I REALLY want to play this game fairly. You know, timing my dodges carefully and finding an opening to attack...

I REALLY want to play this game fairly. You know, timing my dodges carefully and finding an opening to attack. But this game just won't give me a chance to do so. Its completely bullshit all the bosses move faster than the eye can see and can one hit combo you that I am literally forced to cheese them.

Am I at fault here for beating them unfairly if the bosses fight unfairly?

"Git gud" literally means learn to cheese. For some reason this makes you hardcore.

The explantion I've always gotten was if they didn't intend it, you wouldn't be able to do it.

get good user

No. Git gud means playing a level 1 no armor build and dying as few times as possible

Just block.

>wahhh give me 10 minute long dark souls iframes
how about you get better at spacing?
maybe find where the block button is too

go play dynasty souls 3 and spam rolls, nioh is for the true skilled

Is it worth doing the epilogue mission, do you get some good reward unless you plan to NG+?

I ran around, and gave up when I reached a room with a gorillion Kelleys raping me at once.

I have this issue too, if your gear is up to date you can actually survive one or two hits, but otherwise it's a oneshot fest. With up to date gear you can beat the main game fairly easily, but most optional content (boss rush, multiple bosses at the same time etc) require "good" builds, which means overpowering them if not outright cheese them.
With a combat system as good as this one, I feel like it's wasted potential, since it could've been a cool, skill-based challenging game, but in the endgame the focus is very clearly on a diablo-like gear check.

This isn't dark souls. You aren't supposed to iframe everything. You're supposed to time blocks to lose as little stamina as possible. Very rarely moves can't be blocked and those you need to dodge. Mostly any kind of elemental attack.