Playing games on your phone while commuting is perfectly fine, because "what else should I do while sitting around"

>playing games on your phone while commuting is perfectly fine, because "what else should I do while sitting around"
>playing games on your handheld, which is pretty much the same shit just with proper games, while commuting is not okay because "lmao im not some nerd, it would look ridiculous"

Where did this double standard come from? In both cases your playing videogames.

People prefer predatory f2p cashgrab games. Actual complete fullprice games without shady business tactics to trick you into spending money is for neckbearded virgins.

>playing games on your handheld, which is pretty much the same shit just with proper games, while commuting is not okay because "lmao im not some nerd, it would look ridiculous"

Literally nobody gives a shit what you play on, it's only insecure losers on Sup Forums who keep saying this.

Playing games on a PSP or Vita is fine. a 3DS is the only handheld that makes you look autistic.

Why do you care about what people think about you on public transit. Fuck, and if this is one of the things you worry about, you have got to be one shitty person with low self esteem.

Pretty much this, when you grow up you realize how pointless everything is and just stop caring

It's because phones are normie-tier and everyone has one and always carries it with them literally always.
Owning a handheld and choosing to carry it with you is different because not everyone has one and they aren't phones.

There's no standard, in real life nobody gives a shit if you're reading a magazine, a book, playing with a tablet, a switch, a handheld, your phone, or just listening to music while you commute. It's irrelevant, people care more about howvyou look nd how you smell. If you smell bad or look like a dork, it won't matter what you're doing.

It's the concept. Everyone brings their phone with them wherever they go so gaming on them is just something extra you can do. But if you bring an extra device solely to game then you're autistic and need to grow up.

t. diamond dog

The only games worthwhile on either system are weeb games and weeb games are a big fucking no.

I used to play FF Dissidia a LOT while commuting. While it definitely could be considered "weeb" it looks cool and flashy enough to not be embarrassed should someone watch you playing for whatever reason.

>playing on a phone
>implies you bought the phone for phone-related needs, like communicating with others through text, call or social media and having games on it is just a nice bonus. it's as much a camera as it is a games console.
>playing a games console
>manchild that literally cannot go outside without his precious video games so he has to have a special little toy that plays his favorite games.
There's the difference.

my man

As long as you don’t look like a fedora burgerwarrior, you can do whatever you want on without anyone giving you a second look or an instant of judgement.

This double standard does not exist.

Firstly, people don't care nearly as much as you're suggesting. No one actually cares if you're playing on a handheld. Insecure people might judge you silently, but they are little bitches anyways.
Secondly, playing on your phone is obviously seen as more acceptable since you have it on you anyways. Playing on a portable it seems like you're tethered to video games, and can't live without them for a few hours.

No one cares if you play on a handheld unless you're a fat ugly manchild in cargo shorts

is the vita dead? I've been meaning to buy a good portable that will last I mainly want one just for travel and I'm on the fence between the vita or a ds or should I go the extra step and get a switch?

You can live just fine without a handheld device marketed to kids.
You actually need a smartphone for more than just games if you're a functioning human adult.

You're judged based on appearance, not what device you're using. I see girls giggling at manchildren with 3DSs out, but nobody cares when hip millenial has his Switch out.

LITERALLY ONLY Sup Forums is forcing this meme after years on end. No one cares. If you actually take this seriously or get insecure about this kind of shit you need to get stronger mentally

I played MGS Peace Walker on PSP a couple years ago when I would bus back and forth to my last semester of university everyday. I would do some missions and listen to some tapes. Shit was so nice. Beat the game in about half a semester. Started playing Fire Emblem Awakening after that. One or two rides would equal 2-3 missions. So nice.

>where did this double standard come from?
It came from your pathetic, anxiety-addled brain as you fight back tears thinking strangers who couldn't give less of a shit about you are judging you for your vidya.

Im a huge Vita fag, but as much as I hate to admit it, that thing only has like 5 good games. The ones I could recommend:

>Soul Sacrifice delta
>Gravity Rush
>FFX HD remake
>Tales of Hearts
>A bunch of VNs if youre into that (namely Dangan Ronpa, steins gate)
>God Eater 2 if youre into that
>Persona 4 Golden
>Disgaea 3 and 4
>a lot of PSP and PS1 games you can buy

These are the ones I genuinely liked, and these are also the games I wouldnt consider to be too far into "weeb" territory. There is also Uncharted and Killzone, these are literally the only not-japanese games on the handheld. Pretty sure I forgot a lot of games though, but I cant really stand all those weebgames like Neptunia, so I left them out.

The 3DS definitely has a LOT of fun games, but keep in mind that the hardware of it is pathetic. I wont list good games on it because there is something for everyone on it. If you want to be future proof I would say get a Switch though. There isnt much on it for now, but seeing how good the Switch is doing Im sure there will be a lot on it in the future.

Okay, I listed almost 10 games, so 5 was an overstatement. On the other hand these are games I personally liked, it might be different with others. I also forget the Metal Gear HD collection. Looks great on Vita.

I've never actually seen anyone at work who gives a shit. The only real difference I've noticed is that phone users don't use headphones and are completely oblivious as to whether others in the breakroom want to hear shitty stand-up at full volume.

thanks for the info man, it really helped