Admit it Sup Forums, this game was trash

Admit it Sup Forums, this game was trash.

I realized it was only praised at launch because people didn't finish it.

For everyone that praises it, there is probably 100 people that dropped this piece of turd.

I wish I did drop it, but after playing it for 6 months I had to know.

Now that I'm done with the game I can call it for what it really is.

>when u see a retard

>Sup Forums is contrarian again
imagine hating fun so much

Each new arc becomes worse than the other. Drug trafficking, work slaves, plagiarism are not any more worse than a pedo sexually harassing students

Gameplay is the best in the series, but the story is lacking behind 3 and 4.

It was fun for a bit, but the whole game just pisses me off

I know they were going for style, but the result screen at the end of a battle just pisses me off, and it gets so tiring at the end.

Kinda this.
After Kamoshida and him literally raping one student, introducing a Yakuza boss that was just "trafficking drugs" was very lame.
Game should be 18 instead of 16 rated so they could go more hardcore with the content.

But still. Take in mind that with every new arc, they were climbing in social status, doing too much would cause them problems (as far as i know, P5 was already controversial because of political topics).

>he doesn't know that the writer of that review beat it in Japanese three times for the platinum and beat it twice in English for the platinum
But oh, yeah. Fuck vidya reviews, amiright lads?

>Characters are a flat an uninteresting mish-mash of anime tropes. None of them really arc to become better people, or even grow the fuck up like in the previous games.
>Plot is just nonsense about "Stealing things from bad adults." and the theme barely even matches the plot.
>Angsty garbage about how adults are the worst people imaginable, with contrived as fuck shit like an absurdly abusive P.E. coach, who is also a pedophile AND has a massive ego, or an artist that murdered a woman, stole her work, then raised her son as a live-in slave and stole his work.
>Bizarre and forced scenes that make no sense and don't do anything.
>Side characters that are absolutely uninteresting and only serve as a way to maintain the social link mechanic.

Kamoshida was the worst written villain though. They were literally forcing players to agree that he was a bad guy. "H-hey guys, look at how awful he is! He made a girl attempt suicide AND he laughed about it. You want to take him down, d-don't you?"

PC port when.

I dont think it was the depth of immorality that each arc was trying to one up, but rather the magnanimity of the person that arc was changing. Each new arc has them target a more popular, more know person. Their particular crime is not being upstaged, just just the celebrity status.

In a sense, after the end of the game the theme of celebrity and loss of indiviuality remains.

Too bad about that shit rewards screen after each fight though.

But that sounds just like /r9k/ and incels. For me it's quite realistic to happen. Especially in Japan.

>story driven game with no freedom

>Morgana takes care of your health and makes sure you get enough sleep.
>Everyone hates on him.
Why Sup Forums are such children?

The game was fun in some sections but it was pretty bad. Predictable story, didn't go far enough with its mature themes, and wasn't nearly as difficult as I thought it was going to be.


It wasnt trash but it was not exactly good either.
Just a average persona.

>waiting all game for Morgana to turn into a cutie waifu
>it doesn't happen

What did they mean by this?

>when you're not a hypocrite and just admit to liking linear story driven games
Feels good. The Last Of Us was great as well.


Reminder that only people who hate Persona 5 are NeoFAGs that are triggered by the game making fun of faggots and trannies.

He was also going to force Makoto into prostitution to pay her debt, so it's safe to say he also did this to other girls as well

>waiting for a male to turn into a waifu
Found the problem.

Sup Forums hates both persona 5 and nocturne now. what went wrong

Yakuza and Nier have made Persona COMPLETELY OBSOLETE. If you like Persona 5 get the fuck off of Sup Forums now, you are in a dying series and fanbase.

Morgana says he's a guy at the beginning and even the intro at the casino has him named as "Boyish Voice".

It was a fun game. The character development really dropped once you got Makoto. Haru felt really unnecessary overall. The first villain hit the hardest, everyone else was pretty light weight.

could have been better to be honest. still liked it well enough.

Persona 5 is GOTY.

You just have bad taste.

but morgana is already cute

Basically this. NeoGAF died so those faggots flooded Sup Forums now.

>Persona 5 is shit

The absolute state of nu/v/

Nah , it has BIG flaws tho. Game is objectively a 6. The definition of style without sustance.

>the tutorial is some how even longer than 4

holy shit. i know you want to throw a bone to the new bloods but Jesus fuck!

>after playing it for 6 months
Gee, wonder why you'd find it a boring chore, when most dungeons were designed to be done in a day.

Best video game of 2017

I liked it a lot

Sup Forums is right.

Nah Morgana didn't have a clue what it was, as was proven at the end of the game.

I want receipts.

I liked it
It has no replayable value though

>if you don't enjoy the mediocre story and don't defend this mediocre game and leweifus you are a sjw.

My sides , personacucks everyone

>that kid who has absolute no taste but is a self insert

its a great game, but 3 was better, and they removed costumes just to add them as DLC

Only happens in days after a main plot scene.

nu-Sup Forums

It improved a lot of things like level design, boss battles, art style and music but not a single team member was interesting and the story was a complete mess. Clearly it's the worst Persona game but I still wouldn't call it trash.

4 > 5 > 3

5 > 4 > 3

>It's another "admit it slash vee slash" thread

I'll only admit to anything the moment you admit to sucking cocks as often as people breathe air.

This game was awesome and nothing you braindead salty fucks say can convince me otherwise

Persona 5's soundtrack was mostly a let down i think we can all agree. P4 music > P5 music

fuck that jazz shit.

3 has a better story than 4 and 5 what the fuck are you talking about?

>The definition of style without sustance.

No, I wouldn't say this. It does have substance, unfortunately it isn't good.

I don't mind the tutorial from 4. It was like 6 hours and it had cool story beats.

Don't remember when tutorial finished in P5.



>90% of Sup Forums agrees P5 is a massive disappointment
>the 10% are STILL convinced they're not a vocal minority

Arena > 4 > 1 > Q > 5 > 3 > 2


3 > 1 > 2 > 4 > Q > 5 > Arena

Damage control from desperate P5cuck

Oh, that makes me a cool hipster contrarian then, just like P2 fans!

>not just waiting for the true savior of jrpgs

Say what you will about p5 but it was a godsend in at least a few ways.

>finally took the spotlight away from Yu; Joker is now far more popular than Yu ever was
>introduced demon enemies to my-Persona; generic-ass kingdom hearts shadows are now a thing of the past
>final boss is literally a god, not just some bigass monster who calls itself one. This brings persona closer to SMT

It’s a breath of fresh air.

It is trash m8.

Some common animations were completely botched.

>Boring all-out-attack animation

Can't believe they made it boring.

>Vorpal blade animation

Lazy as fuck.

Only bad thing was Morgana.


Meant to say nu-persona. Oh well

More people like P2 than P5. P5 is an abject disaster that killed the series.

>taking away screenshot feature for a stupid akechi is the traitor and a wildcard
>stupid ass story beating you over the head.
>hurr durr take your time.

The writers and story ruined this game. fire the writer and director of 5.

>2 worst story
>5 worst gameplay than q and 1

Can't forget characters.




I dropped it in the last dungeon
I got burnt out, spent so many hours so many days in a row playing
Great game, very addictive, until it isn't

Impressive Akechi-kun! I can't believe you figured this out on your own!

Feels good meeting an user I can totally agree with

voice acting was pretty shit too.

I can attest I never finished it. I mean why would I bother, there is nothing at all engaging about the game. Weebs will weeb.

that only makes me cooler!

I forgot to admit that nocturne at least feels like an rpg, this is just boring as fuck.

Feels good being a P4chad and enduring years of mockery only for Sup Forums to realize that we're still the king and no shitty virgin can dethrone Yu. Now don't piss me off again.

>from the makers of SMT IV
Atlus is getting dissolved by the end of the decade, P5 killed Persona and SMT IV killed SMT. They have no series left.

spot on m8. spot on.

>Sup Forums is still SEETHING that Persona 5 was such a success

>A God
I bet you are also one of the people who think that Satanael = Satan.


Yo, I never hated P4. But I did find P3 to be better.

Now that I think back retrospectively, after playing P5, it might have climbed the ranks.

It didn't disappoint me after playing P3 and it has many of its own qualities.

>le P4 is the worst!! do I fit in yet?
P5cucks, you are not wanted on Sup Forums. Leave.

P3's characters were pretty boring and it's mostly people jerking off over Aegis or Junpei. The vast majority of SLs in 3 were completely bland and forgettable and the "villains" were completely retarded.

Morgana is a girl. She was voiced by the same VA that did Totori, Fie and Lin. Eat shit.

does that make all the morgana porn suddenly futa now

So does that make Bart Simpson a girl too, retard?

Just started the kaneshiro arc.

So....the whole reason why they're taking his heart is because if they don't get him the money he'll release photos of them being in an adults-only nightclub?

What exactly is so bad about that?

Couldn't they just explain "yes we were in an adults-only nightclub but here is a literal criminal who's forcing people into prostitution and stealing money from children"?

Am I missing something here?

>For everyone that praises it, there is probably 100 people that dropped this piece of turd.
so you dont know shit

It's a great game, it really is.
However after like 3 years of waiting I found that the game did not exceed expectations or fall below expectations, it was exactly what I expected it to be. Every great thing done in the previous games (for the most part) is done here and every bad thing is also done. Battle system is impressive and probably the best of all the games but there is still the easy cheese (Baton in this case) that you find in every game.

Game still introduces party members super late into the game for some reason. The story still struggles to fully encompass the entire year and many times things feel stretched out for the sake of fitting a year and a WHOLE LOT OF REPEATING THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN.


>ad hominem
>American cartoon trash
>Bart is literally stated to unquestionabley be a boy, whereas Morgana isn't
Nice non-argument, kid

It would ruin Sae's career, and it's part of Makoto's arc

I don't even know if I'd give it that. It's too easy. The game doesn't feel balanced around its own feature set. Plus the social life aspect is the worst it's ever been. Between the fucked pacing, go to sleep days, fortune telling trivializing everything, inane decisions like not being able to hang out with your party until you leave the card, the entire waste of potential that was the card, and a thousand other small annoyances.

>"admit it"
>game has 9.7 rating
>Game won best rpg award
>game has really good music
>OP says it's shitty

Op you know what to do

>when P3 won in almost every category
P4fags are truly the worse. Feels good knowing your game has already have been forgotten
The P3 cast is the only group that actually resemble real people with their own problems. MC only really deals with Yukari and Da Man while everyone else do their own thing

No, it's exactly on the level of your average doujin.
>I'm going to blackmail you with photographic evidence incriminating me!
Only gets worse from there too.

He was going to leak it to the Shujin Principal, Joker and Ryuji already had a shitty reputation at school, so i guess everyone would be expelled if they got caught hanging out in a mafia club with those two

>real people with real problems
>beep boop
They were just as much stereotypes as P4 and 5.

Xenoblade 2 is better

i don't mind when the combat mechanic is good but damn those guys didn't even try to put effort in making the gameplay more entertaining and interesting and this the third game.

Fuck off reddit. Rightful GOTY

>hating Koro-chan

Neptunia VII is better

>abusive parents
>death if a parent
>neglated by parents
>self harm
>No real problems