What are your favorite vidya monster girls, Sup Forums?

What are your favorite vidya monster girls, Sup Forums?

I personally really like Arachne from Smite and Kerrigan (!?).

You're my favorite monster

The Merrevail (sing. Morroval) from LOTRO are one of the best monster-girl designs I've seen. Monstrous, but the women are still fairly human-looking without being overly so.


Naga-siren from dota


monstergirl fags are the worst. where are the furry bara posters when you need them?

Hopefully dying in a fire somewhere

Exquisite fucking taste, my dude.

>tfw she will NEVER give you slimy, mucous coated titfuck while kissing/suckling the tip of your dick with her lamprey eel inspired skull tentacle, letting you cum directly inside her split open face wound

Why can't the T-Virus be real?

Bipedal Scorpiongirls.

Never bothered to ask, who is this dude and why is he posted everywhere? Heard he killed himself on camera or something? He looks like the villain of a science fiction movie

Slobodan Praljak killed himself on camera after he was sentenced to 20 years in prison for numerous war crimes.

Thanks, too engrossed in manchild escapism to pay attention to international politics

the God of War 3 Gorgons with their thick tail bodies, bright colors on their scales and the rattle tail.

>grabs her claws to stop her from scratching him
>grabs onto her mandables to stop her from biting him
>injects venom into her face to "pacify" her
>then will spend many hours dragging her around looking for a suitable place to dump his load
>after, he'll run off into the night and leave her before she can kill him

Was it rape?

muh cock

snek grills

>no human head

Everything from Agony has given me the biggest fucking erection and literally nothing is calming it down even after months of trying. Not even Neurodyne helped. Release day can't come fast enough.

Do zombie elves count as monsters?

is this better user

>no human head

>Midna LITERALLY has not been posted yet
Fucking /thread chaps

Why have that when you could have this?


Do Hylians really count as monsters though?

He's inhumanly adorbs so I'd say so

this splintercunt

Chykka on the front page!

I like Night Elves the best.

Probably female amani in TERA.


what is this from?

title says no

fuck you cunt Dagon

How many of you would genuinely fuck a monster girl?





