I don't know what word to use to describe this game...

I don't know what word to use to describe this game. It kind of hurts my feelings to see something so amazing get forgotten because of what franchise got imposed on the team.

This game could have been a success. It oozes personality, effort and love, but holy fuck they had to do it with RABBIDS. No wonder that poor guy was crying, he probably put his heart and soul into it

Other urls found in this thread:


It would have unironically been better as a straightforward Mario fanservice game. Throw in a bunch of fan favorite characters, no rabbids shit. If Ubisoft really wanted to stamp their brand on it they could include Rayman.

Yup, I could easily see every rabbid being replaced by Koopas and the game not changing at all from it

do you even pay attention? putting rabbids in was ubisofts idea in the first place

Luke skywalker fades away (dies)
Yoda makes a return as a ghost and gives luke advice
Snoke has no background
Kylo ren kills snoke while snoke tortures rey
rey and kylo have a force bond
Finn beats captain phasma
Ackbar dies
Kylo tries to get rey to rule the galaxy with him

Literally the best selling third party game on switch. Shill more though

Nah, I think the Rabbids made some of the scenes legitimately funny. Plus since it's so easy to hate them you always feel a sense of accomplishment each time you kill one of those retards

Does anybody still care about Star Wars since it's directed by a talentless hack?
At least spoil good movies not the McDonalds of movies

But it sold good and even won awards?

>Does anybody still care about Star Wars since it's directed by a talentless hack?
otherwise it would have never become popular

I still don't think it was a good game. Too casual for my tastes, the rabbids will NEVER be funny no matter how much you push them, and it had day 1 DLC. That makes it a stinker in my book.

>day 1 DLC
The "small free expansion they finished at the last minute" kind, or the "remove parts of the game to sell for extra cash" kind?

The "I'm full of shit" kind

How was Captain Phasma still alive if she got locked inside a room shortly before the Starkiller blew up?

They could have leaved the Rabbids as enemies that ivnade the Mushroom Kingdom, and removed them from the party, replacing them with Rayman, Globox, Ly and others.
Rabbid Mario and company could be some type of recurring bossess.

>It's another "let's whine at the fact it has Rabbids in it" thread

You're whining more than the Rabbids do in this game.

>This game could have been a success

It is, you stupid shit. The fuck are you on about, are you actually surprised it didn't nearly as sell as fucking BOTW or Odyssey? It's legitimately the most sold third-party game out of the entire console.

I'm glad it has Rabbids in it, if only to piss off people like you. It doesn't matter whether it does or doesn't have Rabbids, what you should love is the game itself, the very core of it.

The creative director on this was also a creative director on a rabbids game before.

so he probably pitched rabbids + mario.

Has anyone tried the new vs. mode?
How is it?

>reddit spacing
>"I'm glad it had Rabbids in it"
Boasting about being the best selling 3rd party isn't exactly a feat when it has Mario on the cover, if this were "X-Com, Rabbids edition" you bet your ass this would be bargain bin trash. Lets not forget the heaps of people asking if you could keep your team Rabbid free only to find out you're REQUIRED to have at least 1 Rabbid on your team at all times.

Pretty sure it's still the highest selling 3rd party game on the Switch.

Man, I would have been pissed if they were Xenoblade 2 spoilers like a week ago, but for some reason I'm indifferent bout Star Wars spoilers, even though I do kinda wanna watch the movie.

Too casual? That game is pretty hard my nigga especially later on /with the challenges

>Mario and '''Rabbids''' in the name
>Surprised when you find out you can't remove neither of them off from your party

Joke's on you.

Its a fantastic game and anyone who had anything bad to say about it because of "muh rabids" is a literal fucking retard. Definitely in my top 10 games of the year, if not top 5.

>there are people that give a fuck about star wars
>there are people that honestly think the prequels are good

The "its just a few weapons that are no better or worse than any other weapon you can get in the game" kind of DLC.

>This game could have been a success. It oozes personality, effort and love, but holy fuck they had to do it with RABBIDS.

It's humorous of you to say that, because if the game didn't have a plumber on the front of the box no one would have given a shit about the game. It sold solely based on marios inclusion in the game and without it it genuinely would have been nothing but a dumbed down XCOM game with a longer movement range.

You're mom is humorous to say

Awesome game, and really fucking challenging. They just added a vs. mode. I don't regret my day 1 purchase in the sligthest.