Now now, don't get triggered.
That's nice.
Who cares
What was the point of this thread?
Incoming Sup Forumstards complaining about jews chucking white male gamers
So like Lee?
the new walking dead of course. this is new lee say somthing nice about him
Holy shit, it's almost like black people actually exist in real life, and that Washington D.C. has a large black population.
Besides you fucking idiot, he's 1 out of 4 main characters.
>Walking Dead
only soyboys and women give a shit about this
Boohoo this affects my life
To rattle the sabers of us Magapedes
>Headquarter: Stockholm, Sweden
why do white people pretend they're the only human beings that play video games
According to your logic, having a white person in a video game doesn't make sense because they are a global minority. Having a white person in your game is forced diversity.
Why are the zombies such non threats in this one, thats one of the main reasons I hate the series.
The walking dead was always filled with hollywood SJW shit though. Call me when there's a real shitstorm.
>Telltale's Walking Dead Season 1 had a black protagonist
>Another Walking Dead game has a black protagonist
What am I supposed to be upset about, exactly?
Another flop like that WWII game from Overkill.
Someday they will learn to do a different game
[Spoilers]NO NIGGERS IN MY VIDYA [/Spoilers]
Wtf is pedes
>forced minority
Goddamn SJWs forcing minorities in reality REEEE
I'm too lazy to care about politics.
>Having a white person in your game is forced diversity.
It is.
>diversity hire wakes up in SJW utopia
it's another mobile game lol
Who cares, I thought it was Metro but it's just some literally who game
>all those manchildren are the modern day nazis and communists
No wonder the government doesn't give a shit about political activism.
What a joke.
I almost feel bad for Hitler and Marx.
>newfag the_donald poster doesn't know how to spoiler
h-hang on
>pays white apology tax
so yer saying
>gets lunch money stolen
wait up, you're saying that
>averts gaze as ethnic people approach
hang on a second
>awkwardly shuffles in a dance party
you're telling me that
>sings an anti drug rap
wait a minute, so what you're saying is
>reflects sunlight off skin
you're saying that
>remains neutral during an argument
so you're saying
>becomes the thousandth white member of black lives matter
woah hang on you're saying
>stutters in front of girls
that being white
>becomes the minority
is a bad thing?!?!
In what way is the Walking Dead games SJW?
>Walking Dead thread filled with redditors
I can’t tell, who is in the right or wrong in that gif?
>can't even spoil
Dum stormfag
I seriously hope they do a crossover with Telltale and have Lee or Kenny or somebody in their game.
lee was cool
Left 4 Dead had black playable characters, and Overkill's own Payday had Chains who was a pretty cool guy. What's the big deal here?
I like how right out of the gate a straight white male shoulder bumps him and acts like it was the black guys fault.
really gives the noggin a floggin
>a zombie game
Name one good single player zombie game that isn't the first Dead Rising.
Also he did the pickle thing long before Rick and Morty.
wtf im a political activist now
except the majority of devs and players are white you retard.
why do liberals only care about black people
Lib here.
I don't care about blacks.
I don't give a shit about whites nor any races for that matter.
Same reason conservatives only care about white people.
because they've been complete indoctrinated to feel "white guilt"
Came here to post this. A black protag in a Walking Dead game has already been done. Lee was a fucking great protagonist too.
There's four guys and one is asian and the other two are white.
Don't expect them to know.
Political activists do not play videogames or watch movies, they just see them as tools to push their propaganda.
Can the Asian guy be notGlenn? It still hurts.
They're literally doing same thing as with Payday 2.
You've got three white protagonists and then one nigger. As long as being nigger ain't the only characterizing part of him then it's alright.
Fuck off back to Sup Forums with your edgy webms you fucking teenager. Nobody wants to see that shit.
No, because the creators of [everything you enjoy] video games are mostly white people.
Why do you lie
>it's a redditors larp as pol thread
>all this stupid text for a shitty strawman
atleast he doesnt have an afro
Can't wait until martial law is set and all political activists are actively being hunted down.
No SJWs or neo-nazis is what the world needs.
what game?
Well, back when The Walking Dead by Overkill was teased it looked like there was three white guys and one black. So, now there's two white guys, one asian and one black, as long as their character's aren't just "My skin color is X", then it's alright.
Who fucking cares OP just go suck a Nigger dick already since your so obsessed with them you colossal faggot
They are literally cucks. They use blacks as a weapon to kill the white race. Thats how they virw black people as useful idiots to be spread like ebola. Destroying economies and ruining nations.
Isn't one of them a woman?
So was Lee and he was the greatest Walking Dead character thus far.
If he's as cool as Lee I don't mind, but just looking at that picture I can tell he's gonna be a chore to listen to
Leftists faggots always take these bait threads
I hope Damion Poitier is playing him, he's pretty good at playing angry black guy yelling at people in Payday 2.
>possibly open-world
>slow zombies
>unreal engine
>mfw the first character I've seen with my name this entire year is a black dude in a Walking Dead game
>I think black people - like all people - should have equal rights
>WTF DUDE you’re LITERALLY destroying this country and the white race. C-KEK
this is your brain on Sup Forums
>Race other than white in a video game
Get your fucking life straight dude, holy shit
Same with magapedes.
Some autistic nigga was on Sup Forums recently and raked in the (you)s.
I think they're just dumbasses, user
Sup Forums blown the fuck out again
I'm just tired of blacks in media, What companies are saying to me is don't buy our product or pirate it go ahead.
sup aidan
wish they had done a woman but alright
not a black woman though
Gaming 101 on how to make a good black character, why the fuck can’t other companies follow this? He’s one of the best written of any game I’ve played ffs
Bad news user. :)
>Overkill making this
>The original Payday designer making GTFO
Is this a coincidence?
how do you make a good white character
Telltale TWD
/vpol/ arse irritated over fictional characters that happen to have high levels of melanin
>SJWS bitch and moan until niggers are in every game
>niggers are now in every game
>people bitch and moan about niggers in every game
>lol, are you triggered you le maga drumpfkin Sup Forums tard XD
shut up moron.
>Minorities get better treatment than us whites
>We can't let the whites become a minority!
In case anyone doesn't understand, that's Ajit Pai and he's on track to get rid of Net Neutrality within the month. Doing so will mean that ISPs will be able to charge as much as they want on a per-site basis and there's nothing we can do about it.
Pic related is what the internet looks like without Net Neutrality. Pic related is what Trump(and his blind supporters) want.
About damn time. Diversity was lacking.