XV new update is out

So, Sup Forums, how do you find the characters swap feature? Imo it's a bit unrefined, but freshens up the encounters quite a bit.

Also, Prompto is too OP and Iggy's combat style is fun

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fuck off XV-kun

Fuck off retard

Amazing. It's incredibly visceral and further proof that this is the best ARPG of the past decade.

As you said, it's great but unrefined. I've started a new level 1 playthrough and I have to deliberately keep the starting equipment on everyone just so everything doesn't die in a few seconds when I'm playing as Gladio, Prompto or Ignis.

Iggy is HAYAI
ep iggy gonna be fun

I find that the fact the patch weights 13GBs is fucking awful.
I'm going to end up having to buy an external HDD or something.
Is it just char switching or is there something else significative?

Can you keep playing as your chosen character outside of combat or does it revert to Nocto when it's over?

fuck off faggot

I don't understand this floating barrel thing the Cerberus has going on. Why?

how do you even swap characters
I started up NG+ because I figured now was a better time than ever but I haven't gotten the opportunity to do it once.

Nah you can't

Just like before, it works great against enemies without bullshit hitboxes, staggerpoints/hyper armour and unwindable attacks, but falls apart when fighting vast majority of the foes, especially the big ones that have multiple target points and the retarded targeting system prioritizing limbs

Fuck off dipshit.

It's also music, Comrades update, ep iggy stuff

That's a pain, I wanted to go as Iggy forever. Maybe with a dash of Gladio when I feel like just bashing heads in.

Its trash, unbalanced and glitchy as fuck. I dont know what I expected

Only switch mid combat like it was in versus

They'd have to record 4x the dialog in 4 different languages if they wanted the others since NPCs talk directly to and address Noctis, plus the other regular dialog which is contextual to whenever Noctis is in front of the party

>ep iggy stuff
Compatibility or something else?
BTW, looking at the trophy list for Ep Ignis there's one for an extra battle with Ardyn. What does this mean fir the Noctis fight?

First unlock the ascension grid node, then L1+L2 (for type B control scheme at least)

Fuck off faggot.

Unlock it from the acension grid, 20AP each

how early can you do this? will it default to noctis in the next combat character or as the character you last played as?

in Tales games you switch character outside of battle and they actually have NPC unique lines depending on who you are. Its just lazy on SE's part to only switch characters during battle.

Does the screen go black when you switch to Iggy?

It's great tho

Dunno, ep iggy has an alternative timelime bonus thing

You can do it as soon as you unlock the ascension grid. After the battle, the game automatically switches to Noctis so your next battle also starts with him.

Is it in its own section of the ascention grid?

You can get 140AP pretty fast.

Those aren't voiced in 4 different languages. You can't use Tifa or barret outside of battle in 7

Tales also doesn't intergrate 4 different combat systems into one


Question guys: should I go back and replay FFXV if these were the following issues I had:

>fetch quests felt too repetitive
>I hated everything past chapter 13 for being repetitive
>hated going off road, too boring
>no point in flying since fast travel was faster
>too many load times
>combat was trivial due to being able to warp spam

Those were my major issues. Do any of the updates fix this?

It's in the technique part, for each bro, there is one 18AP thing to unlock for each bro that opens up the character switch, just get around 140AP and you're good

None of those were fixed no. All they added were some separate DLC chapters.

Awesome, thanks a ton dude. Wasn't able to find it for the life of me earlier.

>please pay us money to fix our broken game

Sasuga Square.

short answer: no, nothing out of these points were fixed.
if I were you, I'd wait for the PC release and let the modding community try to fix at least some of these.

no, FFXV is a game that can't be fixed with additions. The story and combat system are fundamentally flawed, it needs a remake over anything else. The only thing I'm excited for and the only reason I come to FFXV threads is for the slight glimmer of hope in episode Ardyn being good, but I'm sure they'll fuck it up

>hated going off road, too boring
>>no point in flying since fast travel was faster
I'm not sure how would you even fix this. If fast travel was actually slower than physically going to the location that would be worse.

When will this shit fest be finished?

What's repetitive past chapter 13? Did you do the on tour quests and the optional dungeons and bosses? You can drive the car offroad now and can take on multiple hunts at once which reduces a back and forth you had to do before. new quest with melusine was added and if you try warpstriking her her snake things catch you

If they're going to do Ardyn's story, that would mean a lot of new assets. I'm pretty excited for it, but I know in the end I'm just setting myself up for a fall.
Ep Iggy is looking decent so far, though.

Never ever, you're getting another year of nickle and diming but the game is never going to be complete.
Even modding has more of a chance of fixing it than the actual team behind it.

It is finished.

Talking of which, if Iggy is getting Noct, who would Ardyn be getting for the extra fight?

Any footage of the party member switching in action?

XV has more content in it than 13 or 12 or 10, how the fuck is it somehow not finished? The story ends, it's done.

There was supposed to be a Regalia change that let you go off road. There were even webms of it.

As for fast travel versus air travel, maybe make a flying car cooler? Have it be much faster, make it so I can't die if I don't land it right, maybe don't restrict me out of large sections of the map, and best of all, let me land on some place other than the road. Is that so difficult Square?

I haven't played since release, so I'm out of the loop.

I'm 100% sure they're gonna fuck up episode ignis, still I'm willing to listen to the OST since it's yasunori mitsuda, I just hope he didn't burn out from xenoblade 2

Why do you feel like apologizing for this game so much?
Nothing you mentioned even has to do with the points that other user made.

Maybe one of the Astrals like dragon form Bahamut

Its as finished as a half-baked microwave cake

>or 12
Nice bait.

the ep iggy music sounds better than the xb2 music, it sounds more like his classic Chrono style

>There was supposed to be a Regalia change that let you go off road. There were even webms of it.
It's there, it turns it into a monster truck and you can get the change at Cindy.
Not that it's really worth it; all it's good for is dicking around in.

At sucking dicks maybe, but definitely not at combat.

>I'm 100% sure they're gonna fuck up episode ignis
It's true that so far we've gotten a lot of footage choose very specifically to make the chapter look good. It looks like it's going to be very set piece heavy, but what makes you think it will end up badly?

to each their own, I prefer the xenogears style so I liked the stuff in xc2 more. Also episode ignis sounds like his xenosaga stuff, not chrono style (there is no chrono style really, trigger and cross have different styles)

But they all do, did you actually play the game?

On tour quests are all different, same as the dungeons. Getting multiple hunts now reduces time spent fast traveling back and forth to tipsters to just get a new hunt, driving offroad is faster to get around than chocobos or the autodrive too.

ep. gladio/ignis were both pretty shitty so I expect this being no different. At least with promto we got a whole "new" setting

Have you tried the sniper? It's good stuff.
I only wish it felt powerful and had impact.

Here's another pic of dragon form Bahamut from the XV artbook. The recent ch12 update shows in antiquity that Bahamut was using his dragon form in the astral war. Implying he can transform like Shiva can

so what the fuck is going on with ff15 exactly
how the hell is continuing to update the game profitable for suqeenix exactly? were all of these updates locked behind a paywall or just the story stuff e.g. prompto story.
was the base game just unfinished or something?
havent played it btw, been waiting for pc release

It was a cut area, so it was the perfect excuse to wow you with its vastness.
Altissia is actually really big, if you look outside of what is traversable in the main game, although I expect FFXIII tier linearity.

It has a start, middle and end with over 100 hours of content.

12 literally doesn't have a middle.

He is good in combat though, deals a lot of boosted damage

Everything called "Update" is free for everyone, Expansions, Episodes and such are not.

Ignis theme has tinges of Chrono style


>On tour quests are all different
That user clearly mentioned the other fetch quests in the games that don't have to do with on-tours or dungeons which are few and far in-between compared to uninspired stuff like standard npc quests or 99x clone quests of handing out the repair kits or finding hunters in distress.
>driving offroad
He said he didn't like the offroad driving, not that the game doesn't have it.

Is the game finished now or is it still being worked on? Also, have they made any improvements to the gameplay?

>tfw Ardyn's finale is a 6-on-1 versus all the Astrals

The ap system in FFXV is horrible, at the end of the game players are still rewarded the most ap by fighting the dogs in the first area.

How does equipment work on the side characters?

can you post a song from cross that's like this? It sounds A LOT more like a xenosaga track


They were good though.
Gladio's was basically a dungeon leading to the boss then bonus good fight with Cor too.
Prompto was more story focussed and open with more free roam and a vehicle.
Ignis looks more setpiece focussed during the climax of the Altissia stuff

>have they made any improvements to the gameplay?
There are three more playstyle to choose from in the main game, and Comrades' combat system is a considerably tweaked version of Noctis. Noctis himself handles the same way he did on day one, and the enemies are the same.

What I'm getting is that they fixed a few issues, but there's some other issues coming up. For example, did they improve chocobo riding to make it still a viable alternative to the offroad monster truck?

I'm probably gonna figure this out sooner or later, since I'll be doing a new game plus run, but it never hurts to know what I can expect.

Because fans want more and SE are listening to the fans.

Gladio was a hallway with bad combat, Prompto was the worst TPS mechanics I've seen in a game and Ignis looks like Leviathan-tier cinematic shit. None of them are good.

Repetitive MMO fetch quests are not content.

>Gladio's was basically a dungeon leading to the boss
I have to say, after doing the Time Trial so much I grew to appreciate how arcadey it is. You just run forward and fights pop up.
It doesn't mean that it wasn't extremely disappointed as the first DLC with all the coverage it got.

So no? Guess I'll just cut my losses and move on.

What happens if you swicth to Iggy once he's blind?

The only changes to Chocobos are the music player being usable while riding and the stone arches being traversable now. That's it. Not even more races.

Stuff like this youtu.be/YUPbMd2fbp8

Screen goes black

It's probably for the best, maybe by the time they're actually done it's better, but who knows.


Question: If I went into this game with the sole purpose of wanting a roadtrip simulator where you beat up monsters and shit, would this game be worth it for that? I wasn't part of the hype train leading up to it's release so I have no real expectations going in.

Expect alot of repetition. I see potential in the game, but Square seems intent on smothering it with bad design choices.

Nothing can be worse than the Leviathan fight. That was simply embarrassing.

Probably . the disappointment come from people who followed it since Versus (entire different game) that they changed and cut content

You have more free movement/higher jump and control on a chocobo since it's smaller, can jump up the arches easier to and drift, plus swim on them. Car just drives faster

Ok so you havnt played them. Both ep Gladio and Prompto are good and Ep Iggy looks good and better than the stuff from 2013.

Wait can you fight as best girl Aranea?

Then 12 has less content than XV by your own logic.

blah blah blah same old shit from you barry


You cant even summon Cor/Aranea/Iris yet

it's not a terrible game like FF13 just a disappointment, so you could probably enjoy it. Just don't pay full price

What does FFXII have to do with FFXV being shit? Nothing. Next you'll randomly bring up KH or DQ out of nowhere to deflect to.

>bahamut is some pale dude in one artwork
>also a metal dude in dragon themed armour and sword wings
>no he looks like his typical FF form as well
What's the point of all these if we never get these in gameplay or plot much?
>Only shiva takes a human form in base game
>rest of the gods don't take human guises before being revealed
>can't use armour bahamut with sword spam and dragon bahamut with megaflare as summons