but those games were terrible
but they weren't
but they were and most people think they were
The first games was the worst, and even that looks good next to FFXV.
I wanted it for ps4
Can switch even handle xiii
I'm actually cool with the Switch becoming a glorified port box. There's a lot of stuff that I would be really cool with being able to play on the go. If Capcom ports REmake and 0 HD to Switch, I'll be a very happy camper.
If they package Lightning Trilogy in one release, I'd probably buy it all again.
oh boy now you can play shitty lightning simulator with shitty graphics
>4 dvds on xbox 360
Sure thing senpai, either way fuck Square-Enix, low energy fucks.
Fucking hell op. That PoS wouldn't even be able to hold a single XIII game. You were just testing the waters to see how thirsty nintenbros are huh?
Gonna need a source on that one, champ.
If it was on PS4, that is.
Switch can't handle it.
The switch is more powerful than the ps3.
You better be lying op
No one wants those games
We expecting a 80 gig download or 5 carts bois what we doing
Phew, if you want a game that devalues a system, releasing this would surely do it.
>Wanting to play this old shitfest on switch
Just play it on PC and be done with it. It gets worse with every sequel.
Stop baiting. The opposite is true.
Speaking of such, how low does LR go on steam? I'd like to replay it sometime in hopefully 60fps on my pc. I havent pc gamed in a long while til BDO recently which runs great
Barely, and games have gotten more demanding.
Played all 3, first one was best, second was shit, third was complete diarrhea
It's ok, you won't have shit taste forever
It's fucking awesome, best port of the three by far.
I remember back in the early days of the ps3, the absolute hype generated by the teasing of FFXIII/Versus/the other one that also doesn't relate.
What an absolute let down. I wanted to like them all. I really did. I even had some things I kind of liked about XV I guess. Where did it all go wrong?
FF14 is what fucked it all.
I tried it at the beginning, and again after it supposedly "got good". Both times I remembered that I fucking hate MMO's.
I like FFXV tho :3
Ignoring how shitty and bland FF14 is right now, at launch the game was absolutely fucking terrible. They had to take all the devs off FF13vs to salvage it and rerelease it as a realm reborn.
Thats what caused FF13vs to be delayed and turned into 15, and thats why they hired triace to make 13-2 and 13-3 with reused 13 assets.
xv is better than xiii, even thoigh they both suck
They, in fact, were.
It took a while of being locked into the Illusion cycle, but I've finally given up on Final Fantasy after I took a step back, and realized that I haven't really enjoyed a FF game since X, and truly LOVED a game since IX.
Ff13-2 is the only decent one
Switch is already getting Skyrim, how much lower could you get?
>omg, games from last console generation are coming to new console
>buying for the second time the same games over and over, but with lower resolution
>literal cancer to new gen
Keep buying OP and don't forget you are cancer here for keeping industry full of games from older gen consoles.
Of all the things to make into a collection, they threw this shit together?
A single cart the size of an N64 cartridge that sticks out of the switch
>Legitimately enjoy XIII more than I do XV
I think there might be something wrong with me. This is a game where I just pressed Autobattle the entire time.
>everyone ITT falling for OP's ruse
It isn't real, guys.
Shows you how much of an utter dumpster fire XV is.
they will probably have to start compressing their shitty cinematics properly now. none of those games should be that hueg.
XIII actually had at least one enjoyable character, which is more than can be said for XV
Maybe now I'll finally play a final fantasy game
It's just so fucking boring.
Every fucking sidequest is just a boring fetch quest where you have to hold a fucking magnifying glass to the ground to find 5 collectibles that you can barely see. I think I stopped playing after one involving finding 5 bear traps on the ground. The combat is also completely mindless, moreso than XIII where you at least had to switch paradigms depending on the situation.
Annoying cunt with the niggest kid. Literally the only good part of XIII were the /ss/ doujins that came from it.
I'd play 13-2 again any time.
Fuck the other two.
This is your mind on weebshit
no one likes 13
xv is among the best FFs
You're probably autistic
I knew he'd come out as soon as I said I liked XIII more.
Both of your statements are incorrect. FFXIII is a garbage game, but people do like it for some reason. And FFXV is mediocre at absolute best.
XV is better than 13 in every aspect, XV has the best FF party and villain. 13 has not a single good character
no its not
look at skyrim on both systems
What is legitimately the worst FF game, Sup Forums? I'd say Type-O HD for my pick. I think I played that for about half an hour before I got bored with it.
Fuck, have we summoned Him in our arrogance?
>main game is 50gb
>no source
I knew it was you since you're the only one who actually believes this
I've always wondered, do you have some kind of google alert set up so you can instantly respond to anyone talking about XV?
No, people like him are literally on Sup Forums 24/7. Eventually such characters even get imitators who think it's cool to pretend to be autistic for (You)s. Sup Forums was a mistake.
Stop samefagging XIII-kun.
The worst one that I've actually played (never touched the XIII sequels, or I'm sure I'd pick one of those two) would probably be Type-0 as well. It's one of the only games I've ever played that has basically nothing going for it.
XIV 1.0 or XV if you don't want to count things you can't play anymore
You always spout the same shit against XV making it obvious who you are.
>quotes one post, claims samefagging
What are you even talking about? I hate XIII. I'm this guy
Still samefagging huh
Stop falseflagging
And nothing of value was lost.
It's well documented how ridiculously shitty those games are, especially the first one.
What is going on? Is XV-kun drunk?
this is pretty normal XV-kun
16GB cart + 16GB download for FMV. For 1 game.
>La noire says hello
I dunno. He hasn't posted any of the five webms he spent hours editing to make FFXV look like something other than utter dogshit. I don't think this is actually XV-kun.
>Has twice the memory of a PS3
I know you sure as hell aren't saying the PS3 version of Skyrim was good
Sorry, only 13 was that big. 13-2 and LR can fit on 1 360 disc, so an 8GB cart can handle that.
he devolved into calling everyone samefags once people started calling out his webms as bullshit
So he thinks every thread is him arguing against one person, and yet he keeps showing up to shit all over threads anyway? What a sad existence.
Why does Lightning have such a weird face?
Enjoy grinding just to unlock a cutscene.
>nintendo fans overjoyed to be getting ports of a mediocre game series released on other consoles years ago
The absolute STATE of nintendo.
>hit X, hit X, hit X, hit X....
don't know if the game ever got better but jesus fuck the beginning was so boring I couldn't keep going.
>don't know if the game ever got better
Yeah, about 50 hours in, once you get past the tutorial. Power through it, user!
All tree ports have fps fluctuating between 30 and 60 fps even if you tweak it.
Personally, LR sometimes drops to 1fps even though my PC is good.
Caius is the best villain
I liked XIII when it came out desu. Then again, I was 14 years old at the time so that probably factors into it
because she was made to fit one japanese mans very specific tastes
Not him but it's been mentioned several times before in other threads. The switch is in fact more powerful than PS3 but because Nintendo underclocked the system for the sake of portability it cannot achieve the necessary power consumption to satisfy it's own specs.
Also the release of such a trilogy would require an extremely special game case that will cost square-enix more money than it's worth to produce. Or they would pass the cost to the consumer by requiring something like a 128 gb card to download.
they were not.
I played XIII for the first time in 2013, at age of 26, and it was great fun. The sequels were GOTY-tier JPRGs.
Using age to dismiss or excuse liking or disliking good vidya is silly. It's like saying "yeah I was 12 when I beat Silent Hill 2, so it was prolly just me."
My god, I feel bad for the Switch now
I wouldn't wish the FF13 games on anyone, especially children
Is this the same man who thinks Lightning's flat ass is great?
If this turns out to be true then I will gladly except Lightning Returns on a portable system. That game was actually pretty good.
>tfw everybody shits on XIII's story
>tfw I legitimately think that it has the best world building and story telling of all the game I've played
Care to explain what you like about it? Legitimately curious, since XIII's setting always seemed interesting but the game does a piss-poor job of capitalizing on it.
Holy shit it's happening, final fantasy 13 will be considered a good game on Sup Forums. It got a lot of positivity when it came out on pc, once it hits the switch, it's gonna be bizarro world