they absolutely hate a bit of friendly competition
its like they have post traumatic k/d disorder
they absolutely hate a bit of friendly competition
its like they have post traumatic k/d disorder
They absolutely can't handle fighting games either. The weak should fear the strong
house is a shit map
Remove phoneposters.
I'm getting post traumatic map disorder looking at that screenshot right now. Remove House.
Weird. I can't handle failure in FPS games, but in fighting games i'm completely okay with it. For some reason I can look at fighting games as a learning experience and an opportunity to learn from mistakes, but I have no such ability to do so in FPS
betas don't have feelings retard
only alphas
fighting games literally and figuratively have a more level playing field than FPS games
Fighting games don't have teams with which you bring shame to.
So you suck at spawn peeking and countering spawn peeks
because fps games remind them of their high school bullies
well then your fucking retarded
>le fps games are so lazy and overdone!
yeah mate your, what's your'e point faggot
They are though
user, I hate to break it to you, but FPS is the most casual and most beta genre out there, if you exclude mobile games.
>he can't aim
>he thinks clicking on stuff really fast is a skill
FPS is the most brainlet genre.
>reading comprehension
It's pretty much the Nuke town of Siege.
found the 0.7kder
>delicious (you)s
>implying that isnt RPGs
Any moron can figure out a system of rock paper scissors that RPGs run on
Yea but RPG fans don't go around acting like RPGs are the apex of video game design and skill like FPS fags do. RPGs can have complex mechanics but shooters never do unless they are cross genre like BIA and part squad based tactics.
How do I git gud at Siege?
siege, cs, overwatch etc is faggot nu-male tier shit
I'm really enjoying siege, killing from the grave with Kap is always so fucking fun to watch.
I finished unlocking all the base ops, now is time to grind for Frost.
Siege actually requires skill, unlike most other online games.
go fire a real gun retard
Pretty much any DLC operator except for Capitao, Ying, and Dokkaebi would be a better choice.
I think welcome mat could be a fun gadget to use, I've been itching to try it for a while.
After her I'll buy either zofia or droneboy
Yeah don't listen to that user. You have all the utility you need from the base ops. Pick the DLCs you think you'll have fun with. Frost was my first DLC op and I never regretted it. If you love the feeling of getting kills from the grave you'll love her. Just don't put traps directly in the doorway. Put them to the side of the doorframe to hide them from sight.
The problem is that FPS games have some of the most godawful communities in the industry.
That only gives you more people to troll, since most of them can't play games to save their lives
the only gameplay i want in my video games are selecting which anime girl i want to fuck
did a cod chad fuck your girlfriend at e3 soy boy?
I don't gain pleasure from ruining communities even further because I'm not 12 anymore.
Trolling is for people with nothing better to do with their time.
They don't like RTS games either. Just like you faggot.
>cod chad
Fucking hell, white people get more and more pathetic every fucking day.
Don't get frost. Get Hibana, Buck, Valk, Mira or Ela
I play games to avoid people and interacting with them.
A FPS, played multiplayer, is exactly what I am avoiding by playing a game.
Sounds like you've had some bad experiences with them
Only betas get triggered at games in general.
Alpha chads tell you good game and are level headed when they play a game of CoD because they know they can fuck Stacey whenever they're done.
What is with white people and this stupid Chad shit?
Do you people actually believe the shit you're spouting or is it just a really dumb joke?
What is it with non-white people and complaining about white people, are they just jealous they don't look like burn victims?
Just finished carrying a bunch of retards as IQ/Castle/Fuze. Got a couple cluster charge kills at the end too. Finally feels like all the practice is paying off and I like that I'm at a point where I can carry. Coming from Overwatch where a shit team is an instant lose it feels so good to be able to actually influence a match with my skill.
Siege is the best. Active after 2 years and it triggers faggots who can't get good. Truly the best of both worlds
White people have been acting exceptionally retarded lately, so it's expected that people will complain about it.
Whatever you say racist idiot.
I think whites subscribe to the wolf-pack mentality more than other races, there can only be one alpha in a pack. It explains the large amount of cucks. Instead of holding everyone up, I think western society wouldn't be able to run without people deriving pleasure from the misery of others.
I blame the sadism and schadenfreude, they should really help all whites instead of acting like scheming jews.
Calm down "Chad," you're supposed to be better than that or whatever.
Don't you have some CoDshit to play?
They're certainly not the only ones, if you want to experience true cringe meet a member of Black Lives Matter
It's also a great deal easier to understand why you're losing in a fighting game and there's a clearer path to improvement rather than just trying to point and click better.
Ghetto black people/Slavs are far more into the wolf-pack mentality than whites. There's also a much larger number of them so it's unsuprising that there's plenty of retards in the bunch
>why do fps games trigger betas so badly?
Two words, Corner-peaking.
You see, in an fps game betas flock to it for the sense of fulfillment, they'll use any advantage they have even if its incredibly feminine like hiding in a corner instead of tactically outmaneuvering the enemy. Theres also drop shotting and other gimmicks but its mostly how the game expects you to play to win, and its beneficial to use the tools of a woman.
Subvert, manipulate, nothing direct ect.
Men act like faggots these days.
>playing online FPSes
hahahaha the asian beta is triggered by chads
>he plays skillbeard
Judging by how socially awkward most people on here are it's really not surprising. People who play social sims and modded Skyrim for porn would probably have an anxiety attack playing any kind of competitive games. It's like the polar opposite of fanbases
lol nobody even brought up race except for you and the other guy but its whites who are acting stupid? cmon big guy
I bring up race whenever I see shitposts purely so I can attract Sup Forums and drown the thread in shitposting.
How about we accept that every community has morons in it and move on.
Every other thread nigger nigger nigger, spics, kikes, raghead etc. "grow thicker skin!"
1 guy says something kinda mean about whites. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think its due to all the orchestrated manipulation, cockroaches cant operate when the lights are on. Also politics are pretty shaky atm.
I doubt minorities have the same hate whites have for them.
I live in a mixed place in florida. Believe me, they hate you all just as much. Everyone talks shit behind everyones back. I know this because people love to confide in me for some reason. My hick neighbor would talk about the niggers next door. Spanish talking about how pussy whites are, how bad blacks are. Black friends talking about how annoying whites are and what great asses spanish have. Arab friends talking about how aweful blacks are and what pussies whites are. Everyone hates everyone, at least when other races arent around. Im mixed, everyone thinks im one of them it seems.
I haven't played in a while, did they just outright remove pistol recoil?
they nerfed the recoil, increased the rof and changed the recoil animation
They changed it so the front of the barrel doesnt go flying up after every shot, blocking your vision. My understanding, and i could be wrong, was that the recoil didnt change just the animation did.
I think all of them are funny and I'm white. I remember when the internet and Sup Forums wasn't serious business though.
Found the low energy beta
of course it's a fucking weeb too
any type of competitive gameplay frightens the Soyboy
>guy comes into work wearing an overwatch shirt
>mention my love for the game too
>ask him what rank he is, as I just hit diamond the night before
>he says "Oh I don't play ranked, its too stressful"
It's not because of le fear of competition xD Betas can play fighting games, RTS and other competitive games just fine. It's because your juvenile shooter games are plain bad.
Spawn peak every round until the other team leaves