Unfinished games

Why do we like Wind Waker more than Twilight Princess, but not like DMC4 more than DMC3? I mean people like DMC3 more than DMC4 just because the latter is unfinished but is still better at everything. But people like Wind Waker more than TP despite the former being the unfinished one.

Bottom line is, you should like TP more than WW because it's a finished game.

I do like Twilight Princess more than Wind Waker, OP, because I'm not a gigantic faggot.

MGSV is unifinished that doesn't make MGS4 and better game.

I personally liked the cartoony style and the combat in windwaker. Twilight Princess was more strongly succeeding Ocarina of Time, which was cool. But I didn't enjoy the combat which felt clunkier by comparison (to windwaker.) Also the way midna and the wolf-form were introduced made me strongly dislike both. So I ended up spending a portion of the game stuck as some slugqueen's mount.
In Windwaker, I really felt like Link was just a mischievous kid that got swept up in a big adventure.

Because I enjoyed Wind Waker more despite the cut content.

oh wow your definition of what is "finished" or not totally changed my opinion on the entire design, style, and heart of this video game I like. woah....

WTF I love twilight princess now!? /sarcasm. You fail, fool.

>people like Wind Waker
Just because it has a cult following on the internet doesn't mean it's true.

this is some reddit shit, even if it is ironic


How about you form your own opinion instead of calling things you find fault in but cannot form an argument against as "reddit"? Pathetic. I laugh at your miserable attempt. You are the worst kind of troglodyte, not even worth my breath.

WW is an unfinished masterpiece. TP is complete garbage.
Would you rather eat a steak prepared by a world class chef but miss out on French fries or have a combo meal from McDonald's?



thanks for the food analogy

>Food analogy

Woah, excellent argument. Holy fuck, this guy rivals Churchill as an orator. Get this guy a primetime reality show, he sure has a lot of opinions with well reasoned arguments to defend them! /sarcasm

>why do we like

People like OP should kill themselves

here's another reply

People do like DMC4 because the gameplay is better, at least the people who keep playing for hundreds of hours do

>unironically posting the "food analogy is a meme" meme

Not him, but you're insufferable to the people here. Asking you sincerely to go back to redddit. You don't have anything to lose by never discussing stuff with the users here. Thank you. Hope you understand.

Jesus doesn't fucking exist you christcuck!

Oh, thank you. You know, I come to these websites strictly for (You)s and not for any kind of intellectual discussion. God forbid someone post arguments and opinions backed up by logical connections and evidence. Jesus, that would just be awful. I wouldn't even know what to do! I might even just shitpost and reply to these strong arguments with my own pathetic attempts at discourse with things like "here's your (You)

would you rather watch unreleased footage from *insert your favorite film director* or watch a new Adam Sandler movie?


>Failing to understand why the "food analogy is a meme" meme became a meme in the first place

Food analogies are like cheeseburgers; there are way to many of them and I prefer pizza.

There it is. The Clarion Call of the intellectually dominated. My ego is soothed as having put you into such a checkmate you could not possibly hope to reason yourself out of it. for now

>implying they're not both shit

ok kid

>he fell for the "meme is a meme" meme and responded with a unironically with a meme emulating the meme he meme posted against in the first place

DMC4 sucked shit. I sat through DMC2 twice and couldn't even force myself to finish 4.


Who's we?

The general consensus of Sup Forums you illiterate retard

I do like TP more than WW. WW is a great concept but halfway through it did become a chore to go through, and after reading some interviews with Anouma explaining they initially wanted more dungeons but couldn't implement them it was clear why. He even apologized for the triforce hunt

Because DMC4 is unfinished in a way shittier way.

You just finish the levels and backtrack the same way you came.

>I mean people like DMC3 more than DMC4 just because the latter is unfinished
No, people like DMC3 more than DMC4 because DMC4 is a boring, unbalanced, unfun version of DMC3 that recycled most of Dante's moveset. Their are a lot of differences between Wind Waker and TP, biggest being Wind Waker is quicker and most of the dungeon items aren't shit.