Is there such a thing as a pc gamer who has a 4k or 144hz Display and isn't an elitist shitbag who constantly cries on...

Is there such a thing as a pc gamer who has a 4k or 144hz Display and isn't an elitist shitbag who constantly cries on forums why developers are not spending extra work and money making games use 100% of the hardware they own despite the fact they make up like 1% of all PC gamers.

Because apparently if a AAA multimilion $ developer can make there game work at 144fps 4k resolution why cant small Japanese developers or Devlopers porting games made for consoles from the start do the same. Its obviously not hard even thou i dont acualy know anything about game development but i assume it is.

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Is there such a thing as a console gamer who isn't poor?

im a PC gamer, but I blame stupid peasants, not the devs who cater to them


How is complaining about incompetent developers making games that don't run properly an "elitist" thing?


The devs aren't paid salaries by those gfx card makers in the first place.

Is there such a thing as a PC gamer who isn’t either a shut in or an ironic weeb?

>they make up like 1% of all PC gamers
Way less, maybe 0.01% at best
>Is there such a thing
No there isn't

Also you are one complete retard if you think a game having unlimited FPS is somehow much harder to program, it's actually easy as fuck but you need to keep it in mind throughout the development and it's time-consuming to fix a badly programmed game.
Incompetent devs just don't care about it and some of them don't even understand the concept of keeping gameplay separate from visuals.

Yup. Im one of them

When it takes modders with no access to the game libraries less than a week to add 4k support and graphical options it doesn't take a genius to see that the port is lazy as fuck.


Arbitrary resolutions are easy to put into a game, there is no excuse for not having it.

Game developer here
They are not
You need to either have a very specific UI architecture that would self-adjust itself to any resolution or you need to have a shitton of UI presets for each resolution
Here's food for thought: think of your favorite game, now try to make its UI look great on both 1366x768 and 3840x2160. You can ignore such nuances as

>Dark Souls only supports 720p out of the box
>Literally within an hour of release there's a mod to play it at any resolution you want
It's too much work, guys.

I own a 60hz 4k and a 2k 144hz monitor and never cry about how games are locked to 60 or 30fps etc. There is no point in caring, but I also don't have problems with lower framerates because I watch a lot of older movies.

You are a shit developer, good games anchor the UI elements to the corners of the screen and make them independent of the resolution, and let the player define the UI scale.

>Is there such a thing as a pc gamer who has a 4k or 144hz Display
No, because that type of display does not exist yet.

>to the corners of the screen
Are we talking games from 1990s or games from today? Because if the latter, you're a complete retard

A guy with a 144Hz display made me aware of a bug in my game that was caused by me not capping fps. That was kinda helpful, but yeah, he was an elitist shitbag about it.

How is the age of the game even remotely relevant to the UI? Nothing is stopping you from making well-designed UIs today.

You seem upset.
I can see your tears in 4K.

>How is the age of the game even remotely relevant to the UI?
Read this and come back when you're much less of a retard than you are right now

>linking a book because you have no argument
I guess every game with decent UIs and my own game that don't fuck up at high resolutions are doing it all wrong then!
How silly of me to think that UI elements can be completely separate from each other and stay in the same places relative to the screen doing basic anchor points and calculations.
You are either a shit dev using some baby toy like GameMaker, or just plain lying.

My small 17" monitor is enough for me, hell i don't even know its refresh rate.

>online friend I've known nearly 10 years goes full master race
>only plays multiplats on pc
>keeps making jibes about frame rate and resolution
>rest of us play together on ps4
>constantly makes snide comments about us being Sony fanboys

Such a bizzare transformation, he was never like this before, he went off on us about how unplayable the MH demo looked and how pc will be the only way to play etc. I'm at a loss here.

yes hello

Some PC gamers own consoles on the side to play console exclusives.
This doesn't mean they are console gamers anymore than a console gamer is not a PC gamer because he occasionally plays PC games whit friends or some Pc exclusives but pirmaraly plays console games.
I have a PS4 but i turn it on like once evry 2 months for a fev days to play that occasional exclusive like Bloodborne or Yakuza i do not pay for online however. I am glad bloodbornes online is so unimportant for the experience so i dint have to get +.

Give him a bottle of mustard for christmas.

come on bruh, step it up to at least a 23"

>paying for playing online
>a main component of lots of games