>no trademark filed for fromsoft, nor from sony
What is it?
No trademark filed for fromsoft, nor from sony
Dunno. Perhaps something Nintendo related?
Your viral marketing is showing.
I missed that franchise so much
More edgy grimdark doom and gloom shit. I loved Bloodborne and all the Souls games but come on give us a different theme.
It's either Kuon 2 or a new Tenchu.
Or maybe a new IP. I don't see any other possibility.
Lol buy a switch if you want that shit you fucking pansie
Bloodborne 2
That's a trick weapon
Tenchu or Kuon
Shadow Tower or Tenchu.
It's a fucking teaser, yiu think their gonna have a big ass trademark with SONY. It wouldn't even be a question then
it does not mean that it is not sony or japan studio. its just teaser.
Please be fucking Tenchu holy shit I want to have fun like I did playing Wrath of Heaven. Holy fuck using Tessu was so satisfying also the fucker that uses poison fist or whatever DoT dmg he did
That fucking killer doll machine is scary tho
from is working on 3 games one taht souls fans like one controversial game and new armored core, they also gonna do one more exclusive game for ps4.
New IP please.
>sick and twisted grimdark and kiddie rainbow funtime are literally the only two themes in video games.
what is with all these tenchu weebtards, this place is full of them i bet you all watch anime.
>pan flute music
it's not bloodborne
>thinking the title has a period at the end of it
its not gonna be tenchu or kuon but it may be spiritual successors for them, i think its new ip fell and that prothesis is something i haven seen before. its got very violent and rough tone in it, not some ninja faggotry.
who fucking cares?
So far I only see a handful of possibilities.
>Bloodborne sequel thats way worse than the original
>Spiritual succesor/sequel to Tenchu, no Miyasaki
>New IP that might be shit
>King's Quest 3DS port
I know which one I want
>Nintendo platform
It's going to be Gookborne.
Yamamura is the key to all this.
>pan flute
What's it like going through life that hearing impaired?
Could be Tenchu. The weirdass bone could be the arm of some puppet thing. I see strings, and the tension could be a fist being made off-screen.
Why do so many people assume it's le tenchoo when that game is set in Japan and the writing in the background doesn't look even remotely Japanese?
>King's Quest
Kuonchu Souls
Soul Sacrifice sequel.
Yes it does.
>Not a spiritual successor to From's acclaimed hit 'The Adventures of Cookie and Cream'
It's going to be funny either way when it's revealed. Feels good to not have a side in this.
So I'm screencapping both.
i think this too we have seen that before with chester. and they both look out of place same way, i think this gonna be their nioh and it gonna be everything that nioh was not.
Prove it.
Somebody found a kanji character in there, but the rest is too sloppy. That could be bs though so what the fuck do I know
You don't remember From's King's Quest reboot? They swindled the guy who made Homestuck for it
shadow tower 2, duh
Who cares about the writing. The music cues and the quote about Shadows are more important hints.
is thre any japan bro who has translated it its also some old style of writing.
>the writing in the background doesn't look even remotely Japanese
It's cursive jap writing, used historically, but not much nowadays.
Shadows die twice. How you can be less predictable not to give away it’s a game about ninjas?
obviously bloodborne 2.
you must be stupid to not see it
>people actually think it's gonna be Shadow tower or Tenchu
No one not even from soft gives a shit about your old ass niche games. Get real. Its either bloodborne or dark souls.
Whatever it is, I hope they don't play it straight with the japanese theme.
It should have a twist like Bloodborne did with the Victorian/Gothic stuff.
>he doesn't know
But cursive jap writing has jap characters in it, evidently. Unlike the writing in the trailer.
Pretty much. All Dark Souls game From named the easterns/ninja sets as "Shadow set".
Just look at the OP pic retard.
I hope they opposite and that it's a period setting.
It's Tenchu or Shadow Tower.
Only 2 ways it could go.
1. Its another fucking souls game or an unneeded reboot of fucking shadow tower and I'll hate From forever for continuing to ignore armored core in favor of rehashes.
2. Its Tenchu and I love From forever for reviving the ninja genre, even though I know TN would make a way better Tenchu.
It's number 1. You know it's number 1.
ACfag is that you?
they're working on AC. screencap this.
This actually is very similar to Chester. Both were in DLCs and both referenced the souls game after the next, (Ds2 came out before Bloodborne and Ds3 has came out before this game).
They have a device kit given by Nintendo and signed a paper to have a license to release. Doesn't mean any games.
I came blood.
Fromsoft is owned by Kadokawa
Kadokawa can just register something under its name and no one will ever know since they also do a ton of other things not related to games
They explicitly said they're working on
>Souls/BB style game (sequel or new IP)
>Something completely new
>Old IP (most likely an Armored Core game since they've been teasing it)
It's either the first or the second thing.
>MFW Bloodborne is free this month on psplus
>MFW Bloodborne is free this month on psplus
Source nigga
Its so obviously Tenchu.
>Japanese string music
>Shadows Die Twice
>Shadows are Ninjas
Bloodborne fags are delusional
The fonts at the bottom don't actually match up.
Souls games need to die off.
i believe
Tenchu faggots are so obnoxious
No cares about your shit dead series
From actually wants to sell games
I guess something I don't give a shit about if that's true.
We either know its Tenchu or a new IP.
I would be happy with either, but a new IP would be better for everyone I think.
Maybe this is FromSoft's answer to Nioh?
FromSoft said they are working on a new IP last year in April.
I'm hoping for a new Otogi.
i want to believe my hype is real
>Theyre working on a new IP
>I'm hoping for a new something that isn't new because I know what it is
What did the cuckold mean by this?
the amount of autism and simultaneous delusion that went into that photo.
yeah from software vita game any day now
all it means is that nintendo gave them a dev kit
here is the one that has way more details
Tiger is the only one that actually looks anything like the characters in the image and even that shit is just based on good will because half of the character is scribbled over.
I have archived 12 threads so far concerning this to compile deluded bloodcuck posts for when Form confirms it's NOT BB
It literally says PARTNERS right there. So far, basically every dev on that list has announced/released a game on Switch. There was also a rumor a long time ago of a Dark Souls Collection coming.
>Titan are making BB comics
>Random cut Chalice Dungeon enemy suddenly appears
It's looking promising
Most of the BB assumption is just random garbage that could even work with the Souls series. I'd still say Tenchu is the most likely followed by KUON
Next Bloodborne takes place in Peru
Don't forget they actually developed some games for DS, and also a MH game for 3DS.
Switch is massively successful, are you really fucking comparing it to the VITA?
Have you ever played Tenchu? They wouldn't tease a new Tenchu game with 30 seconds of a human bone having tension violently put on it with a bloodsoaked metal rod.
It definitely isn't Tenchu. It doesn't fit the aesthetic at all.
It's more likely to be Kuon
Kings Field faggots are so obnoxious
No cares about your shit dead series
From actually wants to sell games
And thus, Demon's Souls was born.
>people keep saying its eastern instruments being used
does anyone know what context theyre being used in like traditionally speaking are they war drums or any other clues other than them being for the east?