I'm Chris Redfield
I'm Chris Redfield
>>it's okay for it to bad b/c it's free
No, I'm Redfield.
No, that's Liquid Chris.
Hi other me. I'm Chris Redfield.
Just finished the DLC...
Not much story in it.
Like, who the fuck are The Connections?
Who did Lucas leak his intel to?
Why is Chris blonde?
Why are all guns named Albert Wesker if Umbrella Corp who appearantly consists of some old Umbrella employees, wants to redeem themselves in the eyes of the world? Seems kinda tasteless to have all your guns named after a maniac who tried to destroy the world...
Looks like it after all
Nevermind the fact that Umbrella apparently got made into a PMC in 2007 they just never once mentioned it before.
At least Zoe is jiggly as fuck when you are carrying her around. Joe is also fucking awesome. Its obvious they never managed to get the VA back for Jack, which is a real fucking shame because he made up so much of the character.
shhh, Zoe is sleeping
I would say we all got BTFO.
I liked the white molds and the research enviroment, but... it was over too quickly. Research enviroment also was like one room again...
Haven't played the dlc yet.
Does she live?
Best girl got Good End.
I think that is explained in Umbrella Corps though, that game appearantly has a singleplayer-campaign and from what I have heard, the main character never takes of the helmet and reveals his identity, so I was thinking the reveal was going to that new Chris was that guy all along or something.
Awww. She's dehydrated. Someone get her some water.
Those are some unsettling looking toes.
Where's the toe nails?
So how come Zoe is nekkid anyway? She had a tanktop, panties, slacks and shoes at least? Now she is all... hot...
So did they finally explained why Chris has wesker's beretta?
Fungus ate her clothes. She remains naked when she finally gets cured but then somehow ends up back in her manky tanktop at the end of the DLC.
There are massive moments of "how the fuck did Joe survive that?" all through End of Zoe.
Nude mod when?
Hold up... Wasn't the End of Zoe supposed to be "scary" and directed by one of the guys behind PT?
Why is it just hillbilly hulk mode? Did this change?
Chris doesn't believe them. That's why he destroys the data at the end.
Well if that's true they chose the guy that didn't know what the fuck he was doing during the development of PT.
It's Umbrella procured equipment i think. The description says it's made exclusively as anti-BOW. It's a AW Samurai Edge.
bitch is covered in cummies lmao
Yeah, I can see that because I'm not retarded.
>bow's that can be beating using fisticuffs
why the fuck even make them then?
Surprised they changed the ending honestly. Got the update and played through the final boss again to see if they changed anything (and to also figure out why NaH and EoZ weren't available for download) and to see them change Chris to look 1% more like Chris was surprising
Jack was a marine and still couldn't beat joe in a fight.
>its actually chris
Is this your first time in the Resident Evil universe? Incompetence is a hallmark.
>all these retards who adamantly believed this wasn't Chris simply because he didn't look like gorilla Chris from RE5/6
You retards sure look silly now
>Surprised they changed the ending honestly
what could they have even done? The ending is exactly what youd expect, its as predictable as possible.
>Chris defeat bad guy and stop bad plan and save day. the end
this is the ending we got. what was it before? im very confused
no,ive seen the other re games where bow's are fought with hand held weapons.sometimes kicks or punches but those were mostly zombies. not full on mutaded BoW's. ya know the kind that would eat your fist . i could understand if he had some advance hand to hand training but he didnt use any fighting style save boxing.its not beleivable. but i guess im stupid for pointing something out. explain to me then,what the point of making a weapon that could be easily defeated by the majority of people?
Not really. RE8 will confirm it's not really him. You're all being rused.
The issue was that nu-Chris looks nothing like any other Chris. RE1Chris was muscular, as shown in his RE2 EX Battle Mode model, CV Chris was an anime character that looks nothing like any other Chris aside from concept art RE1 Chris, and RE5/6 Chris was his natural progression following the events of CV. He also had 11 years to bulk up for Wesker. In VII, he only had about 5 years to lose all those gains, while he was still actively fighting BOWs.
I was talking about the main game ending dipshit. They change Chris' model and the lighting I believe, so that he looks less like some retard with the same name
It shouldn't have been Chris.
they were both in the military
>thinking that capcom could do a ruse for that long
>thinking that the new writer is that smart and didn't just watch the movies and skim a plot outline of the series
>I was talking about the main game ending dipshit
I am talking about how theydelayed and changed the dlc ending dipshit
>They change Chris' model and the lighting I believe, so that he looks less like some retard with the same name
They updated his model a little, he still looks the exact same
>Underground lab
>Proper final boss
>Fistfighting molded
DLC was pretty alright.
What happened to Clancy?
Could Joe take on Albert?
Gets burned alive. Then his VA dies as well.
is the zoe DLC not shit this time? Do you get a gun? do you do anything more than walking simulator and puzzle?
He looks very similar to REmake Chris
he'd get his head ripped off and handed to his still standing corpse
>I am talking about how theydelayed and changed the dlc ending dipshit
Then why the fuck did you reply to me? I was talking about the changes made to the main game
>They updated his model a little, he still looks the exact same
Well, they have to keep the design consistent with what they showed already. I'm surprised they took the time to change the model. Shame they didn't take the time to make VII a good game and fix the Blue Umbrella/Red Umbrella bullshit that makes no sense and takes us back to the White Umbrella mistranslations and live action shit
This. We can assume he's not Chris until we see him interact with Barry, Jill, Sheva, Claire, Jessica, etc.
>tfw no Sewer Gators reunion ever
No he doesn't. Even if he did, it doesn't matter, as chronologically, REmake happened about 20 years ago and CV happened a few months after it and he looks completely different
>Gets burned alive.
The Blackjack DLC takes place after he got burned.
>Then his VA dies as well.
Different guy with the same name.
The molded are not the weapon. The weapon is Evie and she makes molded not because they are meant to be monsters but because she thinks of them as family.
Redfield? I'm CIA.
>That small Resident Evil Outbreak mention
I'm still hoping they'll make a File #3 or something. Now is the perfect time. REO was before its time, it would be popular as fuck now.
What if the whole cast has fakers and this Chris interacts with them instead?
You punch molded until their head explodes and duke it out with Cthulhu.
Barry, where's Barry?
>Then why the fuck did you reply to me?
cos fuck you man. When you said "they changed the ending" I thought you were talking about the ending they changed. Not some barely noticable gay shit they made slightly darker
So will Ethan, Mia, and Zoe be seen again?
Are there any other Chris Redfields I should know about?
no u
Dead after Natalia was taken over by She-Wesker.
I just picked up my preorder for RE7 Gold Edition. They gave me a preorder bonus code. Anybody know what it gives me?
>The Blackjack DLC takes place after he got burned.
Proof? That doesn't make sense becuase he doesn't look burned at all in it.
Is it really Chris after all? If so I'm dropping this series, shit's not my Chris and everyone who says he's "just like REmake Chris" or that "RE5 Chris was an unrecognizable gorilla" is a lying asshole.
play as joe and punch enemies? no guns?
sounds alright I guess but maybe I skip this one
Not in the true ending.
You punch molded, you throw spears at Gators, you punch through doors, you almost die multiple times but somehow just end up being fine.
Then you get a metal super punching fist and have a fist fight with Swamp Thing
Nigga HE PUNCHES MOLDED IN THE FUCKING FACE, he's 100% Chris Redfield.
He has his arm bandaged up where it got carved.
That's unlikely. Albert is heading Umbrella Corps, so it makes sense that he'd have "Redfield". I mean, they could expand it to include Jill and Barry imposters, but I think it's a stretch.
The molded are just mutated people. The main BOW in RE7 is Eveline (E-type series), girls designed to infiltrate cities and goverments and "mind control" targets., just like Las Plagas.
and this is jackass
He's not. Looks like a dopey prick and Craig Smith was replaced as his voice. RE5 Chris was literally the perfect evolution of the character, you may not like it but he's what peak performance looks like.
We can only pray not
Joe did more damage with his fists. This Chris is a fake. The Molded should die in one hit.
>Being this autistic over a redesign.
New dude is fine.
Huh, never noticed. So how did he ultimately die?
>Umbrella Corps revealed to be lead by Albert Wesker at least in part
>shown to still be an evil organization
>"Redfield" looks nothing like Chris
It's called "sequel hook", user. I, for one, am glad they at least showed Chris isn't happy about working under the Umbrella name and Lucas got his face blown into mold pudding
Yeah and thanks for choosing her Zoe got saved too
Mia confirmed for definitive best girl kek
Are you trying to say Wesker created some sort of Chris clone so he could have sex with it?
>not re6 chris
C’mon he was more defined there
Is she becoming Crossbreed Priscilla?
>New dude is fine.
You said it yourself, he's a new dude. That's okay and all, I personally don't mind new characters but don't insult me by pretending this is Chris
Unknown. The DLC ended with Lucas wanting to put him through another game.
Shame he wasn't seen in Not a Hero.
Well i mean it sounds like a thing he would do
I don't think he's a clone. More likely, he's the mc of Umbrella Corps, whose face we never see in that game.
Umbrella Corp is such a great idea fucking ruined and wasted.
>Playing as Umbrella
>Going to all the RE locations and cleaning things up and containing the infection
>Gathering intel and samples for synthesizing a cure
>the only way to save best girl is by not actually saving her and buying her shit dlc
How is this fair
>Wesker made more Wesker children by kidnapping Natalia and implanting his embryos
>He then puts them through the cloning thing Carla did to make them like his old team
Wesker is the most pitiful character in the series
"Chris" is Wesker. Just put shades on him.