Anybody have experience with this controller? What are your thoughts?
Anybody have experience with this controller? What are your thoughts?
>3rd party memesports controllers
>From razor
Go for it.
Thats one ugly controller.
Oh wow, the irony
>made for esports
>still has a share button
Yeah, fuck off, if it was made for esports it should at least remove extraneous shit that isn't pertinent to the game
Doesn't Raijuu literally mean Normie in Jap?
I wouldn't buy it, heard the Panthera arcade stick was pretty good tho
Yeah, if you like getting DQed in tournaments.
it means NORMALFAG yes
I'm interested in these controllers for the customisable buttons on the back.
This one looks like it's built well but I would at least like the option for wireless use and I've never been a fan of the asymmetrical sticks meme.
Give me the quick rundown.
That's riajuu
that should be all you need to know
So buy? :^)
I have that one, really good and I love the buttons
Kek this is a good thread
>Xbox d-pad
For what fucking purpose?
Basically, they pause at random points and tons of FGC players got a lose because they paused during gameplay.
Jesus. How does Razer keep getting away with it?
>suggesting to have less features on a product that's twice the price
So I see you work in the video game industry.