Should there be a warning on the box that this is still a game in development?

Other urls found in this thread:


>try to advertise the game to get more sales
>talk show host shits all over it
>have to drop the price to $30 since it was hated so much
it has its own used shelf at my local store, at least 30 copies

>Should there be a warning on the box that this is still a game in development
The warning is already there. Look at Noctis like "bro, stay away".

It says Day One Edition. Wait for the Day 700 Edition

I loved the game but OP is not totally off. The game needed a lot more time in development. And I am not talking about the past trailers. The game itself leads you to expect more. No real nifelheim (with the twist of how it's a dead place populated only with demons and clones), no post crystal noctis world (only a tease via a truck tour) no Luna or Cindy character development. Just one fightable NIfelheim general. Literally no tough bosses. And so on....

Ardyn deserved a more polished game.


>And I am not talking about the past trailers
That's the thing, people always think you think of the old trailers or even Versus shit, but even if you never watched a trailer it's obvious that there's clearly lots of stuff missing or unfinished. Looking at the trailers make it even worse though, even late 2015 trailers still had the bloodmoon

I am inclined to agree.
I personally enjoy the game, but it's something I honestly wouldn't recommend. The game is a mess and you can tell. Enemies without tells, hold to x combat, overall weightless animations, the story doesn't even know what it wants to do. Man. It's simply not a good game.
Yet somehow I enjoy spending time with it. It's pretty weird.

Ill just bookmark this thread now and read the autism later.
By the way when is Iggy coming out?

Even the boxart is false marketing.

>Mysterious important-looking gods in the sky that look like the judges from FF12 or something
>They ONLY appear in the ending cutscene


Yes, just like BotW with the dirtbike DLC

Tomorrow. Fingers crossed hoping it will be good, I'm getting more worried by the minute.

>inb4 xv-kun rushes through the DLC because he wants to get back to Sup Forums as fast as possible

While it looks more interesting than the first two, which were honestly mediocre, i doubt it will be great. We basicly know what will happen and you'll just fight a bit here and there and the optional ending is probably just some super small thing that doesn't mean anything anyway. And the fact that people have to pay for it and the next 3-4 DLC Episodes still makes me mad for being an early adopter of a full priced early access game

Man, what a mess. Wish we could just have peaceful threads without his delusional famboyism nor with those autists reeeing at everything. Is it really that much to ask?

There's no denying it, the game is pretty much early access. And all the talk about patching it and all is pointless because it's not going to be fixed, the game is flawed to its core.
The story is completely unsalvageable.

I'm not even looking for great, good is enough. I want something enjoyable and that I can have fun coming back to. That is a meaningful part of Ignis' story because I really like the character, but I'm simply setting myself up for a fall.
If I'm honest, I saw a red flag with Ep. Gladio, and Prompto confirmed it, these things aren't made with repeatability in mind. The fact you can't carry anything from the main game, like outfits, is telling enough. For them is a one and done deal.

I bought the game with season pass on release but only finished the main story and haven't touched it since. I was thinking of playing the side character episodes in a row when they all come out. Has the final one come out yet? Has the game had any other significant changes since release?

They're also something that was clearly made after the story was done. It's nohting that was cut or anyhting, especailly GLadio and Prompto Ep were just dumb filler shit and Ignis just has the advantage of taking place during altissia which makes it seem a bit more important.
I don't even know what the fuck they want to do with Ardyn and Luna in the future. They went on and on about how Luna will be a great strong important charcater and lately how they had so much story for Luna and Ardyn that didn't make it into the game, so why isn't any of that in the free updates and shit. You can just tell they're lying all the time and make up shit and enough idiots will eat it up. The worst thing is that there're tons of people out there that actually defend this whole situation.

The final one of the first season pass is out, but 2018 will at least have 3-4 more DLC episodes.
The biggest changes is that you can now drive offroad which is basicly useless compared to the chocobo though since it takes too long to get in and out and you can swtich cahracters now but it's pretty slow, takes a few seconds between each character and you can just fight the same things again that you already did, so if you didn't like that enough not much has changed

To be fair Ep Gladio does give Cor some backstory and character which is depressing.

It's actually a long list when you think about it, although most of it is small. Let me think.
-Episode Ignis is the last part of the 1st Season Pass (I know) and comes out tomorrow
-Episode Gladio and Prompto are already out, as you know
-The Comrades Expansion too, beware the loading screens

--Update Stuff AKA Free things--
-A new model of the Regalia has been made available as an update, the Type D, which lets you actually drive and go off-road. It's a monster truck, though.
-Character Switching came today. From what I've seen the characters retain their almost full functionality, but Prompto doesn't have access to Melee and Snipers (Gladio doesn't have his columns and Ignis lacks his Grappling Book, of unknown functionality)
-Now you can accept multiple hunts, up to 10
-A timed quest system has been implemented, with its own set of rewards
-New Game+ and Chapter Select Added
-The ChocoMog Festival has started and ended twice
-Assassin Festival is still going until the end of December

I'm kind of drawing a blank now.

BTW, typing this on phone is a real pain in the ass.
Grappling Hook*.

>FFXV Comrades gets update today
>new update FINALLY reduces load times to the camp from Lestellum and vice verse as well as NPC characters loading faster in single player quests
>but now the map takes longer to load from the camp which used to be almost instantly
>new daily quests added to buy exclusive buffs from a new NPC
>but the quests are online only and has to be done with Quick Play so no doing it with friends or by yourself
>Xbox One Quick Play feature is broken and kicks you offline if you select it, so every Xbox One player can't do Daily Quests
Really rustles my jimmies

>actually defend this whole situation.
Which I honestly don't understand. Let's be honest, this whole situation is embarrassing. I appreciate getting something, I guess, but it's not like they're working their asses off for this. Ep Gladio was extremely lazy.

No idea what will they do with Luna, with Ardyn you can at least get the idea that they're going to tell you about his past, but what are they going to talk about with Luna? How she was walking around awakening summons and being escorted by the Empire?
I'll be honest, I'm getting Ep. Ardyn, but I seriously hope they have something more to show for 2018.

Oh God, really now? I don't even. For what purpose? The fix one thing and break three.

Good ideas but they're retarded about the execution.

I just started it up after almost a year and all these updates and it looks way fucking worse than I remember. Like everything is blurier and the frame rate is worse. Combat is still shit. What happened?

It's exactly the same, you just finally woke up.

Looks the same to me, I don't know what to tell you.

It's always been that way lol

Stop being mean and let XV-kun play the DLC in peace.

>While it looks more interesting than the first two, which were honestly mediocre
If these are mediocre, what would great FFXV dlcs be for you? I didn't play the dlcs yet but they look pretty good for five dollars even if the game should've got delayed to include all this shit.

I was never mean, I don't know what you're talking about. The most I've done is complain about how extremely obnoxious the crusaders are. XV-kun is still delusional, though.

Another addition I always forget, Cross Chains. Were they a carryover from Versus?

absolutely not

No? I think I remember people saying how they resembled something from Versus.

I'd honestly take ten dollar expansions if they were actually good.

Well that DLC was fucking short. 1 1/2 hours with the extra chapter and Noctis fight
I'm glad i won a fucking code for the season pass otherwise i'd have never played all ths shit

>FFXV comes out
>Lukewarm response
>Forgotten in like a month
>Stores are filled with unsold copies
>SquareEnix's earnings report comes out
>All their games are doing terribly.
>Except their hallmark FFXV, which is doing great and totally didn't flop at all.

The Ignis DLC come with alternate ending for main story. It's a good ending where Noctis lives.

Wait it's that short? Wew lad, they sure took a long time for an hour of content.


Anything interesting happen in the episode? Or is it just pointless filler


Now THIS is some normie humor I can get behind.

Wait, so the dlc itself has an alternate ending in it that affects the main game. Or by just completing the dlc itself you alter the ending of the main game?

>hype of Luna's brother to be the big anti-hero
>he just shows up dead on the floor later in the game


But really though, the story was an incoherant piece of shit, they could have at least finished the story and left out dumb shit like fishing.

What the fuck there's actual new DLC?
I thought it was just an update for Comrades.
Isn't Episode Ignis tomorrow?
Where is this so I can play it?


There is a choice in the DLC. During first playthough there is only 1 option, to fight Ardyn. After you finish it, the "extra verse" unlocked and there is another option, to play along with Ardyn. This choice alter the ending, Ravus didn't die and give Noctis's father royal arm to Noctis right before the final fight against Ardyn. After that the scene skip to the ending where Ignis visit Noctis who sit on the throne, alive.

That's stupid if true

It is gaming.youtube.com/watch?v=hrhREfTusWE

>pay extra to get the true ending
kek, this fucking game

This hairstyle is alot better.

Some interesting things here and there, it's the best DLC so far, but that makes it even worse tht it's not in the main game.
It's basicly 20 minutes of hallways fighting soldiers, 5 minute autoplay boatride, 20 minutes figting soldiers and magitechs + general, a Ravus fight and after that Ignis takes the power of the kings and you fight Ardyn or rather hold him off for a bit and then he goes blind. Also an alternate ending where Ravus helps you and you also fight Ardyn in fron of the crystal where Noctis is in and Noctis basicly survives and you see him on the throne. The Noctis fight is your usual XV fight honestly, same with Ardyn and Ravus, but at least Ignis has an actual dodge though you can just spam it and some better magic. But for some reason the team is unable to design good humanoid bosses, they just do their attacks and dodge animations when they feel like it. I know people hate it when it's brought up but it basicly feels like KH BBS bosses that jsut don't care for any balance or rules, just two psonges hitting each other.
I really hope this won't be the future of FF combat systems

Sounds a bit more interesting than i expected, but i'll leave for now before xv-kun shows up and screams at everyone how it's the greatest DLC ever created

>optional ending everyone is happy
>luna still ded

>Cut content sold as DLC episodes.
>Two fucking Season Passes
>Half-baked game.
>Admitted a year after release that the game was not complete because they lacked manpower.
>Shoehorned Adds.
>Promised the world and delivered one of the most mediocre Final Fantasy game.
>Spoiled the game in every trailer. Leaving no surprises.
>Tabata and his team are working on a New IP.

I ask you Sup Forums: How did Square get away with this? If they were any other studio, they would've been crucified with these acts. Do people just don't care anymore?

I have it updated and the season pass but where the fuck is this new content located in the fucking game?
There's no update log or info to let me know how to access it.

>literally no one cares about luna

No girls allowed

What do you base yourself on to say it's the best one so far? How does it lend itself to replayability?

They were in Episode Duscae
Ironically enough I prefer that version much more cause it had more than 5 animations in total.

I'd say it's the best becaue it actually had some interesting story stuff that didn't feel like totally made up filler and could easily be ignored. In terms of gameplay they're all not that great but Ignis is at least fast and i like the target beased magic.
Well you can replay the last few minutes to make a different decision and get a few more cutscenes and one more Ardyn fight but that's about it, the DLCs basicly have no replayability at all unless you want to fight the optional Noctis fight over and over again which gives you nohting anyway. The DLCs are basicly one and done things. It's the best one imo, but still far from anything special even for 5 bucks especially since this feels like it really should've been in the game comapred to the other two.

I wish games still had active and passive abilites. Now there's basicly no need to ever use a weapon with worse stats, but in duscae you actually had weaker weapons with some good abilites you could activate with a button press or passive stuff like HP or MP drain.

Wait for her dlc

>inb4 optional ending to an optional ending

The standard that shitstains like EA, Ubisoft and Activision are so rock bottom than anything slightly better is seen as fine.

the game somehow sold like 6-7 millions.

does iggy still go blind when you get the alternate or what? I dont care if people thought it was good. he didn't deserve that bullsht

I wish the postgame dungeons looked better.
Beyond those doors it's all the same boring tunnels.

>look up stream of new dlc
>everyone screaming how emotional it is and how great it is
I don't even know what to feel anymore. Maybe i'm just too hard on games or maybe thse idiots are imressed to easily especially by cut paid DLC

Is it actually good storytelling or simply good by FFXV standards?
What do you unlock?

It's the latter

It isn't possible to get a second Genji Blade, right? I'd like to use a Greatsword that looks sleek instead of being a giant slab of steel.

No, there should be a warning that severe abuse against the disabled is in it.

That'd be fucking weird though. Seeing Old Ravus was weird enough to weird me out.

It's neither. The post credits scene had me in tears until it just fucking ended without Noctis giving Ignis a hug or anything. Yeah the handshake was sweet but a fucking handshake? Really? You're not going to hug the man who sacrificed so much for you?
Who is literally BLIND because of you?

Well we know what happens to Ignis so it's not really a big surprise, basicly Ignis just uses the ring and goes blind and fights a bit and the optional ending he sacrifices everything but everything is sitll fine and he isn't blind in the end for some reason. It's just some scenes were alright and it fits into the story, but the story telling itself not special. Everything in XV just feels so formulaic and cookie cutter.

How are you cunts playing the dlc now? i still see nothing on the store and searching for Ignis just gives me some avatar.

>people can actually talk about the game without the fanboy
Sadly he will be back soon. He's probably already making Noctis fight webms to shitpost against other games

Probably japanese region accounts.

Unironically kek

Just finished watching this guy streaming it:


Dude just stomped every enemy without a challenge, just like Episode Prompto. The Episodes are just one long cutscene with "gameplay" just too qualify for being a game.

At the very fucking least the nightmare is over and we can move the fuck on from Tabata's terrible game. See you guys whenever XVI comes out.

>the nightmare is over
>he doesn't know

Not until late 2018 at least
And yeah, despite what xv-kun wants to believe you can just button mash your way through the DLCs. They know their fanbase, people love it when cool shit happens without much input

>At the very fucking least the nightmare is over and we can move the fuck on from Tabata's terrible game
Nigger, they just confirmed a 2nd Season Pass with 3 more DLCs. Most likely Episode Ardyn and Luna and god knows what the other one is.

>See you guys whenever XVI comes out.
You mean 7R

>god knows what the other one is.

Episode Versus XV

Episode Iris.

I think Episode Aranea has more chances of happening. Or maybe a DLC about Noct's dream while he's inside the crystal. Comrades will already cover adult Iris, Aranea, Cor and co anyway.

>xv-kun has nothing better to do at 5am than playing XV dlc
He might actually be a NEET, wonder he can shitpost all day

>tfw imagining XVkun crying for 20 minutes because forced drama

>come back
>full autism already and the thread didn't even break 100 posts yet

The update made me pick this game up again since I dropped it after launch and reminded me how much it can be satisfying when fighting enemies that were designed around the combat and how shitty it is when fighting the vast majority of the foes

>Complaining is autism

I just see people talk about the DLC mostly

This is

>two posts
>rest of the thread is actually talking about the game and DLC
You fags need to grow some balls if you're this offended by 1-2 posts