What is the BEST Legend of Zelda game and why is it pic related?

What is the BEST Legend of Zelda game and why is it pic related?

>Best music
>Best dungeons both aesthetically and by design
>Hottest Link
>Hottest Zelda
>Almost no bullshit filler besides the slow beginning and the weird Owl statue thing
>Piss easy combat but all the 3-D Zeldas have piss easy combat and you can offset this somewhat in Hero mode

Other acceptable answers
>Majora's Mask
Pleb answers

Tell me your opinion faggots

Too bad the remaster was shit. They used the same shitty low poly models from the original game.

>pleb answers are the correct ones

It still looks better, but yeah not exactly 2016 level. I guess I should admit the art design isn't as appealing as any of the other more colorful Zeldas but it's serviceable. At least they didn't ruin it like the WW remake

>Muh empty open world
>garbage dungeons

>Garbage side content
>Garbage bosses
>Muh block puzzle that takes too damn long

>Hottest link

How to be a giant faggot

>Playing that shitty console
WiiU, lad

Cool argument bitch

> $200 is a lot of money for quality Nintendo exclusives

>Illia is a QT
>fishing is comfy as fuck
>visuals are great in this iteration
>hero mode is a godsend
>unironically the best iteration of hyrule field

True ranking


Faces of Evil

under appreciated masterpiece.

under-appreciated, yes

masterpiece? No

>hottest villain

Switch remaster when?

Worse than phantom hourglass

>Sup Forums is now at the point where kids who grew up with these first are using the site

big if true

No, THIS is the true under appreciated masterpiece.

>liking something means you played it when you were a dumb kid

Yeah because objective taste doesn't exist

>mid 30s SNES era manchildren are still coming here
>Oracle over LA
Yeah leave

>Hero mode is the mirrored Wii version

>garbage art design, only Zelda looks good, and Link somewhat
>dungeons are too straightforwards
>music is too derivative
>twilight realm was a huge disappointment after LttP’s Dark World

Still a good game though, and I’ve gained a new appreciation for it after the shitfest that was BotW.


This is the only 3-D title I haven't beaten. How does it hold up?

it really isn't. even without the motion control gimmicks it's the worst.

Most people I know hated it because of the gameplay.

>dystopian post apocalypse over hurrdurr it's just a dream

Shit overworld
Good sub areas
Good-great dungeons
Mediocre-good music
Decent story
Shit lore

6/10, it’s alright

very poorly

>retcons ezlo from MC

>4 hour tutorial

No thanks.

So i shouldn't find a Motion+ add on just to round out the experience? Botw left me needing good dungeons, that's the most important part of any Zelda game

Agreed. TP was already my favorite Zelda for its dungeons, swordplay, and attention to little details (can't pet a dog in BotW but you can play catch with one in TP AS WELL AS pick up cats, suck it BotW) but what pushes HD over for me is the combination of Hero Mode and the Ganondorf amiibo. I don't like amiibos but I do like TP with 4x damage and no heart drops. I like that shit a lot. Also,

>OoT in pleb answers but WW isn't

It's better than WW or BotW. Hell, it's underrated just for the Lanayru region shenanigans.

It's dungeons are better than WW or BotW but that overworld is absolute rock bottom for mainline Zelda. Real shame, Ghost Zelda's by far the best companion in the series too.

WW has the best art style and music (tied with TP) I can't put it in the pleb answer tier

Still mad. MC was a really humble early timeline game and I loved that. SS just took all the lore of previous games and shat on them.

If you're hankering for dungeons then SS might actually be worth playing. It's the polar opposite of BotW, SS turned damn near everything into a puzzle sequence or stretch of dungeon. It fucked the sense of overworld exploration but if you can get over the motion controls the design is actually quite favorable to dungeonfags.

It's a pretty bad Zelda game by most standards.
It has some neat dungeon concepts (Even if the actual execution leaves something to be desired), one instance of satisfying motion controls (Koloktos), the timeshift stones, its generally interesting premise and neat artstyle (Even if Link kind of looks perpetually tired or something).
It fumbles almost everything else.
Flying is underused, the overworld is low tier, there are barely any bosses, the motion controls are bad, the combat is shallow even for a Zelda and the story structure can't sustain interest because it always seems like the next segment of padding will be succeeded by another and you will have to get three irrelevant things again. And Link is right-handed. And the dialogue scroll speed and unskippable cutscenes are fucking atrocious coming off of other games.

>Good dungeons
It has some neat concepts for about 3 dungeons but the actual execution ends up fairly meh. The one with the neatest concept is also the most straightforward about the order you do things in, one handholds you too hard and the last is just the most simple implementation of the idea of a puzzlebox.

Play the oracle games if you haven’t

Yeah, but it's the worst actually designed game. The main quest is piss poor all around and even its exploration seems different with the sailing but doesn't actually meaningfully move away from the OoT formula when you break it down, so it's what the series had done several times before but with a more boring traversal system. Aesthetics and storyline is all it really has going for it.


I mean I mostly agree, the only good dungeon is Tower of the Gods, and arguably the Wind temple. It's probably nostalgia but I can't hate WW. It's too nice to look at, the characters are too goofy (I love the cannon mini game guy), and the triforce quest I can convince myself is the game inviting you to thoroughly explore.

Also, this is a weird thing I really like about it, but the sounds you get when you're slicing up enemies is satisfying as fuck. I love how it builds and gets louder the more ass you kick.

It's still piss easy but I think it's also the best entry level game for the franchise. It isn't super long and doesn't have any strange progression gating some other titles have, it's just an easy game that looks and sounds amazing.

But that might all be nostalgia trying to defend it, if I'm totally honest

>Not that chick from Hyrule Warriors
Shit taste

There is only one Pleb answer and that is SS.

And that is even including the Tingle Games.

>the only good dungeon is Tower of the Gods, and arguably the Wind temple

The first half of TotG is terrible with the forced water level shifting and Wind Temple is a weak mirror shield dungeon with enough floormasters to make Medli gettting caught an annoyance.

>and the triforce quest I can convince myself is the game inviting you to thoroughly explore

In theory yes, but it acts as a brickwall to the rest of the game's progression and is in no way smoothly implemented. It's a good idea given the game's concepts and even a nice little throwback to Zelda 1's narrative but it's just poorly executed.

>and doesn't have any strange progression gating some other titles have

WW is one of the worst games about this. You can't actually explore the seas proper until after Tower of the Gods when King of Red Lions will finally fucking let you, and even then individual islands can gate depending on whether or not you have the island necessary to progress. Again, it's just like OoT's overworld but with a worse traversal system. Discovering islands is cool but exploring them proper is hit and miss.

Wait, you said Wind Temple, not Earth Temple. My brain went full retard there, but even then Makar sucks and the dungeon's color scheme is a bit of an eyesore. But yeah, I'll admit that one is actually decently designed.


TotG is fun for that aspect, as well the fact that it's mildly non-linear.

>triforce quest
I still enjoy it and some of the challenges associated with it. Boarding the ghost ship, the savage labryinth, the personal island, I honestly think people shit on this segment without addressing some of its better moments.
>strange progression gating
I mean shit like giving Jabu a fish. Really esoteric "well I better go talk to 2 dozen boring NPCs for a hint on what stupid shit I need to do to progress" sort of gating. WW doesn't have that sort of shit. At most you can say the pacing is shit, and it is, it's horrible pacing. At parts it jumps leaps, at others it smacks into a wall, but you always know what your objective is.

>Almost no bullshit filler
>bug collecting and running NPC errands before every dungeon isn't bullshit filler

>no freezing mechanic
>dungeon items are mostly worthless
>locking on to an enemy automatically raises your shield
>worst bokoblins in the series
>Darknuts have tons of armor just to drag out the fight
>terrible Simon Says environmental bosses
>forced wolf sections
>sword combo doesn't end in a spin attack

You forgot
>Best sidekick

I don't agree that TP is the best Zelda but bug collecting is entirely optional and pretty fun

Oracle of Ages

That's not Ghost Zelda.

I was talking about the tears of light

Sorry, but ghost Zelda is second on the list

i just want an M rated zelda with guns and hookers that takes inspiration from red dead or maybe witcher

But then that wouldn't be a Zelda you big dumdum

TP has the ugliest zelda

The visuals were nice and the time puzzle in the desert was really cool, but literally all of the other areas in the game fucking suck except skyloft and the ability to fly around with your loftwing would also be great if there was anywhere to go other than the portals to the three shitty areas or some bull shit floating rocks

Also best companion.
Agreed. TP is absolutely the best.

>imp bussy