Why is exploring procedurally generated worlds more interesting than non-procedurally generated worlds?

Why is exploring procedurally generated worlds more interesting than non-procedurally generated worlds?

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It's not.

It's the deep crafting system and large amount of content you are enjoying, not the shitty randomized tiles.

it's always fresh, every new playthrough.

I enjoy exploring. It gives me a sense of discovery and ideas on where to build.

It is more that your memory is very good so you remember old video game levels for 20+ years. Super Metroid isn't as mysterious in subsequent playthroughs and if you are playing casually you're going to have a lot of game overs.

Now there is the nice freedom of not being constrained to a predetermined path, but even games like Terraria have progression gates that require a tool of a certain strength or defeat of a boss or exploration in a biome to attain an item to progress.

Not interesting, only designed in such a way that it occupies a lot more of your time performing a tedious task for incremental rewards in the form of small troves of generic crafting materials every minute or so.
You could play Terraria for 100 hours and the "gameplay" outside of nonstop digging for materials would only amount to a few hours in a hand crafted game with unique content condensed into established levels.

The one big advantage that games like Minecraft have over dev-crafted worlds is that they usually allow you to "do anything" and most importantly create your own content by building build stuff. A notable comparison - No Man's Sky has pretty much the same amount of content as Minecraft, but it lacks building. Without building your own base/ship/station, all the players have is the constant material gathering and moving on to find more materials so they can keep moving on. NMS lost its appear FAST.

Yeah cause early Minecraft was loaded with content.


Because you're playing games with bad level design.

That's not exploring, that surveying. You're specifically looking for a spot to build.

You're playing a game where the level design is effectively irrelevant. Any game that requires proper level design is going to fall flat on its face when procedurally generated.

The fuck are you saying?

18 and up on this website kiddo.

As much as I hate minecraft, he actually has a good point and you don't seem to have one at all.

But coming across a little dungeon underground in Terraria is genuinely cool

What ARE the best games for exploration, that dont use procedural generation

oftentimes in minecraft though the randomized tiles can be in interesting patterns. i will often find myself wanting to go around a corner to see the extreme hills

This, Terraria does this well. If you're not very good you will need to surpass gear hurdles thus leading you to new areas new enemies and so on.

walking simulator fag here
Sunless Sea (sort of cheating, the map randomizes but it always has the same islands)
NaissanceE if you can stand the glacial walking speed and nonsense ending
Dragon's Dogma
Hollow Knight
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet
Salt and Sanctuary
Titan Quest/Grim Dawn maps are excellent non-generated maps for an ARPG

That map looks like a giant log of poo in the thumbnail.

Because when you do find something interesting you know it was by real chance and not something you were guided towards, subtlety or otherwise.

Very simple OP. Handcrafted worlds are by definition boring because someone else had to make them. They made things with the intent of you seeing them, and that's fucking stupid.
With a procedurally generated world you could see literally anything because it's not bound by the creator's imagination. Your discoveries are likely discoveries never made by anyone else before and that's cool.

You are proving his point. Under 18 only know nu Minecraft which Sup Forums hates.

Vanilla Minecraft was loved by Sup Forums because it wasn't widespread like it is now.

I've never played it but I remember perfectly it didn't have much content because Sup Forums was flooded with threads back then (and since I don't like it it was fucking annoying).

>Vanilla Minecraft was loved by Sup Forums because it wasn't widespread like it is now.
It was loved because it didn't suffer from feature creep like it does now.

Becuase emergent storytelling is the best kind of storytelling.

I would add

Thief 1-3
Duke 3D, Blood, and Shadow Warrior
Gothic 1-2



>I don't have an argument the post
I genuinely hope the anons that make these posts are trying to get people to think they are retarded on purpose.

Ahh this gives me nostalgia from when I used to spend days playing terraria back when I was a teenager to escape my mom's drug addiction

tfw I never asked for these feels


Now that is cool. Wish it had more aesthetic functionality. Like tables, beds, etc.

Because most games these days go for shitty "open world" rather than a carefully crafted and interesting world experience.

still working on it just need to find motivation to play

is this terraria? do you think it is better than starbound?

because it's a new experience everytime.

Not really.
You always make the same progression from bronze to iron to steel or what have you.
Always fight the same bosses, always do the same things.

It's the same experience every time, in a slightly different setting.

not him but they're both good in their own respects. terraria has a wider range of weapons and other items while starbound is more about the story and exploring. both of their "stories" aren't very detailed but starbound's is definitely more so.

>tldr terraria for gameplay starbound for story and exploring

>still using the copper shitsword
shiggity shiggity shwa

it's because you can never be 100% immersed in a human-designed world; there will always be a voice in the back of your head telling you that you're playing a game which conforms to certain design tropes. It's the same reason that, when you're exploring a cave in some dungeon crawler, you try to explore first the branches that look least likely to take you to the end of the cave, because you expect to find some treasure at the dead end.

Procedurally generated worlds don't have that; nobody's put treasure at all the dead ends.

Minecraft is like 8 years old my dude

good answer

It's because of autism.

this guy gets it

I've never found exploring randomly generated worlds anything but boring.
Hand crafted levels are where the true joy of exploring can be found.

for some reason mining in terraria is just so weridly satisfying. in most games i hate the "gather resource" phase but its fun in terraria. i guess its because finding a light source like torches/helmet is really easy, the mining is quick and I like how the music changes as you go down. I love the feeling of basically carving your own paths through a world

It's not just building that's important, it;s also the act of destroying. The concept of reshaping the landscape is what can make games like Minecraft so addictive/compelling.

are you on team instacraft yoyo

That's a lovely little location. Happen to have a seed for that?

XCOM and 2, randomly generated missions made out of set-pieces; plus randomly generated accuracy to go with it.

because youre actually exploring some unknown land, rather than something a developer made for you. its the difference between a real life adventure and a choose your own adventure book.

No, nigger. No one plays Minecraft anymore, not even little kids.

nms apparently has base building now though

He's saying procedural generation makes games better, and he's correct.

if the devs are good, sure. plenty of games have done it so fucking wrong, though.

>It's not x because I said so
>Using nigger as an insult, at all
You really need to take a break from Sup Forums, everyone must take you as a fucking idiot and I wouldn't blame them

Yeah that is the main issue, so many devs like to use it as an excuse to do less work when it actually makes it seem even more repetitive than games without procedural generation. They suffer from very low life spans because of this though

you're a fucking idiot and no one would blame me for believing so

procedural gen is the future. yet after the failure of NMS, devs have switched to procedural gen world with handcrafted points of interest.

however, this is not the solution. More proc gen is the solution. Have a random world filled with random factions that have random relationships. Imagine if no mans sky had alien nations fighting for space supremacy, while you could juggle your reputation with them, help them fight, enlist as a mercenary etc etc.
Then add infinite generated quests, like fallout 4, that tie to factions or individuals.
Have proc gen weapons like borderlands and a crafting system.
This is how procedural generated games should be.

The last time I played Minecraft it was a browser based game. Oh memories.

Any good procedurally generated games for phones, aside from Terraria?

ahahahaha i have over 20k on the official game only you newfag

god no. that sounds like shit. fuck you.

>not understanding that true complexity comes from simple interconnected systems

That guy is a retard but
>pulling the Sup Forums boogeyman out of your ass

uh huh

hey fuck you man, his idea sounds awesome.
Just make it single player, make it so how the game progresses, while be influenced by your choices, is always balanced with a good degree of chance. Make it so the player has to play differently to play more optimally against how things have turned out. Your choices matter, but shit can still fuck you up.

Why not just make a game where you can do ANYTHING!

Because that nebulous and vague of a description is entirely useless and cannot be followed.

There is no boogeyman argument here fucking moron, I stated my point and then called him out for talking like a retard. Fuck off

Sounds like you want a procedurally generated Deus Ex or Thief. I wish it were humanly possible.

Literally impossible.

>Intelligence score: 1

If he's a retard, call him a retard. Merely implying he's a retard by calling him Sup Forums just makes you look like a redditor.

t. hasn't read a single text on small worlds or graph theory

Unfortunately no, my files are gone

Ahhh this thread brings back good memories, like the first time i jumped into a lost girl/nymph, lost around 20 gold coins gathered on the whole exploring.

Good times.

>nigger as an insult
>called him out
>muh pol
You don't belong here.

yep, you guys are really selling me on your "procedurally generate EVERYTHING" game idea. real novel concept. sounds great. mmhm.

literally possible.
anything can be done with mods

not trying to sell you anything.
it's a mathematical fact that complexity emerges from randomly connected systems


Gives the player a genuine feeling of exploration. As it is unique and special each person. Pre-made maps don't have this charm and therefore gives leaves the player to feel closed in within the developers limits


>He doesn't know what emergence is
An ant is a simple thing. Lots of ants form an ant colony. An ant colony is a pretty complex thing.

But of course, that's wrong because "uh huh."

yeah man, I examine the fibers of my shit after it's exited my asshole. it's a real mona lisa, don't you know. randomly generated pile of shit.

Look faggot I know you're trying your hardest to make Sup Forums seem like a board to be taken seriously but it isn't. It's full of autistic retards who only care about memes and getting angry over literally anything, just like tumblr. It's a decent source to get news and that's really about it, so take your little safeplace and shove it down your pathetic ass you stupid bitch

does anyone else get the urge to explore any cave they see

wow you guys actually thought I was serious and not mocking your stupid random generated game idea.

you have a gross, gross misunderstanding of what "complexity" means in this context

when he started talking about borderlands guns and a crafting system, it quickly became a shit idea, lad.board
but no, you'll eat it up because 'mmm procedural generation is so yummy mmmmmm'

>yfw we will never get a minecraft 2.0 with a real lighting system and gameplay mechanics from Daggerfall

why not? most technologies already exist, they just have never been combined.
randomized factions fighting exist in most 4x games, or mount and blade (even though they are not randomized , it fits the bill)
random worlds like minecraft are easy to make.
random loot too, like borderlands or diablo.
random quests will be harder, because fallout 4 /skyrims where just the same 5 quest repeated, but it still can be done.
these guys get it.

>i was only pretending to be retarded!

Scratch those things off and you got a fairly decent idea.
There, fixed.

Their point was that cherry picking minecraft for an argument was a child-like thing to do and not being able to understand that is also one.

I'm a sucker for procedural dungeons. In Terraria I love those underground dungeons or rooms with books and stuff

>i was only pretending to be retarded!
not him but if you couldn't sense his bleeding sarcasm then that's on you, retard.

Daggerfall and Dwarf Fortress are about the closest things out there to what you described

They aren't, crafted levels are always better than randumb shit

Are you serious? Who gives a fuck about one little area of 100 tiles that looks like literally ten billion other iterations of the games rng generation?


yes. fairly decent. not "sounds amazing" or endgame evolution of top tier game design. I'd glad we've come to an understanding.

>Mocks procedural generation
>"I was just pretending to mock it and also actually mocking it"

>Being retarded while claiming to pretend to be retarded