What's the Sup Forums equivalent of this?

What's the Sup Forums equivalent of this?

this guy definitely qualifies

mass effect 3 ending


>starts organization to stop Dracula
>entire organization ends up existing actually to resurrect Dracula

Superheroes are so gay, man

How did they sell magic men in spandex to grown men?

hail umbrella

Zero from MGS, also Noctis appearing on the FFXV logo.

It's really weird how Red Skull can be seen as a good guy these days.

they didn't, they sold it to boys


ikr... maybe Hitler wasn't that bad...

Injustice: Gods Among Us

Doritos suck.

So what's wrong with these men that they're still into spandex magic men?


"Undertale is a good game."

Same reason some guys are still into anime, star trek and WoW.

Probably the same thing wrong with these men playing electronic children's toys instead of doing something worthwhile with their life.



Trekkies are full blown childmolesters and WOW players need a life. You watch normally just to be entertained instead of feeling like your soul gets raped by (((western))) media.

>get to the part where Xelha is burning his balls off with the mirror
>"Don't stop."

I'm surprised no one mentioned it.

My immortality is but a nanomachineee

Still doesn't explain why I can't walk up a pillar, but what the hell.

Loss, like holy shit how is that hard to figure out?

>Not on Switch

i read the other version where Batman kill Joker and hand himself in to the police.
Why can't comic book be consistent with their story?
I can tolerate asspull powercreep or plot armor but incosistent story where the hero come back to life from another dimension is just fucking retarded

You get the British to do it

Are you talking about Injustice specifically or was in a different comic?
> why can't comic book be consistent with their story?
They have, you just haven't found the right ones (hint: Read stand alones, self contained ongoings, minis, or just stuff from Non Big 2 publishers).


Snake and Cloud in Smash before the shitfest that was PSASBR

Paid mods

Dole Dippers.

Bayonetta becoming a Nintendo franchise.

what about spandex women and little boys

>You get a wizard to do it

Go on.

>Page 1 of 52

Star Wars: Battlefront (2015)


And "gamers" are just fat neckbeards that propaganda SJW bullshit and donating money to grill streamers. Every culture has bad eggs.
