Dark Souls 3 looks alright

Dark Souls 3 looks alright




>everything is covered in olive oil just like bb

The only complaint that I have for this game is the fact that majority of the armors are either ruined or in rags. I mean why couldn't From give an alternative pristine conditioned armor. Surely there's one lying somewhere.


those screenshots are Bloodborne

Looks better than your armor choice.

That's all for now, I haven't reached all areas yet.

>3mb png screenshots
At least have the decency of converting to jpg.

How does it stack up to the rest of the SoulsBorne games?


I'll cover you in oil.

You can start with one with the Knight class. Ornstein is also in perfect shape.
It's the end of the world, makes sense its all fucked up.


Because there's no need for 3mb on those pictures. Waste of bandwith and seconds to open them.

>being third world internet user

Basically, you're admitting to be a third-worlder with shit-tier internet. Why should user have to cater to you?

Holy shit nigger wtf are you doing! Your fashion sense is absolutely disgusting!

the animation in DS3 looks floaty in-motion


It's just common cortesy.

I think ds1 and BB look better because they have better color palettes using warmer tones even in their bleak environments. Everything is a shitty desaturated gray or brown in ds3.

Actually I use random armor pieces that are the best and don't go over 70% equip load (for fast rolling). I never really go for fashion souls but I understand the appeal.

I've been trying to get invaded by Fashion Police for years now so they can judge my piecemeal paladin fashion.

You're not missing out, there's no fashion souls in ds3, the characters look too shit and oily and 3/4 of the armors leave the neck exposed for some reason.

You know what else is common courtesy? Not being in a third-world country.

I doubt you understand because you have Asperger's (people with autism lack a sense of fashion). If you really understood you wouldn't look like poop. Also, armor stats don't matter if you get good.

>uses random armor pieces for the stats, completely ignores looking like a homeless gay faggot
>takes screenshots of the game as he's playing while his character poses
something doesn't add up here

I just wanted to showcase Dark Souls 3 graphics, that's all. It's my first playthrough and I haven't collected much armor pieces or weapons.

there are better looking PS3 games LITERALLY

eh.. that looks kinda cheap and a bit shallow

I'll rather play the superior BB, thanks


Worse than BB in the same engine

thanks Xbone

Now, before you go "but Dark Souls 3 the buff has light effect to it even though it's particles are shit"

Bloodborne does it only on the Moonlight sword as a design choice so it retains a unique light bearing property.

Is the gameplay good though? Is the world design good?

For one, Bloodborne is a much smaller game, so they had time to improve smaller details. Also, lightning buffs have been the same in 4 Souls games, why change now.

I find the gameplay to be enjoyable. The mostly individual levels really well made, but while the you can see different levels from certain places, the world design is ultimately more linear than the other games. Level design matters more to me anyway. Also enemy encounter design and item placements are good(items are also useful)

I'm installing DaS3 now. Recommend me a build, Sup Forums.
I've just been turtling with a shield the whole game in 1 and 2, so I'm bored of it.


Twin daggers nimble guy build.

Ultra greatsword build

Pyromancer(Great combustion and iron flesh are really useful for early game pyromancers)

Samurai-themed build(means no shield)

int/str build for either moonlight greatsword or the greatsword of judgement

Make a shitty dirty farmer and beat all the bosses asses

i only played 2 and was already burned out on the
>lock on
gameplay, even though i only used this shit when the game forced me to.

Japs have to learn to make action games that are lock on simulators


Bloodborne is about the same length as ds3

Rosaria's lair and convenant was the most interesting and memorable part of the game, easily.


>replying to himself


farm lothric knight long spear from the spear knight before the first boss have fun



bloodborne is a blurry mess

Post it fagoot

you're a blurry mess




>half the item pickups are upgrade items

The very linear world design (it branches out twice basically..) and shitty ng+/pvp killed my interest in the game after the 1st playthrough but otherwise it's decent. DLCs are bad compared to the other soulsbornes dlcs. Weakest of the series but still worth getting.

I wasn't asking about DaS2.

>DLCs are bad compared to the other soulsbornes dlcs
Is this a popular Sup Forums optinion now?
Seriously, the Ringed City is by far the second best DLC for any Soulsborne

Dark Souls 1 has a better aesthetics where not everything is desaturated grey and often better asset quality for armor.
Dark Souls 2 is different, it's not really grey but because DaS2 is substantially more unfinished than the other games it has more fuckups, so while DaS3 may occasionally forget to give a room a ceiling, obvious tiled textures and graphical mistakes are fairly commonplace in 2.

Overall DaS3 is worse than DaS1 though. You can put it up on a pedestal and praise the bosses but it compared to DaS1 it's like comparing a fractal pattern with a chip in it to a square that's been sanded into a circle with a fractal pattern sticker on it. It just doesn't have much thought, effort or Quality assurance put into its mechanics, its combat, its world design, its levels, its NPCs and its lore and even the bosses are a bit lacking in some areas.

DS2 redeemed itself with the dlcs and the very good invasions and build diversity

i love the game but the blur filter fucks the aesthetics

Im playing a poor mans simon belmont in DaS2 right now.
I use a whip and buckler (long parry animation) and throwing knives and i just whip the shit outta people.

>but the blur filter
limb buscit go to bed.

One of my problem in ds3 are some armor details. What happened to the second layer of Alva's skirt and the gold trimmings? And the eye holes on Creighton's mask?

Im not trying to shit on ds3 because it's a good game but how can you think this long corridor with 2 fuckoff swamps is as good as The Old Hunters or any of the crowns dlcs?
Gael and twin demons were good fights but outside of that it was still kinda boring to play through

Ashes is the worst by a mile and taking them both together that should drag it down immensely.
Ringed City on the other hand has two swamps and the most engaging part of the level is a staircase. RC has a nasty habit of spawning enemies on top of you or scripting them to start walking towards you when you pass a threshold and the Angel sections are just bad ways of chasing you through an area so you don't notice just how simple the Dreg Heap is (It's really mostly just a corridor with some one-way drops leading into flat ass plains). Gael is a decent boss even if his arena is shit, Demons are really simple, Midir is worst dragon boss and Halflight is just a remixed old monk.

This is my current build. The four-pronged plow is hilariously underestimated.

>it's a phantom range episode

Fun build, invaded settlement and farron keep a whole lot.

chromatic aberration, whatever
it looks bad and probably causes a framerate hit

I don't think it's as good, which is why it's only second, with the best being Old Hunters. Ringed City has the most new content, most amount of interesting new weapons and encounters.

Oversimplifying things doesn't really help support an argument.

With that mentality you can even say that the entirety of Old Hunters is just a single twisting corridor from the first lap to Orphan, with a very slight detour to Laurence.