Let's have an Earthbound thread

Let's have an Earthbound thread.

>Favorite song?
>Favorite area?
>Favorite enemy?


Other urls found in this thread:


Why talk about earthbound when we have the superior undertale

>Favorite song
Winters theme
>Favorite area
The underworld
>Favorite enemy
Kraken. The blood on the sprite didn't fit with the theme of the game which made it stick in my head, Earthbound enemies as a whole are quirky and silly so seeing a monster with a bloody maw was weird.
On this topic, the worst enemies are the exploding oaks. 90% of my game overs were frome those I'm sure of it.

>Favorite song?
Twoson theme
>Favorite area?
The beach area
>Favorite enemy?
Those ducks. they silly

Tfw missed the snes classic because I'm working overseas
Tfw coming back for Christmas but not sure if I can grab one

I just wanna play earthbound with a comfy controller again
I sold my snes ten years ago I'm retarded

>Favorite song?
Threed Free at Last, it's pretty underrated
>Favorite area?
>favorote enemy?
Probably the mooks, in general i like fighting the aliens cause it always makes me think more rather than mash the attack button

Can't choose just one song, but I do have The Cliff That Time Forgot at my ringtone.
Also too many comfy areas to choose from. I even shelled out the $ for the lakeside shack in onett.
Favorite enemy has to be the Unassuming Local Guy because his name is just silly.

I have an eshop card should I get this for my 3ds? Never played it before


I loved The Jolly Flying Man and Magicant. I don't really have a favorite enemy, but I guess my most hated are those Evil Mushrooms. ugh.

Great taste. Twoson theme is so heartwarming, and I spent ages just chilling at the beach.

Anyone else get a huge slap in the face the first time they reached Saturn Valley?
I had only heard of Earthbound through Smash Bros. Melee, so when I saw how inaccurate Melees representation of the game was, I was dumbfounded.

I replayed it relatively recently and I totally see why every indie game tries to ape it. It's got this amazing atmosphere that no game has managed to properly capture since, and I don't think any game ever will.
I also absolutely love the insane amount of variety in the game in locales and scenarios.

>>Favorite song?
Kraken of the Sea

>>Favorite area?
Fourside + Moonside

>>Favorite enemy?
Manly Fish's Brother

If you like simple/ traditional turn based RPGs then yes.
The main draw of the game is the how weird everything is, music characters, enemies, story, everything.
Not to say it isn't cohesive, just weird.

>Favorite song?
Twoson town theme
>Favorite area?
Night Threed
>Favorite enemy?
New Age Retro Hippy

bummp for justice

better than Xenoblade
why cant Nintendo do a successor to the Mother series formula?

>>>Favorite song?
Battle Against an Otherwordly Foe
>>Favorite area?
Stonehenge Base, The Cave of the Past, Moonside
>>Favorite enemy?
Ghost of Starman

Rushed my reply because the thread was at page 10. Here's the real thing:
>Favorite song?
EarthBound has so many great tracks. I'm going to post more than one:
>Summers, Eternal Tourist Trap
>Battle Against an Otherworldly Foe
>Pokey's House
>The Cave of the Past
>Moonside Swing
>A Flash of Memory
>Deeper into the Subconscious
>Giygas Medley
>Favorite area?
Moonside, The Cave of the Past, Stonehenge Base, The Lost Underworld, and Summers
>Favorite enemy?
All Starman variants, Ego Orb, and Territorial Oak

Jeff is best.

Yeah Jeff is great but there should have been more of a wall to just obliterating every enemy you come across.
Some sort of puzzle or something, I mean the bottle rockets are just over powered dude.
I guess thats fun...

But really though, your taste makes you look autistic. Its too much without any reason for anything.
Just say you basically like everything, don't post like ten songs.

Nice, a rare Mother thread.
M3 for Switch when?

>Favorite song?
>Favorite area?
>Favorite enemy?
Cool Crow

>Otherworldly Foe
My fucking nigga

>Its too much without any reason for anything.
Is "I like them" not enough? You want an analysis of why I like them?

Be honest, did you use a guide on your first playthrough?
I tried to be as patient as possible but I had to give up at some point.

Kudos to those who made it without any tips

3 minutes

Pretty much, I mean if you post more than one or two songs at least tell us why.
Its a TL:DR situation, makes people not care...

Sorry dude, just spouting opinions here, nothin too serious.

M8, most replies to survey threads like this get skimmed past in a "everybody posts, few actually read" kind of way. It's hardly any different. If 9 tracks with links included is too much for you, then I'm sorry?

Honestly no, even when it came to the "trick" for beating the final boss, I just tried all my options until I realized what worked.

>Favorite song?
Hard to say, Battle Against a Machine, Twoson, abd Summers.
>Favorite area?
Summers is my favorite town and the Stonehenge Base is my favorite dungeon. Shout out to the Cave of the Past for being genuinely spooky though.
>Favorite enemy?
Starman, Armored Frog, and the Worthless Protoplasm are my top picks.

I thought that what I had posted wouldn't be met with malice but obviously it was.
Sorry man, again just opinions here, lighten up, will ya?

>Favorite Song
The Cliff that Time Forgot/Crossover Time and Space

>Favorite Area
Fourside + Department Store / Invaded Onett

>Favorite Enemy

>>Favorite song?
>>Favorite area?
>>Favorite enemy?
Starmen, they're a really good grinding material

Also what does ya'll think about this, saw it on kickstarter yesterday

Song: Skyrunner. Very simple, but ethereal and soothing.
Area: Monkey Maze. It's good and goofy and ends right before it's about to get annoying.
Enemy: Clumsy Robot. It's easy to take him for granted and then SMAAASH! Mortal damage outta nowhere. The end of the fight is pretty funny, too.

My dude, I have no clue what you're interpreting as malice. Again, I'm just saying that I don't know why you'd expect reasoning deeper than "I like x" for this?
And, m8, wouldn't asking for an analysis of 9 tracks make me seem even more "autistic" than you already said I was?

I literally can listen to this all day

>Favorite song?
Eternal Tourist Trap
>Favorite area?
>Favorite enemy?

>>Favorite song?
Fourside especially the Melee remix
>>Favorite area?
That place where you fight Giygas
Jurassic Park
Happy Happy Village
Peaceful Rest Valley
That weird dead-end cliff in Jurassic Park
>>Favorite enemy?
The mole bosses in the desert gold mine
Runaway Dog

mother 3 is better

t. Noill

Mother 3 is different*

*is better

I enjoyed both the same, but not for the same reasons.

>Favourite song?

>Favorite song?
Probably obvious but Smiles and Tears.
>Favorite area?
>Favorite enemy?
Thos guys wearing blue, can't remember the name, that whole section was surreal.