What did he mean by this?
Is this the death of video games?
>preventing minors
So it does nothing, because mom and dad will still buy the game for them. As someone who worked retail, in not only electronics, but also fucking guns, kids will get what they're not suppose to have, but it was always nice to tell the little shits no.
i hope so
>preventing minors
I seriously hope the bill doesn't prevent minors but instead makes it so loot boxes and gambling gives a game an M rating. No way would Disney ever allow an M rated star wars game to be made.
The practical difference might not be too big but shareholders will assume its gonna tank sales and they'll stop supporting companies who push this shit and gets their game slapped with an M rating.
The shaver shooting makes me really glad I live in a country without easy access to firearms and a gimped police force
Somehow we manage with a lower crime rate than the US anyway
The kids whose parents say 'no' never make it up to the counter
as well it fucking should be
If video games die, It will be the end of me.
or atleast the end of a very huge part of my person.
Now i'll really have nothing of interest about me.
How do these kids get the money in the first place? Are parents dumb enough to give them access to their paypal accounts or credit cards?
More than 80% of the time the kid would come back to the counter or to me directly on the sales floor to buy the game. One store, thankfully, was in a town with curfew hours and I only had to see kids for about 1 hour, after that they had to be in attendance with an adult.
It was just odd to have a kid come up and try to buy shotgun shells, but it happened, often.
They'll either remove lootboxes (and maybe even microtransactions) or keep them and go for M rating, but an M rating hasn't stopped those games from existing already.
>First time start up on game
>Put in age
>If of age, lootboxes are available.
>If not of age, lootboxes aren't available to buy
>If children buy lootboxes you can cite that they lied about their age and you broke no laws.
Good job changing nothing, maybe the government will wipe your ass one day you bratty teenage losers.
Get some girlfriends, go to prom, the fact that you worry about this shit is pathetic.
>Is this the death of video games with lootboxes in them?
Fixed, and hopefully yes.
Try AO since M includes minors who are legally not allowed to gamble.
This will do fuck all to stop digital sales.
Sure it will because it opens them up to legal repercussions. Every time they break the law the fines will keep stacking up.
So, death of expensive AAA games, death of most multiplayer games and death of several huge companies resulting in thousands of already poor devs laid off. It'll crash and burn with Ninty and indies as sole survivors.
If it gets them rated AO it will kill the entire thing.
It's completely absurd. Lootboxes are no more "predatory" to children than trading cards or arcade games with prizes. This is exactly the kind of fluff congress loves because it's totally meaningless but let's them avoid working on actual issues.
It will be both hilarious and disappointing to see gambling along side sex as AO, but murder and gore still M.
jesus, this """politician""" needs to just give up. i bet he browses reddit all day and realized this was his ticket to 15 minutes of fame. i bet he doesn't even care about video games.
Sony will be ok they said they weren't interested in lootboxes at PSX
welcome to america! home of puritan sensibilities!
You do realise that the whole "games are too expensive" line is a lie right?
Lootboxes are just the most profitable thing in the industry.
>implying there's anything wrong with lootboxes
This is the best thing that coulda happened considering minorities are the ones supporting these twisted practices and DLC shit.
i dont understand what you mean by that
and also this guy is a pacific islander, which is like the biggest minority out there
Because you dont have niggers, they're 40% of our population.
Death would literally be the best thing to happen to this garbage industry but I doubt it.
good riddance
Based statists btfo'ing shitty AAA publishers
who cares? it's just gonna have that stupid prompt like steam that ask how old you are before than and then they'll lie about their age anyways.
I hope he succeeds.
Ok now we need to find some narrative to get DLC banned as a whole and we're good
When are we creating a Sup Forums lobbying group
>As someone who worked in retail
You worked in one store, it doesn't make you some sort of market genius. I'm sure kids were able to get alcohol at some hick town located in bumfuck nowhere, but where I worked none of them were able to get it without being carded. I'm sure some dipshit in here will probably say carding should go away too and that liquor should be sold to minors because muh freedumb, but measures like this do prevent these products from falling into the hands of some kids.
I mean yeah, of course there's going to be some dumbass parent who thinks it's a good idea to buy their teenagers alcohol, but most would probably won't.
People seem to forget how big the US is too, which contributes to the overall high rates for shit like that. it's not easy managing a relatively big county like the US
Some parents are. Most will even defend a child's shitty actions (predominately the mother)
The weird thing is I can see the AAA companies not being ok with that and pushing the consoles to allow AO to be sold on consoles. Which will make for some very "interesting" events.
>getting government regulation involved for something that's clearly the parent's responsibility.
Oh come on. If you don't want your kid to buy lootboxes, then don't give him your credit card information.
>government regulation
Fuck off.
>30 years old
>full beard
>got carded at Gamestop yesterday because I was buying a M rated game
>friend next to me gave his ID instead saying I had his permission to play the fucking Indie steelbooks I was buying on clearance for $1.97
Kids can get around it if I can get around it.
>Linking directly to shitaku
Fuck off Cecilia
I don't give a fuck how it happens. Anything that hurts the likes of EA, Activision, and 2k is fine by me.
if video games is what you identified with the most, you never had anything of interest about you
Fuck, I would cum if Battlefront 2 went back to the ESRB and got an AO rating, only for Disney to shit themselves with EA's head on the chopping block
wow what a shallow remark!
Sorry EA, you're going to take it in the ass from Uncle Sam.
>buyuing games
>gacha games are free
>most games with lootboxes are free
Nothing will change, maybe some games like overwatch will become free.
The key word for this is missing.
Saying that video games are your identity is a shallow remark.
Why should I care? Kids are annoying shitters on online games.
It's not just kids. It's gambling addicts too.
And you can say that it's their own fault and they get what's coming to them but gambling addictions destroy lives, families and communities and gambling is banned in most places for a very good reason.
Besides, do you really think parents give two shits? They probably bought little Timmy 20 overwatch lootboxes for christmas without batting an eye or even really understanding what they are outside of they're what timmy wants for christmas.
>lootbox games
There goes half our userbase.
Based af
literally every mechanic in modern videogames and entertainment in general is specifically and consciously designed to trick your brain into releasing feel good chemicals and develop an addiction to it
Then you should support this because it means you'll encounter less of them.
Not sure what backwards town user is posting from but that's absolutely not indicative of the whole
Dont got a son, but got a 9 year old brother and i have oodles of fun dragging him around crying and pouting cause i wont buy him the shit his grandma would
I mean I guess I could devote myself to my artwork like I should be, but that's not where my loyalty lies.
Card games are already regulated but I don't see people sperg all over the place about government regulation whenever card games are brought up.
I don't even think it's the government's place to regulate lootboxes. That's something the videogames industry itself should self regulate.
But the way people cry over government regulation as if any kind of government regulation would mean death.
Your food is regulated. What supplements and additions are allowed and aren't allowed to be added to your food and drinks is regulated. How they're allowed to be stored in stores is regulated. Marketing is regulated. Money transactions between consumers and corporate or federal entities are regulated.
Lots of things are regulated.
Regulation doesn't necessitate a ban.
>only half
fuckin baws
>government regulation is a positive if ot fucks over one company!
>the consumer isn't at fault for buying lootboxes, creating a demand, the developer is for meeting that demand with adequate supply!
>dey good parents and deir kiddies, dey dindu nuffin
I'm not clapistani so i cant support it dircetly but sure it sounds like a good idea
Let's all hear it for the government for meddling with our hobby!
Dude the games industry refuses to regulate loot boxes that is why people are supporting the government stepping in. Nobody wanted this shit until the games industry made it clear they're not changing /anything/ until they are made to by law.
>fucking shithole
>can't think of anything better to do than becoming an anti-lootbox crusader
You can use that argument to justify selling literally everything that's against the law.
That's not how the real world works.
So, what's the downside?
So seeing as the consumer is responsible for everything, I guess the EA executives should give away all their money because as you said, it's not EA who is creating the demand and all the profit. It's the consumers.
I'll be waiting for Target's check in the mail because as a consumer, I'm the one who created the demand, and was solely responsible for all developments that happened in this company.
Sure are a lot of EA/Blizzard/WB/Ubi shills in here
Hawaii's liberal as fuck, so it's not really a surprise.
Slightly off topic, what does Hawaii do about their homeless problem? Can they even do anything? It's a fucking island, any chance of leaving involves an at least 300 dollar plane ticket to mainland just to make it someone else's problem. They can't make affordable housing, because it'd essentially be making a shanty town and diminish the property value of summer home owners.
Like it stops stupid parents like 18+ boxes (unless they actually fear the warning labels of gambling) but it's a start
Why would they have a homeless problem? It's fucking hawaii, nobody can really migrate there to be a bum.
That's not even what he means retard.
Even if a minor it's not allowed to buy it any parent will still buy it for their children.
It's Hawaii. You dn't need a house.
>The consumers created a demand of being jewed
No the Jews tricked consumers into thinking there was already a demand of being jewed. Why did DLC suddenly take off? Why is it in every game now? Why is it that there was a sudden shift from the PS2/GC/XB era to the PS3/360/Wii era where less content is included and unlocks were gone? Answer these questions and you will find the truth. You may not like it, but the truth hurts sometimes.
Ever been to Hawaii? The streets aren't exactly clean.
>government has no business stopping something from being sold because people want to buy it
>creating precedent and making an example out of extant bad practices isnt how law works guys
>purchasing methods that appeal to addiction and those with no sense of monetary value isnt misleading or unfair to the consumer at all as long as they want to engage in them
Maybe you should see if Trey Parker and Matt Stone can sway you, user, seeing as you already get your opinions from media entities instead of forming them yourself
It changes the marketability of the game regardless and that's a big enough punishment to deincentivize it at least to some degree.
>wanting the government to tell business owners what they can and can't do, restricting liberty
I agree, abolition was bad.
Because like all left-leaning states, they do everything in their power to prevent new homes from being built. Any amount of population growth creates a homelessness problem.
If you really oppose slavery, you'd oppose government intervention.
By taxing the money you earn by working, you are effectively working part of the time with no pay at all, and that's slavery.
What happened to "muh based Trump will strike down EA" and "kikes are behind microtransaction" .
You faggots finally admitting again that you defended this garbage?
>restricting liberty
That went off the window a while back.
This kills the Overwatch
>supporting a Democrat's plan
Please do not lump Trump-supporters in with libertarians.
>taxation is slavery
>i make decisions based entirely on what tribe a person belongs to
>fucking shithole
Yeah, who pays fuckloads of money to go to Hawaii?
Just admit you faggots have been BTFO. Corporate dicksucking makes no sense. There is no socialism here but there will be if you keep screaming about it from the rooftops. It'd be a great way to flip Gen Z back to the left if the NN repeal isn't already doing this.
>implying communism is bad when it's capitalists who ruin video games to get more money they don't need
>that one kid that wasn't allowed to play GTA
Let it all crash and burn please