ITT Video game commercials
ITT Video game commercials
nintendo is gay
Tfw the only time you saw breast irl was when you were swimmimg in a wave pool and a girl had her bra snap off and you saw her adjusting it underwater.
Tfw she saw me looking
what's happening to this man?
what a tight little piece
did she lieked it??
wtf is this?
The strain of coming to terms with steel being heavier than feathers
>shove a collectible card down your ass crack
>still call it mint
Bitches, I swear.
The weirdest part of this is that Nintendo allowed that product placement.
>when you used to swim underwater all the time as a kid at the pool to look at teen girl asses and got away with it
just his 'hing
>being held
jesus fucking christ lauren holly was sexy as fuuuuuck
he lost his idolmaster save file from a few years
>chlorine and kid piss shredding your eyeballs
>getting light headed from the lack of oxygen
>worth every moment
She doesn't even have BLAST PROCESSING who gives a shit.
sauce on limmy in the nud like?
Life before the internet.
Chocolate cake, gameboy and bitches
What is limmy doing here
yes she was.
>not having goggles
I can see my neighbor's backyard and pool pretty much perfectly from my room at my parent's house. One day I saw his wife take her bikini top off real quick and readjust it, I immediately fapped after seeing her tits.
imagine if the genders were swapped
i remember having a gif from some movie in the 80s or 90s where this woman lifts her blue tanktop for a kid. anyone have it?
why hasn't someone made a porn parody of this yet
Oh fucking look at me fucking Richie Rich over here just swimming around with my expensive ass fucking goggles just looking at girls in swimsuits all day.
>not haveing a snorkel for extended underwater exploration of vagine and feet
We must cherish these memories, friend.
Why did you have to go and give a source like that? I could have gone my whole life not wanting to actually watch this.
oh my fucking god
I'm so randy
vintage babes are the hottest
It's a shame that girls do such a good job at not showing bobs. A drunk woman flashed me on my way back to the dorms.
water always got into mine, so i thought they didn't actually work
seriously, all I saw was some shitty edna krabapple parody years ago
>not growing gills
yeah baby, yeah
>simpsons reaction image
>not converting the pool water around your mouth and nose into breathable oxygen on-the-fly
>breathing in child urine
I would still be hard.
Bro that's gross! Ewwwww!
>not breathing in and subsisting off loli urine
Gay, or just a faggot?
Why the fuck was this allowed? Just imagine if the roles were reversed.
>its ok when a woman does it
Everyone knows that young boys can consent but fully grown women who drink 1 drink cannot.
there are plenty of gay ass commercials where muscly men appeal half naked to appeal to women in commercials airing today
/ss/ is superior so its allowed
every man would want to be that boy
it's in our nature, homosapien
>That high cut lingerie
Now this is what perfection looks like.
Hello daddies, hello mom..Ch-ch-ch-ch-CHERRY BOMB
Imagine if the boy was a girl and the woman was still a woman
A girl the same age would feel the same way about a twenty something boy band member.
Male sexuality is emphasized, we're supposed to be on the hunt. Female sexuality is repressed, they're supposed to be difficult to obtain so that they'll be tight virgins for the guy who finally gets her. It's gay.
Masculine and feminine sexuality are different, men desire the female form in a way that women don't feel about the male one.
no, no they don't. they don't have SEXUAL attraction. if the boy band member whipped out his penis, she would immediately become uncomfortable.
I completely forgot about this, and then the second I heard "I CAN CAST A SPELL," memories of watching Channel One News in school.
tfw your name is Matthew
If you want to get technical, feathers are probably heavier than steel in a non vacuum. They're designed to catch and hold air and there are plenty of little pockets to do so. A pile of 1000lbs worth of feathers would also have some air in it that would increase its weight. A 1000lb cube of steel weighs 1000lbs
>no, no they don't. they don't have SEXUAL attraction.
Confirmed for never being around literally any girls.
My sister 100% wanted to fuck Usher when we were kids.
Granted, I'm sure it's different for white "people."
Mary nooooo
She doesn't want him to whip it out, she wants to reach in and pull it out herself.
I don't get it.
>talking about the weight of air in a vacuum
>not going face first and motor boating into prime young booty with naked eyes
>as they get mad and ask what you're doing say you couldnt see as both your eyes are red as mercury from the chlorine and their shit particles giving you crazy pink eye
>not going home and masturbating furiously to this
goggles kids always looked weak beta and gay
Must be why minorities have the highest rates of teen pregnancy.
Must also be why they outbreed whites in their own countries.
You've made my day, user. Thanks a bunch.
Maybe 30 years ago but it's almost 2018 now, kids are not young and innocent like they used to be.
you prolly didn't look at your water-logged penis when getting the change out of the little coin bag sewn into the bathing suit when you went to get french fries. did you?
Read it again.
Youj think I hgave fucking time to reaf shit twuce?
>seething nigger smug about the collapse of western civilization
>Whiteboi so afraid of loli pussy that he allows his civilization to collapse around him
I'm going to use my ace deduction powers and say it was a dream
Kek, what a brilliant idea
But that isn't a video game commercial, it's from a tv series.
Women can't consent because they aren't aware of what they're doing, much like a dog.
They should have the same rights as a dog in that case.
Is that rabbit ok?
A-are you okay?
>Muh older generations were more pure
Get out you underage little shit, the world has always been sexual, they were just better at hiding it because they didn't post it on social media like your dumbass.
I always find it funny how people treat old people like they're emotionally fragile and innocent
Your grandma has seen a bunch of dicks and has had cum on her at some point
Thankyou for confirming my point with the internet.
80s were like a real life anime era with all the colors and wacky sexy outfits and shit
Oh boy