ITT: "that one kid at school"-mechanics that turns out to be real

ITT: "that one kid at school"-mechanics that turns out to be real.

Did those reset and did it affect pokemon encounters?

Yes and no.

What's the point, then?

What? Did people not know you could cut grass?

>if you talk to me in the underground 30 times you can catch spirittomb, a pokemon with no weaknesses.

yeah sure jose you just want me to waste my time

I was pretty fucking blown away when I found out you could do this

bullshit, you could avoid encounters by doing that

That's what I'm wondering.
How do you not know about cut on grass.

>30 times
who fucking thought this was a good idea

Well I mean yeah that's a given but there are people out there who thinks you can increase encounter rates by cutting all the grasses sans for one square.

Because why the fuck not.

It was supposed to be "30 people", doing it with the same person 30 times was just the friendless way



I doubt anyone would believe me, but I actually had a copy of Blue with Mew on it.
It was bootleg though. Bugged to shit and the pokemon storage started out filled with Missingos (and at least one Mew). And the cartridge was fucking black.

that sounds like a shitty creepypasta


all you need was gameshark to get a mew, it wasn't uncommon, I sold them to my school pals.

Guess you should have just Gameshark'ed it like everyone else.

what the fycj

Nothing to do with that dumb copypasta and it wasn't spooky at all. Just kind of neat. It was barely playable though, the game would freeze or crash before reaching the first pokemon centre a lot of the time.

Were there gamesharks for Gen1? I did actually have one for GBA, but never thought about it for pokemon since I had that bugged copy. Mew worked perfectly fine if you transferred to a legit copy, it wasn't that amazing a pokemon though.

how did people not know this?

You could do this in first gen too

I was waiting for something crazy to happen and all it is, is one solid minute of cutting grass?

how did you not think to use it on grass, even as a retarded kid I figured I'd give it a try

pretty sure everyone here figured it out as a kid


You don't even need a gameshark.

>missing the point

Everybody knows you can cut grass, but what about multiple lengths of grass cutting?

Yes but we didn't know the glitch back then, and don't be "that kid".

>Went to the big pokemon event at a mall in near my city
>They gave out mews, so I got one
>Asian kid talks to me later on, asks me to trade
>Wants to give me a level 100 Magneton for the mew I just got
>Didn't see what was so special about mew, so I do, excited to have a level 100

>Learn about the missingno trick a few months later

>get all the regis but regice has to hold an ice related item and regigigas will appear
>oh and i almost forgot regice has to have a nickname ;^)

Well I didn't even know about gameshark back then.


is this true in the remake?

I actually didn't knew about this.


This was the dumbest shit.

Pretty much everything you have to do in Takeshi's Challenge.
It's also the standard MO of old point 'n click adventure games.

>walk in this cave
>now run in circles a bunch
>now stand still for five minutes
>the back of the cave opens I swear!

The whole missingno quest was "that kid" shit.

You sure that wasn't a Regi one rather than missingno?

>had ruby in 5th grade
>friend tells me about braille puzzles for special pokemon
>get book about louis braille from annual "you have to get a book to promote reading" day just because it had a braille alphabet on the back
Good times

I was one of them as a kid.


The manual that came with the game had the braille alphabet in it.

Grass is only for pogeymans catching. Caves/buildings are for random encounters.

Nice resolution you got there



And the first brainlet appears. Have you never mowed grass before?

Buddy it's completely possible to catch a Mew in a vanilla copy of Blue using the right exploits.

>first brainlet

90% of the faggots ITT are pretending they knew this when they didn't

Breath of Fire has a few.
>dude you can totally see Chun-Li if you talk to the thief who steals the money you put on the table if you don't look away twice and then look.
>dude you can totally see Chun-Li again if you beat the true final boss while Ryu has a broken sword equipped and she'll be in the good ending but with a different coloured outfit than the other cameo
>dude you can totally skip the boss fight in the dark forest if you keep telling the "chief" no
>dude if you decide to serve Jade and then just stand there he'll make you fight shit and if you keep doing that you'll eventually fight a monster worth 9999GP+EXP
>dude if you fly over to the island with the two towers on it and search behind them you'll find the tri-rang the second strongest weapon Ryu can use in the game but it's only there before the towers get raised
>also the enemies on that island are either the weakest ones in the game or the one that gives you 9999GP+EXP mentioned earlier

bet you didn't know that in gen 3 if you have a pokemon with the Hyper cutter ability in your first slot, you'll cut a bigger area of grass

It's a deformed wojak poster, of course he's braindead.

>he didn't read the manual

actually it's just in Emerald, where overworld effects for abilities were introduced

don't be mad that you didn't know, it's okay to be challenged in current year

>The Mew glitch (also known as Long-range Trainer glitch) is a glitch found in all of the Generation I core series games. It was first reported in 2003[1]
>current year minus 14

And in case I haven't driven the point home far enough: that's a few years after they stopped giving out Mews to gen 1 games.

Don't pull this card, you could do this shit in the first game too

Yes but it was also what made this kind of shit so special. I think I actually enjoy Pokemon when it do these little weird ass conditions you gotta fulfill to get some rare pokemon. I don't know if they still do it or not because the last one I remember was Malamar.

>Dude just like hold the 3DS upside down when it levels up

Can't really fault you, user. Makes as much sense as pressing the left button, B and turning the gameboy clockwise to increase capture odds.

I've played pokemon for over 10 years and didn't know you could cut grass until today

I like it too. The more weird and absurd it is, the more it feels like one of those old playground rumors.

I watched this whole fucking thing and have no idea what I'm supposed to be looking at. Did OP not know you could cut grass?

What baffles me is how the fuck did I get through that last dungeon in gen1 back then.
I'm sure I didn't have any guides.

Same way we all got through games without guides back in the day.


This is clearly a hacked game but there is an actual glitch that lets you catch a Mew


I never heard of turning your gameboy clockwise. also was right and B for me.
i hate how this shit is so ingrained into my brain that i still do it to this day even knowing it does nothing. I have to actively force myself not to do it.

>if you jump in the bomb-omb painting in that shitty tech demo of peach's castle, it takes you to another world
this sounded so stupid i didn't even try it, i just returned mario 64 instead

I don't remember how I learned you could do that but I thought it was the coolest fucking shit as a kid and it made me so angry when they stopped letting you do it

That actual hurt me

>press [button] just as the pokeball catches and the pokemon won't struggle as much to get out
Did that even work?

it does and you can't tell me otherwise

I think i read somewhere that multiple successive frame perfect inputs did something in gen1 but i can't find anything on that anywhere. So that was probably bullshit too.

At my school people said you either had to push A+B as soon as the ball sucked the pokemon in, and other kids said you had to just spam B while the ball shook.

I thought you were still upset about it.

Everyone knew it was spam B when the ball was shaking

>when you wanted to catch a pokemon so bad you started chanting some dumb ass song and shit

I always just held down A as soon as I selected the ball.

>believing the dumb rumors
>experimenting with button combos in a desperate attempt to catch safari zone pokemon
>accidently discover how to soft reset on gameboy while trying to catch a kangaskhan

>when you only have one chance to catch a rare/legendary and you were too young to realize you could savescum to have unlimited chances

>"Oh wow, I wish I had that pokemon. I tried catching him but he got away...."
>"Wait, you can do WHAT?!"

It's obviously a certain pattern of A, B, start, select and direction arrow when the ball shakes.
There are multiple patterns for each legendary and they rotate each time you try to catch

>tfw I used my masterball on some random ass pokemon

I remember using mine on a ditto.
Still managed to capture mewtwo and all three birds without it.

>not holding up and mashing A/B
Clinically proven.

>mashing A/B
I thought you had to time it when the ball connected?

Mashing A/B before it hits primes the ball for a higher catch rate.

Totally. You have to push up on the d-pad as you throw it, then hold down B and A as soon as it closes on the pokemon, and release A as soon as it starts shaking.
I can't remember where i heard that one, but i've never once not done it.

>not pressing and holding B the moment the ball connects with the pokemon and tapping A every time the ball shakes

I still do this shit

I legit used mine on a Rattata. I thought it was infinite and wanted to test it on the first pokemon I found outside the lab.

You had to move the d-pad on the direction the ball moved just as it's doing it, and then press A + down after the last one.

Yeah there were gamesharks available back then. I had a Mew back in 1999 from messing with a hex editor in my gamesharks trying to figure out how to change encounters.

I remember struggling to catch Zapdos with a hyperball.
He was down to one pixel of health, every attack I had would've killed him. But did I manage to catch him? Fuck no.

>know about missingno glitch
>waste masterball
>go multiply rare candy
>stuff it all into my Blastoise because wooo lvl100
>still happy af

I think I did something weird like start holding B when it hits, then hit left and right in time with the ball shaking and hit A when it goes back to resting.

>me and my brother were convinced that you would always capture the pokemon if you didn't look at the gameboy
I wanna go back ;_;

I knew this but somehow forgot to apply it in newer Pokemon games.

I ended up leveling my Lapras because Articuno knocked out my entire team while I had it at a sliver of health and trying to catch it. My last pokemon was my level 26 Lapras surfslave and it ate a single ice beam and would have died on the next turn but it was that turn I finally caught it. Used an escape rope to get out and ended up transferring that Lapras through several different games.

I knew that, my little sister knew that, my older retarded brother knew that, peopel at the school grounds knew about it

It's not something special

Found this one by myself.
It is pretty useless, though. You loose UFO after the level anyways