Name a more overrated game...

Name a more overrated game. I fell victim to the hype thinking it would be a true return to form when all it ended up being was Super Mario 64 Lite. I feel betrayed by Nintendo and I feel betrayed by Sup Forums for making me want to play it.

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none of you tards better fall for this bait

Yeah I liked it too


Im biting to spite you.

See pic related.

>Super Mario 64 Lite
But it is better than Mario 64 in just about every way.

It's fucking nothing like 64

You just going to post this thread every night?

Pokemon HGSS/GSC

>when all it ended up being was Super Mario 64 Lite
This is a true statement, but in 2017 Super Mario 64 Lite is a blessing.

I'm having a fuck ton of fun with this game rn.

Not that I've played straight everyday, but even still. haven't been bored with it since I bought it.

But it's better then 64. Didn't quite beat out sunshine, though

As someone who's not a big Mario person, this game was much more fun than I was expecting. It's definitely my favorite 3D Mario.
The only big problems I have are optional(forced) motion controls, and a soundtrack that's honestly a step down compared to earlier games. 3D World's soundtrack is fucking fantastic in comparison.

Zelda: Breath of the Wild

As a huge fan of 3D mario games, I find 3D world's soundtrack to be the most lackluster out of the group, only being beaten out by 3D land.

Didn't play the Mario games as a kid.

Galaxy series > Odyssey after they add a fucking challenge pack DLC or some shit, that game's controls are WAY too good for how easy it is > Mario Sunshine > Odyssey now > Mario 64

I also found Odyssey rather disappointing. Especially after 3DW I was thinking they'd return to the classic formula but it felt way too streamlined. All the moons really detracted from the experience. Textbook example of quantity over quality

Wrong. Sunshine is the king, 64 is the queen, Odyssey is the jack.

I'm super pissed they didn't add Luigi in the game.
>inb4 Mario has a green costume
Fuck off, it isn't the same thing.

I think Galaxy 1's better but that's it really. Sunshine has nice tunes but it's too samey IMO, and 64 is similar but reuses to many tracks.
Bowser World's music in 3D World is god-tier.

Nintendo has been shit with soundtracks lately. It's like they decided music isn't worth funding. BotW and Odyssey are both completely forgettable


So can I just buy an extra moon from a store to unlock the bowser rematch or will it not count because I seriously think I'm incapable of doing jump rope genius.

I can't get higher than 61 tbqh.

>One of the best things about games for me
>not worth funding

nah, nobody cares about it. Zelda:BotW is overrated one. Empty open world with ps2 graphics, terrible gameplay mechanics and lots of gimmicks.

Shit is a linear mess

Use the camera glitch

I guess you had to be there.

Odyssey is fucking amazing.

nah, nobody cares. There was a little bit of mentioning it here and there, but just as a result of sony marketing.

>there are people thinking sunshine isn't the least good Mario 3d platformer
>there are people thinking 64 is still the best when odyssey exists
All of those a top tier games games but come on guys lay off the nostalgia goggles

I liked Odyssey but it was pretty overrated.

Probably in odyssey 2

Everybody has been shit with soundtracks since 2003.

I dont know man i think its pretty good. Nothing ground breaking game of the century must play 10/10 or anything, but still good.