Android Crossing confirmed

Android Crossing confirmed.

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Taro, can you stop being crazy for just one interview?

If I pull that mask off, will you still be a madman?

If you pull that mask off you get Hideki Kamiya

It's just Kamiya under the mask

Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will be a madman.

Can someone tell him you can buy a birdcage with a bird inside it? Wonder what he will think of that

what the fuck

Could kamiya be another mask?


>I'll never forget what your father did to me...... Forcing onto me, a fresh foreigner, debt enough to buy a house many times. Indenturing me to labor under beasts. I bear no grudge with you, but by your blood ties mayhaps you'll pay for your father's sins.

Is Taro always like this?

Pretty clever, pretty funny. But people like MatPat take this kind of jest seriously, and form ridiculous cult like beliefs about it.

>"Oh this game I play is 3deep, it's like Nazi Germany!"
>"Tom Nook is literally Hitler!"

yes, he has a amazing imagination when playing games.

Watching his friend fall off a building fucked him up

why do peole on Sup Forums and Sup Forums always post shit like this but with no sauce
and they are 50% time always made up

But this totally typical of Yoko Taro, it isnt even the first time he's talked about Animal Crossing. How new are you?

I'm more complaining about fake quotes desu, that's why I'm asking sauce

That shit reads like something Sartre would say in automata. This guy's just crazy

No he just thinks people try to make art that means something in their furry games

To be fair, I can sort of sympathize with him. Whenever I see shit that clearly does not make sense I can't manage to just turn my brain off like most people, I just keep coming up with symbolist and fake lore to try and explain it for days.

>Q: What about the next Drakengard title?
>Yoko Taro: I believe this one goes to the Square Enix producer who is over there, if the producer says he’ll give me money then I’ll make it anytime.

>Q: What if you were to make the next NieR title?
>Yoko Taro: I think I’d imagine a NieR: Automata sequel that everyone is thinking about, then make something that is not that. I’m going to ruin it, is what I’m thinking.

>Q: Yoko Taro-san, you’ve touched up on video games, novels, and stage plays, so what form of media would you like to work on next?
>Yoko Taro: I think this may be off-putting, but I’d like to make an adult video. I think of it as something I’d like to at least make once in my lifetime.

Drakengard x Nier porn movie when?

Holy fuck, that autism.

I see why you guys love this dude.


kek this guy

This man is the living definition of based

typical crazy artist. Love it

This is good stuff

Literally /ourguy/

Shit, that's rough.

It's not even just that he watched a friend fall to his death, but his friend died with a death boner, which somewhat hammered in the idea of a lack of true meaningful seriousness to death and tragedy in life. His friend died, but he admits the image of his corpse's erection gave it a comedic bent, something that informs a lot of his work.

I honestly can't tell if you're making this up

Reminds me of poetry class and autistically trying to decipher cryptic verses.

He said that in the interview.

while the boner bit is new to me, him having watch a friend fall to his death at a young age is old news

>"I'll digress with a short story, of when a friend was misbehaving, at the shopping district's arcade I was walking with my friends across a tall roof, and one of them fell from the roof, causing him to die.
>So, the fallen boy wasn't twitching nor moving, yet his "thing" was getting erect.... Seeing that, despite the horrific circumstances everyone started to laugh, the story is left me with a disturbing memory."
Translation from an japanese interview courtesy of reddit.

He did say it. Whether he was making it up is beyond me.


What a guy

>despite the horrific circumstances everyone started to laugh
That is fucked up.

>japanese developers have supervillain origins while western developers are boring as hell

It's not fair bros.

Shock does strange things to a person.

It probably wasn't just the boner. Humans laugh in situations where they're uncertain how to react, and having your friend suddenly die like that is by itself probably prone to making people respond with laughter just out of shock and disbelief.

An adult video directed by Taro is the ultimate form of kino


>automata faggot says edgy and cringeworthy thing

>"wow what a badass!"

>kojima releases a beautiful trailer

>"this is awful,this fucking hack,wheres the gameplay REEEE"

this thread is the most nu/v/ thing ever

Shock, disbelief, nervous laughter and hysteria are things my friend.

What is Animal Crossing's tax policy?

Imagine Taro and Kojima together.

>Kojima and del Toro
>Taro and Jodorowski



>I think I’d imagine a NieR: Automata sequel that everyone is thinking about, then make something that is not that. I’m going to ruin it, is what I’m thinking.
dedicated shitposting


They better hurry up then.

>Q: You talked about the importance of marketing research, so does that mean you had to look into all kinds of countries?

>Yoko Taro: This is about the previous title, but I was told that “machos are well-received” in foreign countries, especially in America. However, the game didn’t sell at all. Fans told me “I like macho, but that’s not what I look for in Square Enix games.” That previous title sold so-so in Japan, so we made NieR: Automata with the concept of let’s at least have it sell in Japan. So to be honest, I haven’t studied foreign markets at all. In the end it was a hit, and we have no idea how it sold so well. However, that makes the story I told today completely meaningless.

I knew the papa nier faggots were a minority. Fuck you for having shit taste and ruining a good game.

Papa Nier was their idea of a "macho" guy that Americans would like? Are they serious?

le wacky pomo anonymous jap xD

Where is the lie?
Is this the first time you've considered the dark concepts presented by Animal Crossing as Nintendo sells it?

>tfw his next game has heavy themes of cannibalism

I wouldn't blame it solely on Papa Nier. I mean, I heard absolutely nothing about this game until maybe a while later after its release and same with a bunch of other people, so I imagine much of its poor sales can be attributed to Square Enix not even bothering to market it

>tfw you like them both
Ascend beyond the madness, brother.


Too many cooks

Nope, you gotta join the mob mentality and hate at least one.

>I'll enjoy playing this game until I burn that dark forect down

Has Taro gone nuclear?

>Hahaha Yoko Taro is so weird and epic!!

Seriously, you can deconstruct almost every children's stuff like this and it becomes extremely silly. This is not because there were hidden "themes", but because they were simply not the focus nor an important plot point of the games. You can then act like a smartass in an interview by pointing this stuff out, and neets on the internet & Sup Forums will think you're some crazy and unique person for noticing because they lack the ability to think about all this themselves.

Not that I'm complaining, gives me confidence that one day I can also easily become a highly successful "unique and crazy" game writer and get a pass for writing generic anime shit with "philosophical" influences.

Nah, Arzak and Adrià made an awesome tag-team that summer they decided to have a joint kitchen.


Japan also made Redline because it was their idea of what an American gearhead might like to watch at a drive-in theatre

Somehow during the seven years of hand-animating, no one told them that American gearheads are generally too normalfag to watch animes.

Holy shit I haven't seen this comic in like a decade.

Redline is the shit though. The ending was a bit too sudden, but it was still cool as fuck.

lol keep raging

I know that and you know that, but Bill Bonehead doing burnouts in the Walmart parking lot does not know that.

fuck, that actually really makes me think. i couldnt help but feel like the ending of route A was very tragic in the way and reason 9S died, but also incredibly sexual in how it happened - now it makes a lot more sense why. life, death and sex are completely intertwined in this madman's head

I should check it out.
From what I can see in the trailer it probably appealed more to furries than them kek.

I think more than anything, it's a sense of fun. Everyone's used to games being presented by men in suits who use words like "synergy" and "interactive experience". Just like Kojima, everyone likes someone who is eccentric and is making things that aren't just focus tested shit.

Go and be "unique and crazy" too, looks fun to me

It's Speed Racer mixed with Episode 1 pod racing. Yoiu've got a bunch of humans, aliens, drugs, gangsters, and shittons of crazy racing.

Where would be the fun in that?

They weren't wrong, Daddy Nier is bae

if you thought he was serious about all the "metaphor" shit you are retarded

I'm playing through drakengard right now and I'm up to chapter 4. At what point does the plot get more involved than "stop the empire from breaking the seals"?

fucking kek

Play Leonard extra chapter, where your slaughter kids

>However, that makes the story I told today completely meaningless.

That fucker is still alive?
We better get him on the phone with taro at once then

explain comic pls i dont get it

ignore this post please I just got it


people raised on movies and books and stuff don't realize just how people actually act in "unrealistic" situations or sudden shocking events

dumb faggot lmaoo

how dare you talk to me in such a manner


Tetsuya Nomura was broke and nearly homeless once and admitted to walking into a bank once with the intent of robbing it, but at the last moment he decided to apply to one more job before resorting to robbery. Thay job he applied to was at Squaresoft.

Epic madman Yoko Kino is at it again!!!

no way, i always thought nomura was the kid getting shot in the comic

A tomato was a success, but this still applies.

DON’T buy Project RE:Fantasy from Atlus.

What a shitposting Madman

To be fair, they are the three most important things. You live, you fuck to lay offspring, and then you die. Or at least that's the best case scenario.

Do you have any way to backup that?

Oh yeah whatever happened to Project Re Fantasy anyway?

I am 100% sure he shitposts all day long on 2chan, and would shitpost here if he knew english

What do you mean? They started development after Persona 5 came out on the US, it’s still 3 years away from release.