>want to replay game
>remember THAT part
Want to replay game
Half life 2 Ravenholm
Everything after Anor Londo.
Most of Super Mario Sunshine.
Bravely Default...you know what I'm talking about
>three "THAT parts" in a row
Metro 2033
>want to replay bethesda game
>remember how many hours of modding it takes to make it playable
The entire intro to Kingdom Hearts 2 literally stonewalls me from ever playing it again. I've come close multiple times but there's just no way. Doesn't that Roxas shit take like two fucking hours?
they still haven't fucked yet?
more like days
I don't recognize the second one
Crash Bandicoot.
Or am I just a scrub?
Is this haircut nie considered good looking?
I actually liked actually having to travel the world and explore to find the charts. Like the game up to that point was very linear but with that quest it gave you free reigns on the entire world. It was also a good place in the story to do side quests.
I definitely think it could have streamlined to some degree and Tingle's arbitrary fee of like 400 rupees was kinda bullshit, but it was a nice way for the game to let you explore the Great Sea.
Nothing is considered good looking
>30 mins of installing ENB
>20 mins of adding top rated mods
Fuck you, I literally played FFX for a year only doing blitzball. Only redeemable thing in that game.
The dream sequence from max payn.
Even today it still frustrates me
>attempting to steer the horse anywhe-WHOA WHOA
>Breath of the Wild
>15 hours later and the entire game turns into "That part"
What mision was that again?
>level and loot scaling
>empty as fuck world
>mind numbing quests
>Dragon Age Origins
>Deep Roads
I decided to have a save for if I want to play FF X, I will start right after I won the mandatory Blitzball match.
The Luca Loosers will forever be stuck in a loop where they never won.
>the entirety of tartarus in p3
The red light / green light sneaking bit in Final Fantasy 9
Scylla in EOU2
Iwaoropenelep in EOU1
Paris Catacombs in Deus Ex
Alltrades Abby in DQ7 where you lose all your abilities during the plot
Ravenholm was good, it was the cave shit that followed right afterwards that was utter shit.
>I actually liked actually having to travel the world and explore to find the charts
Generally this is supposed to include optional shit and not forced exploration, especially since you get the map that tells you where the stuff you gotta pick up is so I wouldn't really call it "exploration". Plus how lengthy and boring it was, the only chart I remember being any interesting to get was the ghost ship and even that was just a copypaste of the submarines' insides, but spooky-themed. There's a reason they halved the triforce hunt's duration in the hd version.
This. Everything up after Anor Londo is just really horrible. Only exception being the last boss fight.
>Only exception being the last boss fight.
The easiest and most disappointing final boss in Soulsborne history?
Character creation
The first 3 quarters of dark souls 3.
But that's the most fun part
>ACT 3
>want to make a character to use ornstein's spear
>to get to dragon's peak i basically have to beat 90% of the game
The entirety of Dark Souls 2's main game.
The only reason I hated this prt was cause I knew I had to penny pinch all game to not have to grind rupees
>the main quest
True King Allant and Soul of Cinder were easier, and Nashandra was just shitty. Fuck off.
user, are you from a bizarro dimension
or am i in a bizarro dimension
>downloading mods for 2 hours
You can kill the old hag whatsherface in Lothic Wall to get to Consumed King's Garden's near the beginning of the game and get the dragon emote. After that the only one of the big four you have to kill is the Abyss Watchers.
>Easiest boss
>Not King Allant
I enjoyed the final boss fight for the atmosphere and the lore. I gotta agree, it was easy as fuck.
Those ice sliding puzzles in Tales of Symphonia were the worst. Dreaded them each play through.
>this castle area is okay I guess
>that shitty settlement
>that shitty swamp
>that shitty cathedral
>the fucking DEMON RUINS
It just never ends
>everything after the plateau
Mash Randycoot
>10 hours installing lewd mods
that's a lot of people's favorite part of the game
It's super different compared to everything else in the franchise
>Peragus station
Fuck dat shit!
it's the same for me; I don't mind Highwall of Lothric but a new playthrough quickly runs out of steam and I struggle to keep motivated up until I get to Cathedral of the Deep but then the drive goes away
I liked Lothric Castle, Consumed King's Garden, Grand Archives and Untended Graves but the only off putting thing about Lothric Castle is the enemy placement and the damage the regular mobs do
I didn't like any of the DLCs with the exeption of that crow village in Ariendel, the rest of it outside of the Church in it is abysmal
Didn't like Dreg Heap and Ringed City at all
There's something wrong about the level design outside of the areas I like
Soul of Cinder is objectively harder than Gwyn my man.
I’m playing through it right now, basically after running from the skulls that first time I’ve decided unless forced I’m never using D-Horse again.
Holy shit I wanted to fucking shoot that god damn horse and eat it.
I didn't parry him, I didn't even know you could parry bosses and I stopped parrying very early into the game anyhow, I just poked him to death with my trusty halberd.
>Soul of Cinder was easier
Phbtttt. You're trying too hard. He's easily 20 times harder than Gwyn who only has one healthbar and makes up SoC's second form, but the latter has extra moves to make up for it
Any of them. Fuck those controls.
>30 minutes of installing ENB
>editing a couple INI lines and dragging and dropping
>30 minutes
Replaying MGSV made me realise the whole game was THAT part.
Installing mods in Oblivion
The game was on such a good roll before that part too.
Body Harvest. Siberia. SCUD launcher. #!@*&
>Boss fight infamous for being underwhelming and easy is good
Did you quote the wrong post?
flight school felt like they gave you the shitiest plane to control to learn to fly so the one you posted doesn't concern me much.
also i ignored the mouse and just used WASD and arows to fly it, much more easy that way.
fuck I hate deep roads so much.
i don't see why people went all the way to mod the fade out of the game, but kept deep roads in.
Not even the worst part of the game.
>want to play something comfy
>remember stronghold crusader having build mode
>tagline is ''build your city in a peaceful oasis'' or something
>"the lions are attacking my liege"
>any TES game
>dwemer ruins
>want to replay game
>remember THAT part
>get even more excited
I'll never get tired of getting the Zero Shift.
>remember enjoying Strange Journey
>remember ALL OF IT
>want to scream
>THAT part
Statue of Liberty level in Deus Ex
Back third of VtMB
Play redux
>implying any Demons Souls boss is hard except for False King
>implying any Dark Souls 1 boss is hard except for O&S
>implying any Bloodborne boss is hard except for Orphan
>implying any Dark Souls 3 boss is hard except for SoC/Lothric
>implying a single boss in DS3 isn't tedious as shit just like the rest of the game
>who is Nameless King
>who is Champion Gundyr
Fucking Peragus station.
>Dark Souls 1
>Sen's Fortress
That level design just told the player that he could just fuck off and die.
Metro 2033 amoebas
Sen's is very easy, stop being awful.
I can run from the base to the boss in one minute.
Why would you do that to yourself?
Redux last light sure, but 2033?
I just did the Savage Labyrinth all the way to the bottom a few times and that got me up to 5000 rupees, at which point I never worried about money again.
>Witcher 3
Novigrad is THAT part
Deus Ex and System Shock 2
The openings are painfully slow and usually kill a replay for me
But if I get past them it's fine
I was hoping Father Gregori would stick around longer.
DS3 was worse than DS2
At least the shitty areas in DS2 were small and short so you could get to the DLC.
>hating on best area
Fuck you.
>Champion Gundyr
You best not be the same nigger complaining about parrying Gwyn.
>>implying any Dark Souls 1 boss is hard except for O&S
But they're not hard, Ornstein has very low hp and rushes towards you for you to kill him before Smough even gets to attack you. I had a +14 or so halberd and he died in like 7 hits.
>overly long shmup level
>driving level
>dead space
>asteroid shooting
>that burning station on ranger hardcore plus the level where you have to rescue the kid
Is the character creator part of games THAT part for anyone else?
After you’ve played the game a few times through coming back to it knowing this session is mainly going to be making the character kills my drive, especially when I know if I just go with the default I’ll have no attachment and quit after at most an hour.
But every area in DS2 was shit and annoying. DS3 had mostly enjoyable areas and infinitely better bosses than DS2 which had almost nothing but objectively bad trash like the congregation.