Space Station13 thread

Space Station13 thread.

What is best server?
What is worst?

/vg/ is probably one of the worst servers at this point

/vg/station best station

/vg/pride station wide, fuck off TG niggers.

I don't know what TG station has become but let's all agree NoX station was the best.

/tg/station is full of non-rping cucks. At least I can get some semblance of RP on /vg/. /vg/station also has better mechanics for the most part. Goon's okay.

I never really had any issues with VG station, but I do really only play chill shitter jobs like Janitor and Bartender. Only time I got into trouble was when I first started and accidentally welder bombed myself.

>cesspool for waifushitters
also ss13 remake when? Stationeers looks like garbage

/vg/ is being ruined by niggers like yclat that consider themselves perfect. Hate all other players and do nothing but shitpost.

The worst thing about shitposting is that it just shelters you from real criticism, you're safe from being intellectually challenged when you reply to every post with "I'm just shitposting lol". It's the Sup Forums equivocal of centrists, people lacking so much faith in their real opinions they refuse to be serious because they can't handle being wrong or disagreed with.

/vg/ was fun but I got perma'd.

It's been over a year, I wonder if I can try to get it removed.

>/vg/ was fun but I got perma'd.
How do you get Perma'd on /vg/?

>RP on /vg/

Nah. Its nothing but powergaming and waifufaggotry. The servers codebase is the most outdated one around. Letting a literal underage belgium redditor be in charge is the fucking stupidest shit

There was a remake in progress, but I think it ended.up getting dropped.

god fucking kill yourself you fucking baby

One of the admins didn't like me.

I think it was Sawbones

Rp does exist on /vg/

--the french detective surfer girl

How many times have you masturbated to yahir today solarious?

i got permabanned 5 minutes into baystation because i wrote furfag on the floor with crayons. i have no one else to blaim but myself i guess but baystation is still worst server

5, we erped horse/gray pregnancy

Explains a lot. Retard should kill himself.

Because politics are like sports. Where there's two teams and you have to pick one right?

Hippie or riot

Is this game easy to get into? I really like the concept of it but it's a little intimidating

You'll space yourself minutes into a game

It's dwarf fortress tier difficulty in the sense that you'll do quite a bit of reading, but nobody on the server will hassle you for trying

It's pretty hard to learn and get into. Even after a few hundred hours I still play sith the wiki open. Well worth the steep learning curve though, it's a lot of fun when you know what you're doing. I like playing the Clown. I either rig doors to shock people or make shock gloves and force feed people alcohol when their downed before escaping into my network of false walls and maintenance tunnels. Once I built an AI upload in the bar. Security didn't like that.

>shocking the doors

Sounds like someone hasn't received his hourly security-mandated beatings

Paradise. Medium RP, so you don't need to act like a tryhard to have fun. Hilariously inept shitcurity and Hunter S. Thompson tier detectives make for fun rounds as well.

I get caught like, half the time. They know it's the clown because they see me making them chug vodka, but I set up a few false walls to dissapear into before they show up