Top: Monster Hunter Freedom Unite

top: Monster Hunter Freedom Unite

bottom: Monster Hunter Worlds

really makes you think.

Nice bullshit photo youve made.

Fake news

phone graphics vs true monhunt

Seeing all the pop ups was pretty annoying.
I saw I broke a part no need to tell me on scree as well.

Oh hey, this thread again
Bottom image is fake news, the game is not nearly that saturated

What's your point? One is a snowy mountainside and the other is a jungle. One is a handheld and the other is a console game. Are you the faggot that made a thread last night saying too much visual clutter in a jungle map is bad?

Quality fucking thread. As expected of Sup Forums.

I'm sorry nintenbro.
Maybe you can play the PC version?

Both are hot fucking garbage tho. Or you can play Dauntless much better game that won't be DOA unlike Monster Hunter Flops.