I just got Pyra

I just got Pyra
Does the English voice acting get any better?

>Does the English voice acting get any better?
No, it gets worse.
It's good for a laugh though.

>using English dub

>Using english dub ever

The JP voice pack is a free download on the games store page, just get it.




English Tora makes me want to die.


No, but Zeke is cool




>Sub is way better
>But non-cutscenes dialogue isn't translated
>Also wouldn't feel like Xenoblade without goofy cockney accents

What to do

explain please

>Using english dub ever

-almost all pronouns are massively changed, which completely breaks immersion between what im hearing and what im seeing subtitled
-infact, most lines are so wildly changed, that even with little to no japanese comprehension i can still tell, so it feels like im following two different scripts at the same time while im trying to understand the story
-all extra dialogues in battles, post battle, world events, not subtitled

1 = status meter
2 = special attack meter
3 = special attack paths
4 = nia wants to do special attack (not ready)
5 = tora wanns to do special attack (ready)
6 = party meter

The translation is still shit and there's so much missing lines. I'm still using Japanese but it's a chore.

>1, 2, 3
what should I do when that happens?

1: blade combo/status effect
>you apply these with arts and they go in a specific order, break > topple > launch > smash
>topple launch and smash all disable the enemy from.moving for as long as they last
2 and 3: elemental orbs
>using a special move puts the meter there and you can combo it into anything in section 3 if you have a special one level higher than the last one you used
4 and 5: party specials
>indicates whether your party members special moves are ready and lets you use them when the button shows up
6: party meter
>you use one bar to revive a downed teammate and you also use it later on for team combos

It would be nice if there was another option for subtitles, or they intelligently changed based on which audio language you are using.

hahaha yea right. they did the most minimal work possible. just took the localized script and slapped that on as subtitles.

When someone has their stance broken you can inflict topple which disables the enemy temporarily and increases damage dealt to them. They're also then susceptible to Launch which basically makes basically extends the effect of topple and makes them susceptible to smash which does a shit ton of damage and makes enemies drop items

The special attack meter is how long you have to continue the special gauge by using the next level skill of the elements shown on the ladder on the right. You can either use the special yourself or tell tour party member to side theirs if they can continue the combo. If you finish the string it'll do massive aoe damage, inflict some sort of permanent status to the enemy and give them an element orb which lets you extend your chain attack one more tier per orb broken.

Malos and Poppi have great English VA. Everyone else except Patroka range from decent to good. Patroka is complete trash.

it's a lot to take in, I got you
1 is how long each status lasts. Inflicting break allows you to inflict topple, which is a stun, and topple allows you to inflict launch, which allows the stun to last even longer. Specific moves inflict these; they're shown in the move description.
2 is the combo meter for specials; you have until that meter runs out to perform the next special move in the combo. Each combo has three stages.
3 shows you the next steps you can take in the combo (as specified by 2); this combo starts with aqua (far left is water), and can be continued with an earth or water move. The list is read from left to right.
4 and 5 are your partner's special move options, which can be used with ZL and ZR. It pops up potential combo options, even if they aren't ready. In this image, Pandemic is ready, but Venom Water isn't. You might've figured this out already, but doing arts allows a character to build up their meter.
6 is your team gauge. As long as you have one full chunk of the meter, you can revive a party member or they can revive you. If the gauge is full, you can do a team attack that gives all of your party members a free special at once, and you can string together multiple ones for every time the enemy has been hit with a level 3 special combo.

Because Bongs.

>you apply these with arts and they go in a specific order, break > topple > launch > smash
sure but what do I press when it says "break"

>using a special move puts the meter there and you can combo it into anything in section 3 if you have a special one level higher than the last one you used
with a different blade with one of those elements?

You are delusional.

>what do I do when it says break
You need to use an art that has the topple effect, or maybe wait for one of your other party members to do so. Then it will say topple, so you do the same thing with launch, and then with smash, this gets you a lot of damage and stops the enemy from attacking
>with a different blade of those elements
Yep, you can even switch to a different blade yourself

How in the HELL does one get 50000 points in Tiger Tiger?

1.Get all ether crystals.
2.Get all the treasures.
3.Finish with full HP.
4. Get all of the above. There's a secret fifth one you get with no kills, but it's unnecessary and absolute madness to get it, so don't worry about it.

>every sidequest takes like 10 steps to finish
>several come to a screeching halt because you don't have 7 of some elemental mastery
jesus FUCK

I can't even come close to 20,000

Get a perfect on any level. I was able to get 60k+ on level 1, and 70k+ on 2 and 3, so do it on whichever level you like. Collect all the crystals and treasure chests and take no damage.

>7 of some elemental mastery
You can stack them if you have several blades with the same skills.

thanks for the help

>Yep, you can even switch to a different blade yourself
but I have awful blades ;-;

It's doable, and in reality, it isn't that hard. Stage 1 is easy enough, but don't expect doing it in any other stage.

I have a crush on her voice....

>ironic dub for a serious game

The common blades are better than nothing. Just keep using them till you get proper ones. Don't worry about unlocking all their skills for the time being unless you really need a specific one, later on you'll get a faster way to do that.

Ya'll subtitle fags are calling them lazy for not making two complete scripts; one english and one weeb english. Either learn jap or take what you're given.

Nice, I thought it could only be done on the later levels. Thanks

What's serious about 50 straight hours of Nopon babble?
It's like if The Phantom Menace took place entirely in Naboo.

Rex is kinda blah, but I like most everyone else.

No. Just download the japanese voices

you're still pretty early on. You have a higher chance to get good blades the higher your luck stat, so wait until you get a bunch of rare and common core crystals and then equip as much shit to increase your luck as possible and then pop them all at once, or at least until you have as many blades as you want. You'll find plenty of common crystals as you play through, and you'll get at least two GUARANTEED rare blades through the story (one on rex, the other on whoever, both are attack type).

Ye, it adds tens of thousands of points and 777 ether crystals if you get a perfect. Very good way to farm.

>defending all the script and name changes just because the english VAs are literally too retarded to pronounce stuff
Sure thing, my dude, whatever you say.

What are you talking about? Is the whole game supposed to be Nopon babble to you?

>they literally threw the whole mazinger homage in the artificial blade Sakura fights in the translation
Haha yeah bruh fuckin epic whot da fok is rong with weebs, mayt? For seerious.

How do enemies gain elemental orbs? Some bosses seem to get them quickly letting me do a 3 elemental burst party combo, but others will only have 2 orbs.

You can only set one elemental orb of each element on an enemy.
Seriously why are so many brainlets struggling with the game's combat system?

Do a level 3 blade combo. The last element you use is the orb they'll get. What I want to know is how the hell do you break them when there are more than 1.

>you need to have 1 of each element in your party of 9 and a second of one element, usually for yourself.
>you also need to have blades so everyone has as many break/topple/launch/break whilst still fitting specific roles.

It's such a chore and ruins the game, but if you want to get anywhere decently you need this bullshit.

No need to be rude.

How bad is the dub? I liked the one from XB1

Why does the enemy keep changing element before I do my tier 3 special?

it specifies which one you're going to be hitting, but I haven't figured out what determines this yet. You can break them more quickly if you use "opposing" elements, ex. fire on water, light on dark

Fucking horrible, borderline ironic.

it's abysmal
it sounds like a fucking youtube abridged dub

the voice acting is alright most of the time, but the dialogue is fucking awful

>it specifies which one you're going to be hitting
It does? I thought it was random. I'll go check again, I have to kill some fatso to level up my merc group.

The one you'll be hitting is the one glowing, I think

>youtube abridged dub
Fucking this. I can at least kind of understand people enjoying as xD so wanka' at the beginning, but I seriously can't understand how anyone would prefer it for when the game gets serious, especially at the end chapters.

I don't think I've actually run into anyone with a cockney accent yet. Other English accents, American, Welsh, Scottish and Australian, but not cockney.

That, and you'll ALWAYS hit opposites, Opposites are 2 hit kills, so you can always plan to break the first one as long as you have 2 of the same element on your party comp.

It's not as good as the original but I'm enjoying it a lot. It's not as bad as people have been saying.

>That, and you'll ALWAYS hit opposites
what are the opposites

Fire and Water
Ice and Wind
Earth and Elec

The only character that comes close to the OG dub’s quality is so far Malos and Vandham. Malos’s VA is perfect, he fits the character seamlessly and just keeps getting better.
I like Rex’s accent, but damn the delivery is shit a lot of the time. His screams sounds like whisper screams I’d do as a kid when I wouldn’t want to wake my parents up.

Not as delusional as people using Japanese VA with English localised subs that don't match what they're saying at all.

Things must sound great when you don't understand what's going on.

I haven't bought the game yet and don't want to be spoiled, just tell me one thing: did they censor anything?


It's a good dub. The artstyle has brought in the uber weebs from their Tales games.

is there blood in the jap version?

What if I can understand spoken Jap, but not read it?
Only guy I can't understand 100% of the time is Zeke because they gave him an accent.

look at this cluttered UI.

Not in terms of content; all costumes, character designs, etc. are identical to the Japanese version. Nothing is edited to be less violent or sexual.
For the most part the localization is accurate to the Japanese dialogue, but there are rare cases where dialogue has been toned down - a reference to prostitution is just changed to "something illegal" for example, but these are surprisingly rare and the localization does have some sex jokes and swearing which is out of character for Nintendo.


To be fair the art style is pretty shit No,
i'm not a fag or a feminist, I just hate when they bring different artist and the art style become a mess, same crap that happend with Mobages like FGO or FEH

They probably could have gotten rid of the Combo names since it doesn't make that much of a difference, but everything is pretty important.

oh, that's good enough then, I won't have to grab my pitchfork, thanks user

I'm just shitting you. The games has all the tits and ass intact.

>tfw no dark rare blades to use Mythra efficiently
Are there even rare dark and light fucking blades?

I don't know how people use the english dub when the voices don't match the japanese movement mannerisms. its fucking awkward. only in english dubs you'll only hear "big bro"



B-but it's so funny xD when a completely japanese animu character speaks like a 40 year old woman and says oi mate wot or you tolking aboot?

That's all I needed to know, I'll get it then, see you in a few days space cowboys.

>Dark blades


This is off the top of my head so I could forget one

>a reference to prostitution is just changed to "something illegal" for example,

In both Japanese and English it was still only implied but the Japanese was more obvious about doing something with her body. Plus in English it sound more like something an old man would say as a inexplicit joke of concern so it's actually better.

>No costumes

Neat, will keep rolling the fucking gatcha, I guess.

Oh, yeah. I still can't change elements, though. I just got the Qt version.

Kassandra is actually a quest aswell

>Plus in English it sound more like something an old man would say as a inexplicit joke of concern so it's actually better.
The intention was to have him make a creepy joke - Rex literally calls him a dirty old man in Japanese after he says it. The character of Seiryu is meant to be a tad on the perverted side, he makes some jokes later about how he likes Homura's outfit and how he wants a girlfriend.

Cool, will look for her.

Can't believe they used British voices. As a bong myself it's actually unplayable and I imagine Rex saying 'u wot m8' after each line of dialogue. Can't really complain since they added jap option though.

>infact, most lines are so wildly changed, that even with little to no japanese comprehension i can still tell
i've been learning nip for about 2 years, I can shed some light on that
There is a rate of information mismatch, and this happens between difference languages a lot. Some things can be explained quickly in english using a single word (must) but if they don't use slang or omissions, it takes longer to convey in jap. The reverse is also true for other phrases.

You will notice that english voice actors often feel like they are slightly rushing what they're saying at times, especially for anime. They really have no choice, the scene will end based on the director timing it for a japanese rate of information. In order to combat this, the dialogue itself is changed to compensate for it, trying to convey the 'feeling' of the characters, which is just however the translator feels about them. So even with a tiny amount of common word knowledge, you'll be hearing something different.

This is not an attack on the translators, they have a very difficult job( well only storytelling), if you'd like to think you could do better, go for it.

I mean, that's pretty much universally what's done for subtitles. Can't think of many instances where a game offers multiple subtitles choices for the same language based on localization differences.

Trying to do the side quest where I fight the two guys breaking the crane toward the beginning. Should I wait til I get Nia back or is it possible to win with Rex alone?

Why don't companies hire real English voice actors? I'm talking about actors like Laura Bailey.

I'd do it with Nia back

>Is this a Bunnit costume
Love how you can have half naked titty monsters but the word swimsuit is too much

Dubs are made on a shoestring budget, and most good VAs consider themselves "above dubbing weeb games."

I guess they just lessened the creepy old man thing a bit for better or worse.