

>doesn't remotely compare to state of decay

Hmm...a well-produced CG trailer for a game about Zombies with no gameplay.
What could go wrong?


I don't think so bud

nigger protag in every fucking game. just stop it already


read my mind


Wow. Sup Forums or even Sup Forums I would expect this from but Sup Forums?

>"Literal who" 's Game Name


who the fuck is overkill

Lol this has to be the biggest disconnect between a trailer and game ever

>The Walking Nig Nog
wew whats wrong with westcucks? Force females and niggers in every fucking game.


Its gonna be a Payday reskin

>that spacing
get out, newfag


>all those OVERKILL name drops in the description
>OVERKILLS Walking Dead

Is this some new meta pubg shit naming the title after yourself

Is this 2013?

I don't know why I still expect to see at least some sliver of gameplay in a game trailer these days. There never is. Just pre-rendered CG bullshit.


This game will probably be shit, but there will be 4 playable characters. Aiden's is just the first one they released

Did the trailer imply he was somewhat happy for the zombie apocalypse or was it just me?

>characters as DLC
>most are from TV show, some comic characters
>then Telltale pack featuring Lee, Kenny, Jane, and Clementine released

Would you buy it?

is that the fucking Horizon Zero chick?

>zombie game in 2018
too many red flags going off already

Only if Merle was one of the show characters

>The Last of Us with a black protag
lmao like im not trigged or anything but this is gonna sell so hard with "the left" even if its pure dogshit. Here hoping its not.
book of eli bidya when

>co-op normie bullshit
I was hoping for a single player orientated rpg thing, this is going to be fucking shit

>black people don't exist in real life so why have them as protags

>the last of us
It's literally going to be Payday x Left 4 Dead

Man I fucking forgot they were working on this

>single player orientated rpg
>current year

i wish

Oh another zombie game that you cant make your own character.. into the trash it goes.

Payday 2 is okay to pretty good solely because of the hook of being a cool robber and trying to execute perfect heists without cops ever even getting on the scene. Planning and coordination and all the cool shit. The rest of it is just a really mediocre shooter with fuckton of DLC.

Overkill also released the thoroughly shitty Raid which is basically Payday with all the good parts removed. I don't really expect The Walking Dead be any better.

I don't know. The 4 characters are supposed to have their own story mode and this takes place in D.C. Lee and the gang are in Georgia. Also I'm tired of Clementine

call me naive but I thought TWD universe would make a good place to finally do a decent rpg zombie game

This is going to be a button masher 4-player arcade game, isnt it?

There's Metal Gear Survive for that.

Remember when Activision made that Walking Dead game?

>inb4 it's a payday clone

it's fps and I expect there'll be single player

Fucking Left 4 Dead 3!?


why is norman fetus in so many fucking games?

Let's see:
You gonna get raped guy, horizon zero Dawn whore, Bill, and Grant Imahara.

Remember they had that really shitty qte game that you could abuse the shit out of?

I'm hyped if only for the god-tier soundtrack that will come with it. Payday 2's soundtrack is fucking amazing.

This was right around S1 and people started to freak out about "that guy from Boondocks Saints"

wouldn't really call it AAA... maybe one A, we'll see how it goes.

Walking Dead is trash.

god it looks fucking awful

>cash in on TWD normies
>just as the show properly loses popularity

You should go watch some gameplay, It's fucking hilariously bad.

I'm calling gramps to be my main now.

>No gameplay
Just like the tv series


I'm fine with this.
Although I don't know why Aloy is in this game.

people still care about the walking dead?

Look at the website description

>4-player co-op where each character has their own weapons and skills
>You must fight against walkers and humans

It really is just going to be a Payday-style shooter but in a "progression" styled map like L4D, but with only some enemies as zombies and the other people. Most likely the people will be hard as balls to kill and the zombies tissue paper, depending on how common the humans are through the game.

What's her problem?

>first 40 seconds is riddled with ebonics
lmao, it's going to be shit

Angry bearded Robin Williams.

heres whats gonna happen
>most of the trailers are gonna show nothing but cinematics with little to no gameplay
>actual gameplay trailers will have an insane amount of cuts and edits to work out the bad and only show the good
>game releases with day one DLC cosmetics
>its either barely passable and struggles for two or three years or is shit-canned almost instantly

Imagine being this brainwashed by Sup Forums.

Don't go on Sup Forums, pretty sure hatred of ""ebonics"" existed before Sup Forums

A leak sprung while she was reading the news of the day but she had to endure and try to ignore it

That's some incredible dedication to her work.

Only Sup Forums would call a game shit because of 20 seconds of that in a trailer.

they dropped their garbage engine though
so the shooting might be nice

yeah ok lmao

dibs on Bill

i'll take the red head

Quality reply, Sup Forums.

The poor girl even gets the water from the leak blasted into her mouth at one point and she has to drink it down, such a sad thing to see.

I don't see a problem, he's not an obnoxious nigger killing drumpf look alikes and fighting oppression, or being an epic hax0r with a meme squad, he just seems like a normal black dude, Lee was black and he's probably the most likable character in vidya.

>The Last of Us with a black protag
i guess everyone forgot about walking dead season one with /ourguy/ lee "chad" everett

play dying light or the first two dead rising games. satisfying zombie games in which you start weak and grow stronger over time, getting better weapons, new moves etc.

>zombie games

>Maps are going to be reskined payday 2 maps
It's just a homage goys ;)


That game sucked and so does part 2.

The perfect one hasn't been done yet.

this. black people are cool as shit. my wife's son is black

the walking dead n shit

>knock-off lee
>obligatory vagina
>knock-off bill
>knock-off glenn

I'm easy, they look like someones fan characters for a L4D3 concept which is fine, none of them look as obnoxious as COD:WWII's zombies characters, I just want to see the fucking game already though.

He offends you, sweety?

He didn't even say anything. It was his brother talking first on the phone. His mom didn't have that sassy black woman voice.
I do wonder if there will be some plot about his brother calling him out, claiming he sold out to the white man in D.C.

I really wanted this game to be good. I still hold hope that a year or two down the line its going to be great.

>4 player zombie coop with a focus towards realism from the Payday devs
Could be great, could be a microtransaction laiden shitpile.

I'm not holding my breath, especially for a license-tie in game. Any good shooting mechanics they want to make will be in reserve for Payday 3: The Search for More Money (And Jiro's son, I guess)

Hate to admit it, but that game is actually ass.

>tfw can finally be Asian in vidya

Go fuck yourself friend. SoD is one of the best zombie game ever made, with coop to be a thing in 2 it will be even better

into the trash it goes

>got stocks in this company
please be gentle

>3 whites and 1 black


No fuck you i played the first got all the dlc i got so board with it didn't even play the dlc fight me you cunt

>Fall 2018

lmao rekt

at least i agree with you