Is there game that captures what war is all about beautifully other than Battlefield 1?
I’m playing Gallipoli maps right now and this game is a blast.
Is there game that captures what war is all about beautifully other than Battlefield 1?
>Battlefield 1
>captures what war is all about
How demented do you have to be to actually think that. All that BF1 captures is what WW1 would have looked like if Michael Bay would have directed it.
Are you trying to start some trouble
Rich people making poor people die for the benefits of rich people?
What does Sup Forums think of the Red Orchestra games?
I have no desire to buy Battlefield 1 like faggot OP, but I like heavy war is hell type things
I have hearts of iron 3 but can't into, for comparison I'm a huge fan of EUIV
what else are poor people good for?
Battlefield 1 doen't even come close. It's way too arcadey. Something like Squad maybe.
There are lots of games that really do "war" right, and BF1 is not one of them.
constructive comment, user.
They're alright. gameplay is good but hit detection and netcode is garbage
RO2 was pretty much unplayable at launch from what I remember.
we have robots for that now.
>war is about looking out across picturesque beaches
RO2 is def one of the best semi-realistic FPS games out there. Suffers from bunch of problems though, like retarded weapon unlock system etc.
Rising Storm 1&2 are pretty meh.
Operation Flashpoint
Ghost Recon
Just looked it up, not sure how I missed that it's basically multiplayer only.
I'm looking for solid single player campaigns, thanks though.
Some things are way too simplified and some shit shouldn't be so reliant on monarch points, which by themselves shouldn't be so random. Like, I feel like more core mechanics should consider how well I've been ruling my country and give me a reward for that.
that being said, it's a fun game, MEIOU and Taxes really improves the game a lot, shame it runs like frozen molasses in my toaster
Oh shit the new Battlefield DLC is out. How are the new maps? Guns any good?
Makes sense. sometimes it's easy to fall behind on tech because monarch points are used for everything.
I want to like CK2 so much more, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get land without just waiting years to fabricate a claim, and when I do go to war, somehow everyone else has loads of allies. I feel way more in control in EUIV, but I like the setting of CK2 more.
Fuck off, Battlefield 1 is a fantasy game and has literally nothing to do with the real Great War.
eating, sleeping, shitting, and bleeding in a filthy, muddy trench, trying not to expose any body parts to snipers, occasionally watching your friends get shot in the head. that's what world war 1 is all about.
The Gallipoli Operation is fucking impossible as the British Empire. What's the point in making the first stage so bloody difficult? There's nowhere to hide and the enemies have massive towers that overlook the whole beach. I don't even think the towers can be destroyed
>The Gallipoli Operation is fucking impossible as the British Empire. What's the point in making the first stage so bloody difficult? There's nowhere to hide and the enemies have massive towers that overlook the whole beach
hmmm I wonder why
Nothing is impossible with Anglosaxons.
>implying anything else about the game is accurate
nerf history!
literally any other game. Day of Defeat: Source.
This is so fucking accurate.
friendly reminder that 1942 is still the best game in the battlefield series
>He thinks it's more about money than political power
>he thinks politicians have power without their financial backers
How naive.
Eh, try Squad. The community is pretty good, and it's basically Battlefield but refined. Has same devs as Project Reality mod for Battlefield 2.
Lord Faarquad is underwhelming, Assault got repetierpistole: autimatico edition and some BB gun that is good for plinking, but sure as fuck not for killing people, scout got JFK killer which shoots fast enough to get two shots off on a fast moving targer (!) and Kawaii rifle for all you weebs to fap to. Looking forward for the browning gun, didn't unlock it yet. Maps are cool visually, achi baba has bad spawn system, Cape Helles is way too open for my playstyle, but overall solid maps. Don't make my mistake and play them on loop back to back, use mixed server so you don't spoil them from playing same thing all the time. Overall solid DLC, looking forward to next two maps in january.
Thanks for the suggestion, but as I get older I like multiplayer games less and less.
>bitch about "casual" shooters
>big fan of EUIV
killzone 2 was fantastic. multiplayer is dead now though, story is worth it. 3 and shadow fall are not on par with 2.
Did you have anything of weight worth saying, or did you just want an excuse to use a laughingguys.jpg
operation flashpoint truly felt like you were fighting a war
>Did you have anything of weight worth saying
Well, do you? You put yourself above people playing casual shooters but you are too much of an idiot to grasp HoI and cling to simple, unrealistic strategic games
I love how OP got rekt on the first post but he doesn't have the balls to even refute it. Fucking top kek man
>You put yourself above people playing casual shooters
Did I? I never specified why I don't like BF1, but I will since you're a faggot, I simply don't like supporting EA. There's nothing wrong with "casual" shooters, I played a shitton of halo 3 and reach when they were popular.
As far as HoI, I've only played for a couple hours outside the tutorial and felt it wasn't for me, you claim I put myself above others but call me an idiot? gtfo of here with that attitude, it's unbecoming of you.
I guess the game is pretty true to real life then
The sound design in Battlefield 1 is fucking god tier. The ambiance on the maps is incredible. Artillery fire, planes roaring over head, the squeak and squeal of a tanks tracks, etc. Not to mention the In The Name Of The Tsar soundtrack.
What are some other games with great sound design?
Oh fuck! Is this out??
Turning tides I mean. I went too hard with the Russian maps so I needed a break
The first half dropped yesterday, the other in January.
Recent Battlefield games seem to only get better and better with time
BF1 is shit BF3 for life.
me and a friend are thinking of renting a real hardcore server with 200% bullet damage, no SMGs and LMGs and standard issue rifles. No COD pussies allowed.
>Battlefield 1
Isn't that the WWI that scrapped France in favor of niggers?
Exactly. OP sounds like a deluded ameritard fantasising about war, again.
This is more like it.
Look into the Back to Basics gamemode
France was DLC
We'll get that game someday anons, in the meantime play would you be ineterested in playing in the true hardcore experience server?
Oh nice, what're your thoughts so far?
Nothing comes close to doing an op in arma because it involves so much waiting. Waiting for people to finish playing barbie doll at the arsenal, waiting for leads to make plans. Waiting for the zeus to finish setting up the mission or waiting for 10 minutes to get to the destination in an mrap.
This game gets a lot of shit but its a lot of fucking fun
I havent had a lot of time to play it yet, but so far its
Tsar > Tides > Pass
Cape Helles is a lot of fun, I havent played the other since Im not a huge fan of infantry only maps. The new guns are unqiue and cool but not ridiculous like the Tsar weapons were. Honestly Im looking more towards the next installment in January. Heligoland Bight looks cool (and is fun to say)
fuck this thread is dead as shit just like the game lmao
Sup Forums doesnt like BF1 for the most part. Its either complaining about niggers or how 2142/BC was so much better
dull gray brown shittiness
Can you you blame them tho? BF1 is honestly such a shitshow that only a year out and its pretty much on its death bed. It got to the point where /bfg/ just straight up died because no one wants to play this shit. I'd go back to BF4 but I want to see this through to the end for curiosity sake. Kinda wished that I never bought into a WWI with smgs now.
My great-great grandfather punched a superior officer while serving on one of the British battleships during the campaign. I think it was when the fleet futilely tried to charge up the Dardanelles before running into the Turkish minefield and massive fortress guns. We still don't really know the full story. I ended up visiting at one point though. The Turks compare the Gallipoli campaign to the Trojan War and say that it saved Turkish civilisation from collapse at the hands of western hordes. Their museum is pretty hysterical to visit as a non-Turk able to see through their bullshit.
I'm playing it too and the fucking Cape Helles map is incredibly unbalanced, especially on operations.
It's virtually impossible to establish a beach head
>not just jumping in a plane and going 130 - 0
Who the fuck plays for the objective anymore that shits for brainlet infantrycucks.
Bad Company 2.
>getting banned for getting too many kills
>vehicle whore thinks he has an opinion
Quite hypocritical when you talk about infantry.
Thanks for the stat padding bros.
>*unzips parabellum*
*trench farts*
umm no sweetie
I feel bad for this guy. Good post up until EUIV because that just opens you to shitposting.
Play RO2 and once you're sick of that and HoI3 and your cold war boner starts to swell, play RS2 Vietnam and cry because EvW will NEVER EVER come out.
Whatever you say, plane kike.
>other than Battlefield 1
the only one that comes close is MW2.
Turkish museums are hysterical.
Topkapi palace has this room with the staff of Moses and the teapot of Abraham or whatever.
>drop into an op for a bit
>pilot going 80 - 0 on the server
>decide to AA him for a bit keeping him away from the other troops
>can see hes getting visibly pissed because I'm fucking with his streak
>starts getting sloppy and decides to teach me a lesson
>plink him for a bit with the pom pom
>flies over and barely missed me with the bombs
>light him up with the parabellum
>smacks right into the mountainside
>receive a torrent of hotmail with such juicy bits as "kys", "fucking noob", "you fucked up now boy", "I'm gonna get you banned for this shit" etc.
>lose the game anyway and file a report
>get another message couple of days later from his friend saying that he can't play anymore cos banned
Its just a game bro. No need to go on acting like that.
Planes and the way EA pandered to them by repeatedly nerfing AA ruined the game for me.
The US Army still uses an Arma II mod for training. Look up Virtual Battlespace 2. It's very accurate to modern warfare; you sit around for hours in a truck in a halted convoy because of a suspicious looking garbage bag.
>implying the AA wasn't op as shit
You'd know that if you actually flew the planes desu.
I wanted to like this game so much more and I would have if they didn't fuck up the guns. Where the fuck are the bolts for assault? All of the guns are machine guns that feel the same and hardly even look different.
Yeah I bet those 130-2 pilots are crying themselves to sleep just thinking about it.
Fuck off
can confirm
got to dick around in a simulated convoy and got blown up after several hours of waiting for people to unfuck the radios
>capture what war is all about
>match starts
>get eviscerated by artillery shell before you can even leave the spawn
>match is over becausse your whole team is dead
11/10, would play again
OP, have you ever, you know, talked to someone who's actually been to war? You're fucking retarded, OP.
taking away from their awful parents and educating/helping
Its funny because the newest DLC just dropped to pistol tier carbines, one thats basically an uzi and the other thats some reject pilot weapon. Assault only ever use the autismatico and the Memeriegal anyway. Bolts are for fucking autists and losers that actually pay DICE to rent servers.
>Bolts are for fucking autists and losers
>WW1 game
>instead replaced by a bunch of imaginary ARs
Clearly he hasn't bothered posting since getting his ass roasted from the fpbp desu.
You two shouldn't argue about what's overpowered or not when the whole game was made for casuals and new friends. Using a vehicle in this game is as easy as destroying it.
you're pretty new my dude
good WW2 SP campaigns
only ones I can recommend are Medal of Honor Allied Assault, CoD United Offensive and CoD World at War
>I love how OP got rekt on the first post but he doesn't have the balls to even refute it. Fucking top kek man
>This entire sentence
How new are you? Day 1?
Well given that DICE hasn't recently blessed all tank mains with glancing saves on their Armour there really is no reason to play other classes unless you enjoy serving as cannon fodder.
lurk for 2 years before posting
Why the smoke effect is so badly done in vidya? Looks like 2d sprites every time.
wew a little late with those sweet comebacks don't you think? thanks
>what war is all about beautifully other than battlefield 1
son, this shit doesn't compare to the fucking trenches of world war 1. are you fucking dumb? seeing your brothers and friends die around you while unmoving in a trench that is wet, dirty, and full of fucking rodents? please dont compare this shit to the real thing, buddy
to be fair, a single battle could have millions of artillery shells being shot... so like... if there was ever a war Michael Bay would be into it would be ww1.
What do you mean? I stopped playing before the first DLC, did they seriously buff planes?
>not Vietnam
Napalm looks way more cinematic than normal artillery explosions. Remember, kids and dudebros love them big fireballs