Are there any females gamers out there that are better than males?

are there any females gamers out there that are better than males?

ATTENTION: traps and other gender liquid people are set in a different category

As in pros? No.
As in capable of beating your silver ass in X online multiplayer game? Yes

Pokimane is an diamond 5 attractive girl who is average at midlane and not a support player like every girl league player.


so is this twitter guy a faggot or what

No because they're all like that Twitter using nobody on the OP pic

She think she's cute for typing in lowercase and writing edgy shit like "lmao anime is for faggots uwu uwu uwu" but in reality she's a rude unattractive infertile bitch


He's right you know

>Gender Liquid

team gender liquid. your new dota team

Males are better then females in literally everything, including being a female.

Japanese and Korean girls can become very good at games, when it comes to Western girls there isn't much hope

2 nukes didnt do it

There was once a Korean girl that was able to compete in the GSL. And by compete I mean she won a few games but then was crushed by the superior male players.
I could be mistaken but I do not believe a single female has won an all-gender major tournament in any game.

raw sauce

Pic not related.

Title is in the image, look closely.

Not him but I saw this on sad panda once. Pretty much guy turns himself into a girl because his best friend is a virgin neet who can't get a girlfriend so he becomes the girlfriend

What as in, is there a single female in the entire world who is better at a video game than the worst male player of that video game? Yeah, obviously. I've played alongside pub stomping ladies in ye olden days of DoD and pre 1.6 (or 1.4, or whatever the big one was back then) CS.

As for pros, I don't think so, but pro gaming is pretty stupid anyway.

Why does Sup Forums cling to the 'males are superior at -thing-' narrative like it validates them when they themselves don't contribute to that statistic at all?

What a bro

Admit it, you'd all go for it if you'd end up looking like that.

That's nu-Sup Forums, old Sup Forums wanted to be the little girl

only if I could switch back and forth at will.

Only if I could go back at some point after fapping

Gender and race are the last resorts for people that have nothing else in their lives to be proud of.

>don't properly wash clean between back to back masturbation sessions
>end up getting your own dumb cunt self pregnant

What are you implying?

That no one on Sup Forums is male or female?


>end up getting your own dumb cunt self pregnant
>switch back