+ ilvl right now are people that have grinded M+ to such an absurd degree they probably look like Cartman did at the end of that old WoW Episode of Southpark.

I wish I could have fun with this game, but guilds are just retard normies, and randoms are dumber than a sack of bricks, sure Im not the best player but I want to be able to play without hating everyone.

>think time is valuable
>play WoW
Pick one.

Doesn't the custom group tool already have a minimum ilvl filter, Whats the point of adding more sub-requirements that just exist to waste peoples time?

It does, but people who make groups usually don't met their own requirement so they can't use it


Hey, they behaved like total jerks to me, I just did the same to them

I like you OP, fuck those assholes

Gear Score was a fucking mistake. Only got worse after WotLK, where it was still cancer.

>"lfm braindead weekly raid, need people in 5.5k gear score"

You can't help it, people always want best aviable players, and ilvl and amount of mythic+ runs are the best they to tell them. And even with that you get shitters from time to timr

I'm 900 on my tank, can I run mythic+ ?

> Still play WoW in 2017
> Complain about time wasted
This community will never cease to amaze me.

What's wrong with playing wow?

>this is the direction modern wow is going
Damn was I right to jump she ship

>the ship

Damn I'm loving this game more than ever before

>check out amongold the most popular wow streamer right now.
hes either just one shotting mobs and dungeon bosses to farm for items or whatever
>or hes in a raid group yelling at his party

are there any game that are spiritual successors to WoW when it was good?

He's always yelling at his raid for being awful while he gets carried and then asks to get every piece of loot that drops

Good, raider.io was a mistake
>was running +12s before Nighthold
>some retard spamming nu-reddit+ gets invited over me

>hes either just one shotting mobs and dungeon bosses to farm for items or whatever
>are there any game that are spiritual successors to WoW when it was good?
The only time dungeon bosses weren't made braindead by good gear was burning crusade. Even vanilla dungeons were too simple in th aq blues/epics

people who played wow to rush to end game and grind dungeons were braindead to start with

>Make a group for mythic+ Cathedral
>Takes 30 min to find a healer
>20 more min to find a tank
>Healer asks tank if he knows how to deal with sanguine
>Tank says it's no problem
>Tank wipes us on first pull because he doesn't move shit out of the pools
>Healer calls tank out and tank leaves because his feelings are hurt
>Party disbands
After this I never played anything but my vengeance demon hunter ever again

It's not like playing tank solves all your problem
>Dps doesn't destroy orbs
>DPS forgets to destroy orbs in his rush to kill boss with 10% hp
>People forget to use def cd on the some boss skills with tyrannical afflix
>DPS are too happy to kill mobs with "fuck you here 10% hp dot for each kill" afflix

True, but atleast I can find another group fairly quick if we disband

>mfw my first mythic was ruined the exact same way, except it was the dps who randomly left.
Got a guild and it was never a problem again.

Shut the fuck up

you have autism op

hopefully this whole thing is a troll

>Not taking any shit from faggots is autism now

>15 drops 940
>Sup Forums and pugglets on WoW think you need 965 to clear it.
Something doesn't add up here.

How analpained are you going to be when classic servers go live and everyone's expecting you to cap in 11 days and start farming fire resist gear.
In stead of 2 months like it took you when you were a retarded child?


>11 days and start farming fire resist gear.
Nostr team involved, you don't need fire resist for the mc and bwl