PUBG is NATIVE(Yes, native) 4k on Xbox One X
PUBG is NATIVE(Yes, native) 4k on Xbox One X
just like shit goes in a toilet bowl.
Now if only I had a 4k tv.
And the toilet becomes clean again. Shit analogy
Downloaded it last night. It runs like shit with a lot of texture pop in until you get on the ground, but then it's fine. I'm also on a vanilla Bone.
On the X I haven't really seen a lot of texture pop in and the game actually looks really nice compared to most PCbros I've seen streaming but the framerate is basically the same.
And all you're proving with this post is xbox one x owners are graphics whores who don't even CARE about frame rates because MUH 4K. So what's your point?
>drops to 10fps
woah.. so this is the power of the xboxonex...
>that framerate
>Xbots are hyped for ps2 looking game in high res.
>10-15 fps frequently
>never 30fps while driving
>not 30fps during shootouts indoors
why would anyone want to play this?
gee im sure glad Microsoft invested all this money to achieve this meme resolution, they could have waited a few years so it would be more viable but nope they just had to release this now, the money invested in this could have gone to new games but who am i for wanting games on my game console
>Tfw his toilet has no shiet
Johnfags btfo
>why would anyone wanna play Bloodborne when it drops to 20FPS non-stop
>why would anyone play Dark Souls when it released when it runs at 15FPS in some levels
>13 fps
Can you at least trade resolution for performance?
This seems dreadful as it is now-
This game runs better on my fucking laptop, what the fuck. And I have 8GB of RAM. I haven't gone under 50fps.
Why do people eat this shit up? It's not even a good game either.
Bloodborne doesn't run nearly as bad as PUBG does in this video. Bloodborne also isn't running on a $500 console that released less than a month ago. Nice try though retard.
Remember when Xbros were claiming this would be 60fps? Holy shit
My point is console games typically run like shit you dolt. This game is notorious for its terrible performance even on more powerful PC's than the Xbox One X.
>10 fps
a good framerate in 3rd person online shooters is more vital dan in soulsgames
>Definitely on Xbox One X, 60FPS. On Xbox One, we’re not sure. We may have to limit it at 30FPS, maybe, but the last time I saw it, it was running at about 30 to 40. We’re still constantly improving it so, you know, the aim is to get to 60. That’s why we’re doing Game Preview, because I think the great thing about console is it’s a locked hardware system, so we can do really specific tweaks that tune it for those systems.
You literally cannot make this shit up hahahahaha!!!
Most PC users drop the quality settings to get 60 + fps
you clearly havent seen the whole video, check out 1:54 it gets so much better
a online game running at 10 fps is unacceptable on any platform, even shit like COD atleast tries to maintain a decent framerate
they could have released it in a working condition
>this pile of dog shit is NATIVE(Yes, native) 4k on Xbox One X
I'm glad for you, open wide.
not as much when using a controller compared to a kb/m
COD has been 60 FPS since last gen online
Based on the framerate it's still only rendering at most as many pixels per second as a 1440p/30 game.
Sacrificing fps for 4k on such an ugly fucking game is beyond stupid
That's not even the worst point, it goes down to around 12fps and stays there for like 30 seconds.
...of the XboneX...
Why is it so shitty for the first 5 minutes? It ends up stabilizing after that in the video but that is horrible.
That's what happens when you have a shitty 5400 RPM HDD and a bargain bin mobile CPU.
>It ends up stabilizing after that in the video but that is horrible.
No it doesn't, watch the firefight or driving.
It's the GPU being bottlenecked
plane part and parachute part are probably the most CPU intensive because it involves reneding the map quickly
Not only that, but the game runs like fucking shit. Like a literal, fucking steaming turd. Most people can barely make you work at the lowest settings, PUBG at 4K is fucking nonsense unless the hardware is good enough for 60fps which the Xbone X lacks. They could have dropped it to 1080p and it would probably run waaaay nicer, but because there are still retards that think muh 4K meme > performance, we get this piece of shit.
Seriously though, this is fucking unplayable.
solid rock 20fps *
fixed for you
Am I crazy if I would rather play at 800x480 and get good performance rather than play at 4K and get a slideshow? Seriously, 4K is nice and all but 30fps at BEST is not worth it. Not even PCs are good enough at 4K yet, on consoles it's just painful to watch.
Also I'm obviously exaggerating, lowering it fucking 1080p would get you 20+ fps, but 4Kfags would rather have 10 fps. If you want 4K just stick to PC.
>They could have dropped it to 1080p and it would probably run waaaay nicer
Not if the bottleneck comes from CPU and not the GPU. The game will probably run mostly the same at 1080p or 720p even.
Fuck I feel sorry for all the dumb retards who bought an xbox one x. You guys getting cucked so fucking hard right now.
But it does you retard. The FPS may be awful at first but it ends up stabilizing around 30FPS not too long after he lands on the ground. There are obvious dips later in the video but it doesn't stay at the same level as it does at the start and for not nearly as long.
As opposed to buying a shitty weebstation that would run this game worse if it ever got it(probably never)?
isn't this game still not finished yet and runs like dogshit on pc?
or has it got better recently?
it looks fun, but it seems to be unoptimized as all hell
what are you talking about? my 1080ti can hit 75 fps in this game at 4k even though i don't use that resolution
Then don't call your gaming console the most powerful console ever made if the CPU is so shit it can BARELY play PUBG. At that point it's not even worth it.
Major Hollywood movies are only 24fps and cost much more to make.
>Native 4K
>runs at 10 fps
>controls are shit
>aiming is shit
>gameplay is shit
>early access
>no disc
>download card
>work in progress
Sorry, but I'll wait for Halo 6, Crackdown 3, Sea of Thieves, State of Decay 2, Ori 2, and the other games Microsoft first party and second party are working on over this.
>isn't this game still not finished yet and runs like dogshit on pc?
It runs miles better than this on PC.
who cares?
But it is the most powerful console by a huge margin you moron. This game would be a fucking slideshow on the PS4 Pro which has a weaker CPU, significantly weaker GPU and less ram not to mention is shitty to develop for so it would be even worse optimized.
I'd rather have no gf than a gf who gets fucked by Tyrone everynight my man.
I'd rather play Fortnight on console then PUBG.
What the fuck is the point of this game? I saw my roommate playing it and all he did for half an hour is run across a grassy field to find some shit. He didn't even come across anyone or kill anyone. I swear PC players are fucking autistic if that's what they find fun.
>Can run pubg at a consistent 110fps on the highest settings, lowest it'll go is 60 when it glitches out
>Still feels like shit to play because there is some weird stuttering and lag
Why can't DICE make an exact pubg clone that runs properly. I don't care what you think about the Battlefield games, but they run well and smoothly. My biggest gripe with pubg currently is the lag, especially at the start, and the problem only increases if many people drop down next to you. If you go solo in the middle of nowhere the game seems to run fine, but as soon as there are more people around you it shits the bed.
native 30fps
4k is the worst meme to grace the industry in recent memory, VR may be a joke but at least it's not making developers go pants on head retarded and killing framerates in exchange for more resolution
PUBGCHAD wins again baby!
Is it even 480p on so(n)y playstation?
wow its nothing
It's been hilarious watching sonygs latch onto every little framerate drop for the last few months. It's literally all they have left.
First minutes after landing most important moment.
>10 fps
The power of console "optimization."
All those engineers at Microsoft really brought this game up to snuff.
>mfw seeing all these sonybros complaining about framerate
human being can really only sense 24 fps (12 per eye) so pretty much going anything over 12 fps is just overkill
gorgeous, 4k resolution > extra frames which cant even be sensed by humans
>Sonygroid falseflagging as an Xbro
Not today faggot.
The looks like it plays well from the streams that I've watched.
It obviously doesn't based on actual objective measurements.
>pajeet falseflagging as a falseflagging sonybro as an xbro
Nice try.
It's Sonyfriends and PC dudes who are the most upset.
Moreover, how the fuck are you supposed to aim at long distances with a controller? Seems like the game will have to play at closer ranges from control limitations
Im watching a twitch stream of the xbox version and theyre pretty much constantly complaining about the fps whenever you have to move or someone else moves..
Apparently as long as you stay still and keep the camera focused on a wall, the fps stays at a smooth 30 on the x.