How true is this?
How true is this?
>using fucking scores
It's true but
Scores don't give you the full picture anyway, so you might as well curve it higher to look good for the publishers
People just want reviews to pander to their preconceptions. Only 1UP/EGM used the first scale and they constantly got shit on by fanboys whenever they gave a popular franchise a 7-8.
So it may as well be a 1-5 score instead of a 1-10 score yeah?
Back in the early 90s there was one Amiga magazine that put an average score at 50 rather than the usual 75, and developers and publishers hated it. One developer (I think it was Team 17) even got into a feud with the magazine.
Post the REAL version.
Images that make fun of every fandom are the true good
how reviewers score games
how readers perceive scores in relation to $60
there's nothing wrong with the current system, it's an unavoidable interpretation. the 10-point scale seems more functional for movies because you can rent them for $5 and they will waste at most 2 hours of your life so people can afford to experiment with the shittier ones. for $60 and 10 hour playthroughs anything less than the upper 20% of products is a questionable investment
I agree. Although to be fair I'm not sure how accurate the Microsoft one is as there hasn't been any real Microsoftfags ever since the Xbox One reveal.
No. Indian shills don't count.
Forgetting PC/Steam though
Should use the Scaruffi scale.
6/10 - Only get if you're a fan.
7/10 - Good.
8/10 - Great.
9/10 - Essential.
9.5/10 - GOAT.
1/5 system>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>horseshit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Reddit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tumblr>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Horse Show>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>/10 system
Prove me wrong.
you can't.
reminder that ChristCenteredGaming does it best
I was going to add Xbox fans to this until I remembered they have no games
1/3 system is GOAT though
That is the real version you fucking mong
when on my doctor's prescribed medical marijuana and/or happy pills
1-3: so bad it's good
4: not that bad, still fun with friends or if listening to podcasts in the background
5-6: okay
7-10: really good
why don't you take the bluepill and learn to enjoy everything Sup Forums?
>being unable to enjoy anything by yourself
>4/10 games are literally everything
>falseflagging this hard
you'll get some replies, I'd bet
luke dies
The three point scale is a thing? Stop the presses!
Of course it's real. Also, any attempts at finer scores - such as 8.2 - doesn't actually give you more information.
Sub 50 has always been unplayable tier and sub 60 isn't much better.
Besides why would it matter that the low end isn't very expressive? You aren't (shouldn't) buying shit. Why something is bad is not as important as whether something is bad in the first place.