Switch: 10M sold

In less than a year.

Let it go deep.

>Nintendo has sold 10 million Switch consoles to players worldwide, the company announced today. This puts the system well on its way to outperforming Nintendo’s last console, the Wii U, which has only sold 13.5 million units to date.

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Why didnt they have a black friday/holiday bundle? I feel like they missed out on a fuck ton of sales.

And not even holiday sales yet.

>Why didnt they have a black friday/holiday bundle?
They've got like 3 different bundles they've been shilling. The Odyssey bundle is super common.

Shitch has shit hardware

Huh? BF is the biggest chunk of holiday sales

That's all consoles tb.h my famalamadingdong.

>Why didnt they have a black friday/holiday bundle? I feel like they missed out on a fuck ton of sales.
They still sold a fucking lot, and there's still Christmas. Also, the console was released not even 9 months ago when Black Friday ocurred, they would be devaluating their product if they did.

Switch is to consoles what consoles are to PC

Not even close bubster

Not really. The PhonyShitStation and the Xshit and the so called Shitch are all underpowered shit.

>want to get a switch
>already have shit loads of games on PS4, vita, and steam to complete.
How do y'all deal with this?

Whats the point of this thread? It barely sold 10 million in a year? Big whoop. The PS4 probably outsold it in just the last 3 months of this year.

Switch + PC is the best combo.

No it hasn't.


I'd rather see your source that the PS4 outsold the Switch.

It's called setting priorities, I have about 40 games I still need to finish but I keep dropping them for games that mean more to me, then keep forgetting to go back to them

I don't own any consoles but I'm kind of glad Nintendo is doing well

Switch is so far below the other two that it deserves to be classified as a separate stratum.

>consoles still vanishing off store shelves

Funny how people said that about wiiu, which can be emulated on pc

>that it deserves to be classified as a separate stratum
It is. It's a hybrid console.

the next direct is going to be hype as fuck

I've seen people buy way more PS4s and even Xbones this year than Switches.

Where do you get this "vanishing" meme from?

>funny how in the 1980's people used to buy NES games when you can just emulate them today lol what idiots

The sales reports.
And It's rumored that the Switch was one of the best selling items on both Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

>the Switch 9 months and 7 days to sell 10 million units.
>the PS4 took about 8 months and 29 days to sell 10 million units
>the Switch launched globally
>the PS4 didn't launch in Japan until 6 months later
The PS4 is literally wiping the floor with the Switch. I don't even give a shit about Sony, I just enjoy watching Nintendo fail

One or two more years until we get the New Switch XL

Oh shit, I'm sorry. Your anecdote totally erases all the accounts of retailers apologising for running out of stock so quickly.

So what like eight days?
Thats pretty good actually..

In one country.
Europe and UK does their Christmas shopping in December mostly.

Americans forget they aren't the entire planet.

I have a rumor that you suck cock in truck stop bathrooms. I guess I'll treat that as true though.

I haven't seen a single metric that actually SHOWS that the switch sold for shit this holiday. I PERSONALLY saw a fuckton of PS4s get sold, but not a single switch. If people think the switch sold gangbusters without any sale this holiday they are wishful fucks.

It probably sold decent because every console sold well this holiday, but acting like it was selling like crazy just makes you a retard.

>the PS4 didn't launch in Japan until 6 months later
Not that it would matter much the way it's selling in Japan

But the EU is way less inclined toward nintendo than the US is.

Sony sold an additional 10mil unit since last June breaking the 70mil mark.
It took almost 1 1/2 year for sony to break 60mil unit from 50mil.

The price cut really help them a lot.

>the PS4 didn't launch in Japan until 6 months later

3 months actually, and its sold about 300k in its opening week.
PS4 also went through Christmas, and Switch is expected to be the best selling console in this upcoming holidays.

He's not wrong tho, even fucking PS3 emulator is less playable than Cemu, and Wii U came out much later well, it's also doesn't have that much games, funnily

>PS4's first 8 months involve the holiday season
>Switch sold the same amount just during Spring and Fall
>PS4 somehow wiping the floor with the Switch

>I PERSONALLY saw a fuckton of PS4s get sold, but not a single switch.
Good for you. I work at Walmart and the Switch was selling incredibly well. PS4 was too.
We are not going to know who sold better until the sales reports come out.

Just shows how Nintendo is fucking stupid. Should have given it better specs, sold it at a loss at launch and by this time they would be getting their money back. This is exactly what Sony did and you see the results.

For a soyboy

My point was that he's saying "Funny how people were saying PC and Wii U were a good combo when you can emulate Wii U on PC" when it emulation wasn't reliable for the Wii U until the last quarter of its life.

You could say the same about the Switch in Europe

Sony did this with the PS3 and it actually nearly bankrupted them. The entire company, not just the gaming division. They needed to close their mobile division and liquidate like five buildings.

>The price cut really help them a lot.
Isn't the PS4 still being sold at a loss?

>le Nintendo doesn't sell in europe meme
Do you really think they sold 150 million DS with america and japan alone?

>Sony did this with the PS3 and it actually nearly bankrupted them

PS3 was $600 and was using tech that wasn't needed.

70m already sold how are they losing?

what date does this figure actually run to?

That was a genuine question, I never mentioned winning or losing.

Honestly, after the PS3 and Vita, in surprised they even made a PS4.

PS4 was supposed to be same price as X1 on launch but Sony was fucking pathetic and changed the pricing $100 less to btfo of Microsoft. Because of that it sold at a loss first couple of months and then they started profiting off of it.

No I meant by losing money by unit sold

Just because they've sold a little less than PS4 (they also had christmas sales, they obviously had advantage) doesn't mean they're failing lol, it's just a big company earning a lot of money, those jews are more than happy. They probably don't even care about PS4.

selling at a loss is sometimes acceptable if your aim is to dominate the market, it's a common business practice if you have money to burn.

It still hurts youtube.com/watch?v=ExaAYIKsDBI

They wasted enough fucking money on the WIi U, why the fuck would thye sell it on at loss?

>it's a common business practice if you have money to burn.
Then why the hell is Sony doing it? They have been bleeding money on everything not called the PlayStation.

I brought a switch on black Friday.
I'm not saying 1 person is a good sample size but I am pretty Chad when it comes to being your average consumer.
So take that's how you want it.

Also, have you guys tried BotW? that shit is lit!

-sent from my iPhone

Ps4 had 15 million sold in the same time span

Any actual source on the 10M sold?

Because it's fucking selling well now? Nintendo should have taken a gamble and known this would pull in Wii like numbers.

>Then why the hell is Sony doing it? They have been bleeding money on everything not called the PlayStation.
It's probably exactly because of that reason that they did it. They needed to take the risk. If they lost the lead in the market and fell behind in sales, that would have been it for them.

Nintendo of America made a post on Twitter about it.

From Nintendo themselves.

Not a real source then.

>source: my nigger ass
It actually was 10M too, and considering christmas sales, so they had the advantage.

The Playstation department is pretty much independent from the rest of Sony at this point.

It's also not unreasonable to do this just to grasp a tighter foothold when their biggest competitor fucked themselves over with the NSA fiasco.

Because the PS3 pretty much unJUSTed itself and made a comeback.

PS4 was a slight miracle and would have been a worst situation if Xbox didn't self destruct in 2013 and Nintendo wasn't putting out a massive did of a system.

The reason why the PS4 is even getting close to PS2 numbers is because they have about total control of the market share of console gaming

Shipped not sold

Why not?

>people are waiting the 25th to buy stuff
>from the company known to be regularly out of stock

This is what a life without meaning looks like.
you stake your personal ego and identity on whether or not Nintendo sells a lot of units.

You have no attachment to your family.
You have no attachment to your country.
You have no attachment to your people.

You have attachment to some Japanese video game company doing well, so you can hold social currency over other internet autists.

It's illegal for a company to lie about its sales.

Middle aged moms buying stuff for their kids dont know. Not everyone follows gaming news like these

How is Nintendo stupid? It has the best specs it couldve been given at the time considering their using mobile hardware AND its being sold for a profit.

>You have no attachment to your country.

>Cigarettes are good for you!
>t. the tobacco industry
You can't trust corporations.

Killing is illegal, too. People do it regardless.

My normalfag sister is going to get one for Zelda, I told her to wait until Metroid comes out. My other normalfag sister was disappointed when she found out Mario didn't come out on her Xbox One. I'm getting one as soon as it gets hacked.

lol gay

attachment to your tribe is the most powerful bond human beings experience.
I'll take a famous biologist's words over Schopenhauer.

The PlayStation is the only division that I even like from Sony because the company itself is such a piece of shit corporation.

The only non-gaming related product that is of decent quality is their TVs.

Everything else is cancerous. Especially their movie division which most of their higher ups aside from Kaz wants it to merge with SCE

>they missed out

switch was still the top selling product without a price slash


It's weaker than an actual Nvidia Shield and it does not use the best specs available at the time. Nintendo thought this wouldn't be a success and gimped on the hardware. Now they are stuck with for at least 5 more years.

You're a fucking retard, dude.

ps4 launch started during holyday season and ended in march you fucking idiot

>My other normalfag sister was disappointed when she found out Mario didn't come out on her Xbox One
She must be even more disappointed it doesn't have any games at all

>Cigarettes are good for you!
I don't think I've ever seen a tobacco company say this.
>You can't trust corporations.
Fine. Whats a reliable source then?
And if you even dare try and say VGChartz im going to jump out of your computer and break your fucking legs.

Not an argument.


Two (2) different things.


>I don't think I've ever seen a tobacco company say this.
There were sponsored campaigns from the 20s and onwards claiming smoking was healthy.

>Whats a reliable source then?
I know what isn't, and that's the companies themselves and VGchartz.

It's mostly a DUDE WEED LMAO and watch movies box for her, she occasionally plays Overcooked and watches her boyfriend play Battlefield, it's worth it for what they use it for. If you don't have the refined, patrician tastes of the Sup Forums Sup Forums board in video games than it's sufficient.

Up until black friday, I thought the switch was doing great (if not simply because nintendo doing the scarcity shit). Black friday changed that. When I worked black friday, we had 2 pallets of PS4, 2 pallets of Xbones, and 1 pallet of each pro/Xbone X. We got 30 switches in, which is a lot seeing as normally we get around 4-8 in.

When black friday was 'over' (we opened the doors on thurs and by friday morning, it was a trickle), we had 2 PS4's left, half a pallet of Xbones, a little more than half a pallet of XboneX's and about 15-20 pro's (mostly because the 2 ps4's we had where in the cage in the back since we long ran out of the pallets and the incase stock we had and people just saw the empty ps4 pallet and grabbed a pro instead).

When we put back all the returns from the night (people picking shit up and putting it down in other places, getting to the checkout and deciding they dont want it, etc), we still had over 20 switches. We put the remaining pro's and xbones in the glass case, but we filled the entire nintendo section with switches and still had like 5 just sitting out of the glass under the accessories beside it.

We /still/ have some of those switches in stock and our christmas shipment of them is about to come in and its less than 20.
We sold more PS4's in a week than their entire Christmas shipment to us. Its fucking strange to see all these "OMG, WE CANT FIND ANY" and "HOLY SHIT THE SWITCH IS SO GOOD EVERYONE WANTS ONE" only to see it not move units at all. Im sure they will once more games get ported, but until then, im going to watch and wait.

we also had an entire shelf of SNES classics and no one wanted one. Granted, their gone now, but it was just strange to see an entire shelf of them still perfectly zoned

The Xperia is still my favorite line of smartphones, fuck iphones and Samsung are fucking shit.

Fake news Sonybro.

>There were sponsored campaigns from the 20s and onwards claiming smoking was healthy.
That was fucking forever ago. They cant say its healthy these days since local governments like to put warning labels on them these days since its well established that it causes lung cancer. That's why they focus in their adds on showing how "cool" you look whille doing it.


Thank you for your sourcing.
I no longer deem it fake news.

Anecdotal evidence doesn't mean a lot. I can tell you that in my city and surrounding it has been impossible to find a switch since launch. My buddy has been trying to get one for his kids for Christmas for the last 6 months without luck, and not wanting to pay scalper prices. He drove 2 hours to buy the one we found in stock at a target online last week. I live in a college town with LOTS of buying options within 60 miles of me.