10 million

>10 million
Apologise this instant.

Other urls found in this thread:



10 million what?


Always wins

I like anime tiddies.

I want to be that Switch.

sauce before the thread will be deleted

よーひ on pivix apparently.

wtf I want a Switch now

thanks user


oppai loli is the worst fetish of all time

danke doctor


Would that hurt or be super comfy?

what the fuck is that thing

wtf is this, why does a loli have gigantic tits

shut the fuck up faggot

How do you even operate on a daily life with tiddies that big? That girl will hunchback when she reaches 30.

oppai loli a shit unless it gets combined with giantess

Why do people make these threads asking or demanding us to apologize? For what?

Nothing I've done has or even remotely should have any effect on anything you will or have ever done in any way.

I don't like the Switch. I own one, but it's gathering dust and will continue to for awhile. It selling 10 million doesn't mean shit to me. I bought one. So?

"This self-satisfied girl is flaunting the Switch she got her hands on during the summer vacation, but no one seems to notice the console... Why, you ask? She seems to have gotten her hands on some even more unbelievable /i things /i....!"

I want to suck a Japanese girl’s dick

your'e are shit

Comfy for you, painful for her.

>on some random site
>have to disable adblock because it's one of those sites
>get an ad with some anime cowtits that says "MASTER, MY BREASTS CAN GET BIGGER"
>had googled breast expansion porn the night before
I find it pretty fucking disturbing that Google now has knowledge of my fetish(es).

That's just a normal ad.
I've gotten those on my phone and I never use it for porn.

>implying google hasn't linked your phone and pc accounts histories anyway

Makes me remember the times when the only AD I would get would be some League of Angels bullshit for months.

The game didn't looked like the ads at all.

This was before I set up my email

>implying google doesn't have a man watching you through your window at this very moment


Going to need to see what you're referring to

10 million what?
10 million sperm that were sacrificed to this image? That 10 million?

Reminds me of that one doujinn where this flat girls hits puberty like a truck over a single summer vacation and gets cow tits and her close friend who used to sexually harass her as a joke ends up falling for her really hard.


I've only seen like one picture of that kind of thing but I don't have it saved and forgot the source.

fuck that sounds good
I assume you have no sauce though

I'm pissed now

source my dude

>the Switch she got her hands on during the summer vacation
Imagine being that one kid in Japan who didn't get his hands on a Switch during the summer vacation.

Why do you tease like this user? Don't post things like that unless you have sauce.

I had it saved but my old computers motherboard is bricked and I don't feel like trying to load out the contents of the hard drive yet.

I think it roughly translates to Didja do it or did you do it?

Just use your imagination like I have to. Like imagining being 1 inch tall and stuck on the edge of the desk in the OP image so you're standing right at the base of those two wobbling mountains.

That sounds hot as hell, any ideas where it’s at?

Shit really does feel great.
>Play anything I want
>Watch autists consolewar themselves silly
Meanwhile I'll bing bing wahoo, nogaems and masterrace all in my free time

Is the switch the cool-girl item to have now?

Is this it?

didnt the wii prove that sales doesnt mean it will actually have games worth playing?


it's the new weeb toy to replace the vita

Is that Flipnote?

>you'll never fall asleep upon a girl's massive soft rack
just kill me now


Thanks doc

Looks like it. Got a link?

>imouto upgrades my 3.60 vita so I punish her pussy

Check out the catalog famalam

In that case, here’s the link to the first place I found it, I’ll look for it on exhentai when I actually get home.


>during summer holiday (she) got a switch and laid out this satisfied face
>but she didn't catch sight of anything else (but her switch)
>the reason being...!!
>she really couldn't have asked for anything more than what she had in her hands...!

not super exciting


>sexually harass her
>as a joke
When will Japan catch up with the rest of the world? It's 2017,not 1917.

Here you go, Kurt Buchenwald

thanks pham

Not the user who asked but I wanted to say thanks too

gib milkies

Forgot to actually post the link tho

Because fondeling your friends flat chest is somehow completely non-sexual because you're doing it to mock the fact that she has no boobs.

PS4 gets more japanese games announced every week than switch has this year, so no.

no worries. good to know my otherwise useless japanese ability can be used to translate stupid bullshit on Sup Forums

Thanks lad

>body shaming
Oh I'm sorry,that's so much better than what I originally thought


Go be gay somewhere else.

I wasn't supporting it, I was just explaining the phenomenon.

The patrician Idort

ps4 isn't portable. not even close

Who was in the wrong here?

>playstation Switch


Distance a best.

>Social policing 10 year olds.
Are ya gonna dox a freshman high schooler about his racial bigotry too?

Seriously though I've seen a bunch of doujins recently with people playing on the Switch (mostly Splatoon 2)

dont forget about me