Why is it so boring?
Why is it so boring?
It's fucking empty
Why make single player anything other than an empty rail-roaded story when you can put all the "fun" stuff in multiplayer free-roam where people are encouraged to buy into microtransactions?
It's not, it's actually pretty fun
Empty space is not inherently bad, a world needs some room to breathe, you dont need content in every little inch
Because being a 6/10 at everything isn't good enough.
Oh yeah thank god the game didn't have paramedic, firefighter, vigilante, pimping, burglar, freighter, trucking, and courier missions.
Why does Sup Forums shit on GTA 5 so much?
I've only played the story, but I found it really fun. I managed to somehow waste 39 hours playing through the single player to the last mission.
I tried online for a couple of hours but got bored since it is literally designed for playing with friends which I don't have.
>ftw it's my favourite GTA
I've never even been online. I was in awe when it first came out. They really managed to craft a beautiful world, even though the city might have been a little lackluster. I enjoyed the story too and it flowed much better than GTAIV in my opinion.
It's really not, it just needs more buildings you can enter, especially in the non-city parts.
>it's not empty
see the most interesting thing in the map is a mine shaft that's 99% nothing