What games have cute spiders ?

What games have cute spiders ?

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Cute spiders don't exist

no such thing. they all deserve to die.

>Thinking creepy crawlies are cute
What would your great ancestors think?

f...fuck you !

Spiders literally did nothing wrong

Well perhaps your ancestors were cowards....

knytt, limbo

Spiders are cute and total bros. Why would you even post something so mean on the web. They're innocent creatures, what did I ever do to you?

imagine if it crawls up your bellybutton and lays eggs in your guts

Are there any games with cute rats?

>on the web


>what did I ever do to you?
Nice try, you 8 legged freak


Your ancestors were flawed if they managed to breed a dirty insect sympathizer.

>on the web

Yes faggot what we ever did to you


I liked the spiders in DOS 1/2. There's also a real cutie in NWN2.

They didn't.


tooth and tails

You know so very little my friend.


Fuck spiders.Even rats are more cute than those abominations.

>on the web


Hopper is a cutie!

Plague spreading scum.

Are skaven claiming this thread?

>gypsy rat
user no

There's the vacuous boi.

That one place in Dark Souls 2.
It's the only thing that has ever creeped me out out of all videogames I've played.

Terraria. It has entire caves of them

That's a girl (female)

yes, they are the true rulers.

Spiders look like walking Lovecraftian nightmares on eight legs but they're secretly timid and weak creatures that only want to carve out a tiny place of the world for themselves and take care of all your pest problems.

Rats are cute and nice

That shit's tame, you should play Dark Messiah. Those spiders spooked me.

Really? I always thought Rom was a male name. I gotta pay more attention to that lore.



>mfw both my rats died of old age a month ago


poor spiderbro

Never post trash like this again. Reported


are we the bad guys as a specie ?

yeah I fucking hate spiders but I leave them alive when I find them in my apartment as long as they're not in plain sight. had silverfish problems when I first moved in but haven't seen any in months.


this look like torture porn

>tfw 90 armor and spiders still hit you for 2/3 of your HP
Fuck Terraria spiders.

maybe but wouldn't you want to have cowtits and get milked?

what the FUCK


>Tfw closet spider hanging in the corner of my ceiling closet
>Lights went out one time
>Go into closet to find more batteries
>flicking light switch but forgot it doesn't work currently
>Aim flashlight at the light switch
>Spider friend was close to my hand
>Reflexively smash it with the flashlight
It was a mistake I tell ya

I call dibs on bee gf

Did you really need this webm to make you realize of that?

Moth easily.

>torture machine

This looks evil as fuck

You did the right thing son. One less spider makes the world a better place


Didn't mean to reply

Bee GF hands down

>tfw closet spider
>can't come out to my parents or they would kill me

Im sorry user. I know what you're going through. I cried when my first couple of rats dies and I was like 25. Il

moth or wasp, maybe ant but i hate when people just wander off.

Mantis gf would devour you as a cinema snack.

Happens sometimes.

my mom is a nice woman

>these kids

Whenever I see a spider In my home I keep it there to be my bro

Except if it's poisonous. As an Ausfag i also see a lot of poisonous spiders

And can chew through concrete...

moth gf pleas


domestic rats are cute, clever and more clean than cats. They have a real sense of friendship and will celebrate you everytime you come back from work.



I don't believe you.


Any rpg

Even trained domestic rats piss everywhere when they get excited and I wouldn't trust them not to run away if over stimulated

Cats at least have bladder control and basically break... nothing. The only thing they do is get fur on things during molting season if they're a long haired cat

I believe Miyazaki himself said he personally thinks of Rom as female, but I don't know if there's anything in the lore itself about Rom's gender one way or another.


>cats break nothing
I want catfags to leave now

I got bit by some kind of spider and my arm looked brutal. I thought it was a fucking staph infection it was so bad.

Actuallly, the rats didnt spread the plague. It was Gerbils



Word, I love the fluff way too much not to want a cute moth in a cute sweater.
Spooder sounds pretty dope too, though.

>can't get gerbils anymore
Gays ruin everything.

But wait, there's more!

for how much one could sell that silk? like $/cm

>not Kyaa
I hate ironic weebs

The spider is sedated. The nails are not penetrating her legs, just used to keep them in place.
She doesn't feel anything. Besides, she already signed the contract.

Why does Mantisgirl remind me of my mom? What the fuck is wrong with my dick?

It's more cost effective to get silk from Spidergoat

>almost 100 replies
>No Quelaag
I am disappoint