Apologize Sup Forums

Apologize Sup Forums


That's great but it took them this long? Come on

Fuck about goddamn time. They make this when almost all the playerbase has left. Absolutely genius ubishit.

Doesn't mean they've balanced the game yet, it's still turtley shit


did they fix shaman jumping on you and raping your face?

Why are they still supporting a dead game?

Why conspiracy tier bullshit is this? Are people really accusing Jason the one who ruined For Honor?

Well, my hats off to the new developing team then. Finally reinstalling this game after months of not playing it.

I'm sorry for those 5 people that still play the game.

Wait what is this true?

Very nice now how about fixing the game's fundamentally bad gameplay?


I really hope they make a comeback like rainbow six siege, since the game looked really fun

Way too little, way too late.

I told you fucks way back in the beta tests that this game was doomed, and you fucks didn't want to listen.

adding more ridiculous combos isn't going to make the game better.

So basically it actually is Rainbow Six Siege all over again? Color me impressed.

the game still controls like shit, the beta for this game where nobody knew how to play was the best but now everyone is just copying each other and doing whatever is best

Do I get the charm in Siege if I do this?

Well atleast defense wont be the thing to win the limited movesets is why turtling is a thing

Who cares, it's dead

PC is starving for games so this is a welcome addition, and don't give me the "extensive library" bs justifiying it with emulation.

This honestly brings up a good question.

Why after literal months of saying "P2P is fine who needs dedicated servers :DDDDDD" they fucking change attitudes and give dedicated servers? Changing a games fucking infrastructure like that is insane especially after it came out.

and why would they continue to work on a supposed dead game and give it something like this?

I mean if its free why not.

Wonder if we can try the classes they added as DLC.

How's it run on PC? Or should I try on PS4?


Its not dead? Well its not dead on console ill say that

The objective modes on PC are alive. While the 1v1/2v2 duel modes are not.

People memed for honor as the ultimate 1v1ing game but it is not.

I still think a lot of the turtle victories stem from the more aggressive players having shit for mind games. But on the other hand expecting that much from the average non-fighting game player is a bit too much.

The other answer is that it's not doing as well as they wanted it to, and they're trying everything and anything. The game sold well IIRC, but they want those sweet microtransactions. Hell in the beginning they were quick to change the steel rewards because of how people were complaining.

Feels good to have gotten the game for free

they realized that's it's best played in 4v4s not 1v1

Playstation link seems kill.

The fat bearded guy was an idea guy and it proves they can’t make games

Does anyone want them to add a pirate? I was shocked they added a Centurion and highlander so I guess they are going Deadliest Warrior now

I'd believe this if shaman didn't ruin the game and peacekeeper is still unbeatable if she turtles.

Give it a deep discount like you did The Division so I can jump on. JUST DO IT!

Assassins are just overpowered all of them

Even Orochi and Berzerker they might be low tier assassins but they still shit on everything that is not a high tier assassin



>Punch someone in the mouth
What the fuck is wrong with Cent, is he autistic?

>pc is starving for console ports
just go back

No that's Conq. Cent is just hyper

Yeah, the 20 people still playing must be ecstatic

he's just a narcissist

make me

He likes to brag about how cool he is hes the chad of For honor

>Ubi still giving a shit

Aramusha is the best hero fight me

Based, I enjoyed that game so much when it was in beta state.
Glad to see it's not totally dead.

I hope this revives the game because it's the only thing close enough to the team based arena fighters like Gundam that appeals to me.

Do i have to play the moba mode?


for honor would be alot better if it was more like a moba

Ubisoft might pull off another resurrection here. It's amazing Siege did not die a horrible swift death. They stuck with it, put money into it and now it my most accounts is a great game.

Why it should of launched luke that game is dead now and has no way of redeeming itself now

Until they completely redesign the awful combat system, no.


So what is the state of the game IMO?
I quit a month after release.

I meant ATM

moved from 1v1s to 4v4s and people dont care if complain about muh no honor


dedicated servers don't fix the horrible game balance but it's definitely the bigger issue. I just hope this doesn't magnify 3rd worlders shit internet.
being able to complete a dominion game reliably is good all around.

Bunch of dlc characters are out now. If you have good internet you're less likely to have issues. I played last night for 2 hours and didn't have a single hiccup. Modes with high activity have no waiting time. Low activity you'll be waiting a couple mins like anywhere from 3 - 10 mins. Since there's still no ranking system most people are pretty chill just playing for fun. Game is fun.

Well too late I sold it two weeks ago

if the other team aren't a bunch of players who have been playing a shit ton since launch and grouped up, it tends to be mostly newer players.

Took them long enough, fucking clownshoes. Still not going to play it anyway since the client uses Uplay and half the roster isn't unlocked in the base game.

Because it's far from dead

If you didn't get it before, then yes

Shit game, dedicated servers added way too late. No thanks Ubisoft.

I hope the game turns around and becomes decent.
The concept and some of the game is there and it seems like the dev team sort of gives a shit now, all it needs is better core gameplay. It seems like the DLC exposed just how weak the core gameplay is when you see all the shit they had to add to the newer characters and how it ends up actually affecting a game.

You can unlock every hero for 1 steel, you get 1500 for finishing the first tutorial.

Runs smoothly on PC, best optimised PC game in a long time (was done by blue Byte - German guys)

Console version runs at 30fps, which is really bad seeing how fast you have to react to attacks.

Fuck off

They expected it to be esports tier but it's really shit tier.

Dedicated servers won't save this. It's a fucking disgustingly unbalanced mess, that's why I quit, not because of the servers

I actually enjoyed the beta, but I didn't buy the game becuase of "muh honor" fags and the fact that I was getting space marine flashbacks with host migration.

t. shitter

honorfags were my absolute favorite thing in the game, there was no better feel than shieldbashing some honor faggot off a cliff as conq and then spamming the air hump.

Why do companies still insist on P2P to begin with?

its cheaper

But is it really worth it with how much more work you'll be having to do to patch the game vs just using dedicated servers?

yes, unless people whine about it and then they have to clean up the mess

Hello ubisoft

Have they added anything worthwhile to the game yet? Have they stopped grab winning every fight? Have they stopped rewarding players for turtling and running away?

If not, I don't care.

Lmao. Who still plays this shit

It doesn't matter what they do now the game is dead. If this launched with dedicated servers and nice balance it would have been a huge success but you can't retroactively fix this after the player base left

>you can't retroactively fix this after the player base left
Worked for Siege.

Rainbow says hi

I really want to like For Honor but every time I play it I just wish I was playing an actual fighting game. It feels like there's an over reliance on 50/50 mixups and unblockables for how little life you have on top of ring out mechanics. I could look past that if every character didn't feel so stiff and slow with few exceptions. I'll give it another go because my friend fucking loves it for some reason but I have a feeling it won't change much.

I feel like parrying should be much harder against light attacks, and lights should be a lot safer and not open you up if they get blocked. There needs to be some reason to go on the offense that doesn't rely on feint spamming or generally being unsafe.
I'm also stealing that picture of yours, nothing personnel.

I played on the start of first season, feel the same as you guys, i check how the game is doing sometimes and overall it feels worse.like they gave up and are not even trying to make duels better.

i want to fuck that owl

>mfw instantly gravitated towards shugoki back when i started playing
the salt i harvested was enough to cover the new england roads for an entire winter

>desperately making moves when 90% populations fucked off

Too little too late