What games let you be incredibly indecisive and inert as a character?
What games let you be incredibly indecisive and inert as a character?
There is no neutral in inFamous. Just good or evil.
The best part about games is that they can let you find a happy medium and you don't have to be either chief goody goody or hitler 2.0. The worlds not always black and white and video games are a great medium to reflect this, all ironically ultimately based in ones and zeros.
Let me guess, you also post centrist memes, right?
None of those games allow neutrality unless at the very beginning.
How can OP ever recover?
>Lawful Good
Strict and Idealistic
>True Neutral
Practical and Realistic
>Chaotic Evil
Lax and Egoistic
>don't feel like giving literally all my money to some street urchin
>but also don't want to rip out his entrails and strangle a puppy with them
In most role playing games, being neutral means one of two things:
1. Missing out on content due to numerous quests not supporting a middle ground resolution, or getting less of a reward for being neutral.
2. Neutrality means balancing good and evil acts, meaning to stay neutral you have to rescue orphans from a burning house, then in the next town murder a shopkeeper and his entire family to keep your morality points from swinging too far in one direction.
Yeah, neutral isn't the same as swaying between good and evil.
In fact, in inFamous, neutral would mean refusing to choose in like 90% of the karma choices, which would be fucking hilarious actually.
Here's some insight into the neutral mentality from someone who plays neutral
1. neutrals are inherently evil
2. they are sneaks who will do evil if they can get away with it
3. psychopaths who hide their evil by doing some good if only because it prolongs their ability to continue without being exorcised (perceived by paranoia "i'll be found out - better use my cloak of neutrality")
4. they are secretly assholes who only care about themselves
5. emotional highs can trick them into believing otherwise (false sense of empathy)
>tl;dr neutrals are rat vermin who are never successful in games
SMT is the only series to my knowledge that rewards neutrality with the best ending. Granted those games tend to be order vs. chaos rather than good vs. evil.
thanks, d&d
>not rescuing the orphans from the fire you started
Step up your minmaxing game.
Did you have a bad D&D session? Where are you getting this from?
almost any rpg that includes that mechanic or ability to create it yourself (within the game) has that psychological effect. I myself play as Good because it's the correct path and always wins but it hasn't stopped me from diving into other methods of play where I can get into these types of mindsets so that I can come here and give insight. Correct me if I'm wrong though.
As says, most games are shit when it comes to actually roleplaying an alignment.
I think Witcher handles it well in that a lot of the scenarios are morally grey and there's no "+20 GOOD BOY POINTS" when you choose to help someone. Leaving aside the question of moral objectivity, games shouldn't explicitly tell you what is moral and immoral; that should be for the player to decide.
whatever im out of this thread fuck you
>Neutral evil is the only definition of neutral
You just described a sociopath.
Running with the standard D&D measures, most SMT games run with the neutral path as the only really 'good' option. Both law and chaos are typically lawful evil and chaotic evil. Then there's the greater ramifications, since neutral often intends to return everything to the way it was, whereas the other factions at least attempt to make a change to make things better in some form or other - in that case it becomes a choice over the lesser of two evils. But typically, they're so extreme on both sides that the only choice that remains for sane people is neutral. Which is kinda reflective of what's endemic within politics today, hey-ho
>choices have consequences
>game punishes player for trying to back out
Do a kotor and jade empire one.
>if I strawman, I win!
>Fallacy fallacy
Quit being a brainlet.
What a thrill
With darkness and silence through the night
What a thrill
I'm searching and I'll melt into (You)
What a fear in my heart
But (You)'re so supreme!
I give my life
Not for honor, but for (You)
In my time there'll be no one else
Crime, it's the way I fly to (You) (Snake Eater)
I'm still in a dream, Snake Eater
That would be pretty funny
>is given a choice
>ignore it
>your character shrug and walk away
>every problems get solved on their own in the best way possible
>the end
Good Vs Evil and Polite vs Rude is baby mode for morality.
Factions are the best way to do "moral" choices because they test which virtues are more important to the player character.
Why can't I never be a reasonable human bean?
This thread again, Deja Vu!
>forced to choose between black and white
>when either are just too extreme to be a viable choice
>grey isn't an option
>grey is an option
>devs got buttmad at the idea of choosing grey
>terrible consequences completely unrelated to the problem
>I want to fuck people over and not suffer the consequences because choosing sides too extreme
Grey "morality" to its core is selfishness. You don't want complex choices . You want the easy way out.
I kinda liked how RDR let you rack up good boy points and then not lose them if you wore a bandanna before embracing your inner outlaw.
Will you ever stop being a nigger?
Not quite how it would go.
The second deranged extremist would be trying to ban spaying or neutering pets while also trying to breed an army of cats.
The centrist would just not drown the cats.
There's nothing extreme about not drowning an animal.
Real life
You'll get the crippling depression debuff though
Gray is a consequence of a lack of information and limited perception, just like randomness, just like in real life
>replying to centrist meme spammers
more like
>1: we'll drown kittens because fuck kittens
>2: we'll fucking murder anyone who doesn't love kittens
>3: wtf who cares
Gas all kittens
>not being neutral / chaotic good
Moralfagging and edgelord is for a repeated playthrough only.
Which game had a revenge plot? Infamous 1 the only evil path was doing selfish things. Like hogging a entire care package so that you, your fat fuck friend and girlfriend could eat. Not exactly complex moral grey area's, but the most evil thing you can do is activate the ray sphere again to power yourself up.
Infamous 2 had less good reasons to be evil, but the evil choices were more of you being a dick then anything evil. Evil ending is the only sensible and good ending for the game regardless.
In the Shadow the Hedgehog game, going for the neutral route makes the plot completely forget about the aliens that are invading the world, and instead have Shadow think he's a robot, and then he goes after Eggman. This is a really weird game.
Can we just gas half of all kittens?
t. bird
Did someone say inert?
Ony if you burn the other half