What does Sup Forums think of Alpha Protocol? It has a 9/10 on Steam and it's on RPG Codex's top 100 list, but the contemporary reviews for it were horrible
What does Sup Forums think of Alpha Protocol? It has a 9/10 on Steam and it's on RPG Codex's top 100 list...
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Everything by Obsidian is pure trash, just like Bioware
It's a game with some amazing writing, bland mechanics and more bugs than a bethesda game. You should play it several times.
stop posting this game
It's a buggy unfinished mess but you can see how it could have been GOAT, especially after a second playthrough and the branching nature of the game becomes evident.
Bethesdrone with a pink sock detected.
If you care about story, dialogue and real choices and consequences with a constantly shifting Deus Ex 1-like approach to the plot depending on those choices with conspiracies and shit in your western RPG with mediocre combat then it's good.
It's basically closer to Deus Ex 1 in terms of gameplay than Human Revolution or Mankind Divided are. The choices & consequences aspect is even better than DX1 in-fact.
Are there any mods one should install before playing?
>dat feel when many reviews back in the day made it plain as day most reviewers never finished Saudi Arabia or god forbid replayed the game
To answer OP, it's a mediocre TPS with some issues with "aim reticule depends on your skill", but choices and consequences on micro level are outstanding. You will need to replay it in order to see all the permutations, though.
why? because it's not generic weeb waifu game #12342432? fuck off retard.
>dat feel when many reviews back in the day made it plain as day most reviewers never finished Saudi Arabia or god forbid replayed the game
To be fair, the PC port was literally unplayable.
wot m8? sis is in the game and she is mute weeb waifubait if there ever was one
had potential to be one of the best games ever, but it seemed rushed and a lot of important pieces were missing or put together in the wrong way for it to be memorable
Everythign by Bethesda is trash too , you fags really should get some taste
Nowhere close to 9/10 and doesn't belong on the top 100. Other than that, okay game... just temper the expectations.
Pretty much this.
I enjoyed it but wouldn't say it's a 9/10. The problem with a lot of reviews is that they went into it treating it like a TPS with RPG mechanics instead of a RPG with TPS mechanics.
The gameplay was horrible. Way too frustrating early on and laughably easy later. I do love it though
The gameplay is awful at times, the levels restricted as hell and it doesn't give you much to do...and somehow it still works out. I really liked it.
There are definitely 100 RPGs better than Alpha Protocol but AP is pretty fucking unique and robust with how it handles choices & consequences and that is almost definitely why it got its spot in the list.
One of the best RPGs I played, regardless of shitty combat mechanics. Fluent conversations, branching story, amount of options, great theme. As I started playing RPGs with Gothic, I'm used to clunky combat.
Fucking terrible game.
pros : cons
nice dialogue mechanics : retarded voices and lines
ok visuals : shit levels
good progression system : fucking bad controls
decisions really matter : first few hours is such a huge turn off for almost anyone.
I love it, it shows that you can make a good RPG without scifi or magic bullshit.
>tfw obsidian wanted to do an archer game based on alpha protocol with proper budget and time but nobody gave a shit.
What games do you like, user?
Muh fucking dick when you get humped by that russian chick.
Can you actually avoid it happening if you made her like you? Or does she rape you regardless of what you say
Compared to KotOR2 where the game is centred around a criticism of some of the main concepts of the setting itself, done in a way that still keeps consistency and for the most part remains in-universe, or FONV where it's the setting's original creators basically taking back the reigns for a bit and putting it all back on rails, Alpha Protocol is quite a bit different. No previous assets and systems to expand upon and fix/deepen, which does show in gameplay: wonky animations, the gameplay and maps needed an additional half year's worth of work at minimum, and especially early on the game was renown as buggy as hell (although I myself never got more than one character's hat clipping very noticeably).
But at the same time, for once not on cleanup duty, the game is absolutely choke full of the sense of the devs enjoying themselves and indulging in the genre, the characters and if you're willing to go with what the game is doing, it is some of the very best modern RPGs out there. Choices and consequences are actually a thing, the writing is entirely great (again, for the genre), the gameplay is fun and actually pretty good if you know what you're doing (tip: become a martial artist).
Basically, it is an Obsidian game. Very far from perfect, but it has its heart in the right place and a lot of enjoyment can be gained from it, if you're approaching it from the right angle. Otherwise it might be frustrating, because there's a lot of perfectly legit criticism that can be made against it, which you will be inclined to ignore if you do like the game.
Also, fuck the hacking minigame.
She doesn't rape you if you follow the rules all the time. She rapes you if you don't do what you're supposed to do. You have to be insubordinate.
Probably because Archer is terrible.
She's german, no?
I liked it. Buggy? damn right but still nice.
I like Yahtzees review because he's right with that you can be a cunt for cunts sake.
For me its a 8/10 but still its a shining example of how action-rpgs like mass effect should be done instead of how things are going now.
>he doesn't like x so he MUST be a fanatic fan of y!
The writing and chracaters are good. The gameplay is only okay. RPGs don't work super well with third person shooters and they didn't do a particularly good job of meshing the mediums. It's a very fun game that has it's fair share of bugs and issues but overall is a solid experience.
I tried playing it and got pretty pissed Stealth didn't work properly in the first mission I did.
Deinstalled. (I was in a big Thief/DX mood back then). Figured Sup Forums was just a bunch of faggots once again and the game is shit. Also I disliked the way dialogue was handled.
Recently I gave it a try again and played beyond the first mission and just told myself "well, stealth sucks in the beginning bevause I'm a retarded rookie" and boy, it really is one of the best fucking games I ever played.
>Sie basically rapes you
Amazing how there was no drama about this. If the roles were reversed you would have never heard the end of it.
The actual gameplay is extremely cheesable sans the very last set of levels. If you focus on stealth and hacking, you'll get a poor man's MGS, while the gunplay will make you think of other mediocre cover shooters.