Playing games on your phone while commuting is perfectly fine, because "what else should I do while sitting around"

>playing games on your phone while commuting is perfectly fine, because "what else should I do while sitting around"
>playing games on your handheld, which is pretty much the same shit just with proper games, while commuting is not okay because "lmao im not some nerd, it would look ridiculous"

Where did this double standard come from? In both cases your playing videogames.

People prefer predatory f2p cashgrab games. Actual complete fullprice games without shady business tactics to trick you into spending money is for neckbearded virgins.

>playing games on your handheld, which is pretty much the same shit just with proper games, while commuting is not okay because "lmao im not some nerd, it would look ridiculous"

Literally nobody gives a shit what you play on, it's only insecure losers on Sup Forums who keep saying this.

Playing games on a PSP or Vita is fine. a 3DS is the only handheld that makes you look autistic.

Why do you care about what people think about you on public transit. Fuck, and if this is one of the things you worry about, you have got to be one shitty person with low self esteem.

Pretty much this, when you grow up you realize how pointless everything is and just stop caring

It's because phones are normie-tier and everyone has one and always carries it with them literally always.
Owning a handheld and choosing to carry it with you is different because not everyone has one and they aren't phones.

There's no standard, in real life nobody gives a shit if you're reading a magazine, a book, playing with a tablet, a switch, a handheld, your phone, or just listening to music while you commute. It's irrelevant, people care more about howvyou look nd how you smell. If you smell bad or look like a dork, it won't matter what you're doing.

It's the concept. Everyone brings their phone with them wherever they go so gaming on them is just something extra you can do. But if you bring an extra device solely to game then you're autistic and need to grow up.

t. diamond dog