I REALLY want to play this game fairly. You know, timing my dodges carefully and finding an opening to attack...

I REALLY want to play this game fairly. You know, timing my dodges carefully and finding an opening to attack. But this game just won't give me a chance to do so. Its completely bullshit all the bosses move faster than the eye can see and can one hit combo you that I am literally forced to cheese them.

Am I at fault here for beating them unfairly if the bosses fight unfairly?

"Git gud" literally means learn to cheese. For some reason this makes you hardcore.

The explantion I've always gotten was if they didn't intend it, you wouldn't be able to do it.

get good user

No. Git gud means playing a level 1 no armor build and dying as few times as possible

Just block.

>wahhh give me 10 minute long dark souls iframes
how about you get better at spacing?
maybe find where the block button is too

go play dynasty souls 3 and spam rolls, nioh is for the true skilled

Is it worth doing the epilogue mission, do you get some good reward unless you plan to NG+?

I ran around, and gave up when I reached a room with a gorillion Kelleys raping me at once.

I have this issue too, if your gear is up to date you can actually survive one or two hits, but otherwise it's a oneshot fest. With up to date gear you can beat the main game fairly easily, but most optional content (boss rush, multiple bosses at the same time etc) require "good" builds, which means overpowering them if not outright cheese them.
With a combat system as good as this one, I feel like it's wasted potential, since it could've been a cool, skill-based challenging game, but in the endgame the focus is very clearly on a diablo-like gear check.

This isn't dark souls. You aren't supposed to iframe everything. You're supposed to time blocks to lose as little stamina as possible. Very rarely moves can't be blocked and those you need to dodge. Mostly any kind of elemental attack.

Kill the 2 amrita fiends (one at the time) before engaging the clones, otherwise they'll join too. Then try to use living weapon to quickly dispatch at least the first clone. The boss will be quite easy if you focus the adds as soon as you can.
The gear you get from that mission and NG+ missions is very good for tackling the 3 DLCs, so it's worth it in a way.

While on this subject, remember that in Souls the dodge allows you to escape a combo, but in Nioh you need to block first (to interrupt the enemy's combo) and then dodge away.

Yuki-onna is the perfect fight for this reason. Feels like a 100% fair yet difficult 1v1 fight because 100% of her moves can be blocked besides the grapple. It only took me about 5 tries to beat her but I had a lot of fun each try. Most people who complain about her being hard don't block.

You can beat ng and ng+ fairly without kunai build/weakness+carnage if you learn the bosses movesets and try hard enough, it's actually very enjoyable.
The autism starts at wotd where youre forced to stack buffs and minimax to oneshot everything

Nioh is fucking garbage. I put 30 hours into it and got to the last region and dropped it after playing 5 minutes of Bloodborne again. I didn't enjoy a single part of it, thought I would eventually.

Every single boss is total fucking bullshit. You don't learn anything from it, you just lose patience and start researching cheese strategies.

No, this game is the surge level of bad so dont even bother to play correctly, If you spent money on it just force you through with whatever cheese tactic you have or even better, just play souls games. every single one of them is better than this game and its other clones.

It's weird to see you describe the game like that, I played through the game and pretty much right after started my first playtrough of Bloodborne, it feels so janky compared to Nioh, the dodge and combat is so slow compared to Nioh, and the 30 fps doesn't help the game either.

>he thinks nioh plays like dark souls

Kinda funny, I thought nioh was too easy. I killed almost every boss on my first try except the faster human bosses which took less than 10 tries each. I played without using any magic or ninjutsu too. Only that lightning spear asshole I used a lightning resist charm.

mate Nioh has some of the most fluid movement and survival options of any action game ever. learn to use what you have, and soon enough you'll realize that enemies can barely even keep up with you at all

The answer is the ki dodge, best skill in the game.

Nioh wishes it would be as good as any souls game released ever. its even worse then ninja gaiden black or dragons dogma, so what am i supposed to compare it to then genius?

Lucky there is a low tier spell which slows bosses, down gibing you plenty of time to dodge.

It's more like a mix of ninja gaiden black and Diablo. The only things it borrows from DS is the bonfire mechanic and the energy system (kinda, ki pulsing changes it a lot), but outside of that there's not much in common. No open world, no npc storylines, no rolls full of iframes, no story told in a "show don't tell" fashion.
If you think ninja gaiden is bad and see it as an inferior souls like then it's not a surprise you disliked nioh

Use to learn your ki pulse effectively and get ki dodge as well. Also as you get a feel for each enemy type and their attack patterns you'll be able to interrupt their attack with those of your own instead of having to dodge every time.

>immediately goes for Dark Souls out of nowhere
>Dark Souls bosses are so much harder it's not even funny
Re-asses your fanboy nonsense.

>attack commitment
>bonfire mechanic and everything connected to it
>nexus (basicly your overworld where you choose the next location to tp to)
>multiple weapons you can choose on the fly
Come on now, i dont say the game is horrible but that its not at the levels sonybros were promising it is and that op should rather play other games if he doesnt enjoy this one. im glad you enjoy it tho so dont let me tell you otherwise. Oh and diablo and nija gaiden are both miles ahead at everything ni oh does, im looking forward to ni oh 2 fixing some of its problems

I'm enjoying this game so far that I'm in the second region but I won't lie, the enemies really do cuck the shit out of you. I still don't wanna go back and do that side quest where you fight that Lord guy with his lightning dog. I'm like 15 levels above the recommend mission level and he still fucks me dead in a single combo string.

>combo string
Block, don't try to dodge out of the combo. I know that's what you're used to if you played souls games but it doesn't work in Nioh.

>The autism starts at wotd where youre forced to stack buffs and minimax to oneshot everything
More like the issue in wotd is the fucking soul matching cost increase.
I'm on 2nd region in wotd and don't use any buffs other than power pill and rejuvenation.

So, these two

>bonfire mechanic and everything connected to it
>nexus (basicly your overworld where you choose the next location to tp to)

And I'm being kind with the Nexus.

Nioh takes a lot of inspiration from Souls, but the implementation is very very different. Probably why so many soulsfags bitch about it. 'Cause they can't figure out that the combat flow and priorities are completely different.

ITT: souls babies buttblasted they're playing something different

I wanted to like this game but it sorta fizzled out for me after playing it for a few hours. It was definitely fun to control but I felt like I had already seen everything it had to offer from the get go. Like there weren't gonna be any NEW weapons, just the same ones with +1 attack and +1 poison effect or whatever.

Does it "get better later" or what?

So what bosses gave you guys the most trouble? I'm finishing up the last DLC on WotS and so far it's

Real Muneshiggy (18 deaths)
Yuki onna (8 deaths)
Red demon armor guy (forgot)
Giant toad rematch where he gets bombs (7 deaths)

>Its completely bullshit all the bosses move faster than the eye can see

Maybe you should try to play it on PC with 60 fps then, pleb.

Hino-Enma was bullshit
>fly all aroubd the stage
>projectiles which paralyze you so she can combo you while you watch powerless
>That out-of-nowhere grab attack which sends you back at the shrine no questions asked
After that every single boss felt easy

Honestly this

>out-of-nowhere grab
You mean the one where she stumbles towards you for about three seconds while a black and white fog effect floats around her that's obvious as shit to anybody who isn't playing with their eyes closed?

What's the most fun I can have in this game? I picked the sword as my primary and that chain that Sango's little brother used as my secondary.
And if you're crying about this games difficulty, you're just a little bitch. Go play a visual novel or something.

Tonfa are simultaneously the most fun weapon to use while being the worst for dealing actual damage.
1kat is great if you can nail all its parries and kusarigama is fun because it's all spins and shit.

I really like the mid combo stancr switches of the odachi

human eye can't see above 16 fps though...

>PC version now has mouse controls
Fucking finally

Grab the skill that allows you to ki blast while dodging, also grab and kick. Going samurai with katana in this game is really fun.

strength with axe and odachi. anything else is soyboy tier.

Just sloth talisman your way through the game. Every boss turns into a fucking joke.

>being so desperate to be seen as macho that you have to act out your fantasies in video games

t. soyboy

>been leveling hp since the last 40 lvl ups
>still lose 90% in one hit from Date
How much does the level difference between me and enemies affect how much damage I get? I'm always 20+ levels under the recommendation and the steps between missions in the dlc are enormous

You don't need a big weapon to be powerful as fuck

>run out of stamina
>weeb takes a million years to recover breath
>die anyway
No thanks

>it's another "b-but LW and buffs are cheating!" post

If both of you are being unfair, it becomes fair anyway.

whatever you have to tell yourself, little man :)

>breeze through Way of the Strong
>get two to one-shotted by every boss in Way of the Demon

Shut up retard.

I bet you kiss girls too, you disgusting normie

Main bosses asides, the game's idea of difficulty is throwing 20 mobs at you or make you fight multiple bosses at once, it's not supposed to be fair at this point so just use everything the game let you use, don't be triggered by git gud posts user.

Learn to manage your stamina better

You can beat all those encounters with nothing but a sword.

You absolutely should be able to play "fair" like that up to and including the first DLC area. The cheese or be cheesed part only comes from post-game missions that are entirely optional and the last two DLC areas because the devs expected players to have been playing for a while and be fully geared by the time they released. Also LEARN TO GOD DAMN FUCKING BLOCK THIS ISN'T SOULS YOU FAGGOT.

just do a meme crit build and one shit bosses

>Its completely bullshit all the bosses move faster than the eye can see

Are you 60?

Dude I’m in way of the Nioh and all I use is Devigorate Talismans and elemental attacks for Yokai.

It gets better. Each region on your first play through you unlock more Dojo missions, and clearing those unlocks more skills for you to use. After beating the game you get Divine gear and can start inheriting stats between pieces of armor - now you can do fun shit like stacking 80% run speed if you want. Way of the Demon makes enemies more interesting by giving some of them passive buffs and shit. Wise and Nioh start to give you Ethereal gear with unique stats that also give you a reason to use non set gear.

Its a slow burn, but if you get into it it will last you ages.

That stage gives you a full set of archer garb with paralysis defense, complete with charm. Suddenly you aren’t getting paralyzed as easily and you may piece together that shooting her while she is in the air may be advantageous. If all else fails drop one point in Ninjutsu for paralysis pills.

Health and defense help but for the best results debuff the enemy as well. Weaken Melee weapons is a passive that works on a lot of enemies and bosses and cuts their damage down by a lot.

Sure thing after dying 50 times trying yeah anything is possible. Meanwhile spamming ninjutsu/omnyo/LW is much easier and less rage inducing.

you cannot fight Date head on without sloth unless you've farmed the best kusarigama or duel swords and even then I've not seen anyone beat him without sloth and smoke bombs.

Get in, smack em around, gtfo before you get hit. repeat.

>you cannot
you absolutely can

Or you could just actually have elemental defense and take like no damage from the majority of his shit.

>after dying 50 times trying
Not really
Learn to ki pulse->flush and when to block.

Soulsfags trying to play Nioh is fucking hillarious. They don't have a grasp of Ninja Gaiden combat or the ability to manage Diablo loot or meaningful RPG mechanics because Souls is an action game with stats tacked on.

Just come in with resistance talisman for paralyze and the entire fight becomes a non issue

Difficult bosses in Nioh:
Vampire Girl

Difficult enemies:
Raven dude

If you're dying to anything else, just uninstall the game you ultra-shitter.

>grasp of Ninja Gaiden combat
The games would be perfect if it weren't for the fucking worst camera in action games that exist.

i died on the medusa boss because lock on just changes when i move the mouse barely

>"Git gud" literally means learn to cheese
No, it purely means to learn the game and get better at it.
One good way to learn the game is to perfect the Muneshiggy duel.
The first time I played it, on the last trial, I thought it was bullshit, impossible to do, he was too fast to react to, and I got really butthurt. And I stayed there, throwing myself at that wall for two afternoons in a row. And in the end I managed to beat it, three hours later I had beaten it without taking damage.
It's all a matter of adapting to it.

You mean 1000 eyes alchemist? I just spammed at his legs while ignoring the eyes.

Vamp is easy.
Nue is manageable as long as you don't get Thunderstruck.

Raven dude is a piece of shit.

>Giant toad rematch where he gets bombs
Does he not have bombs in the first fight? Did I miss something?

>Vampire Girl
All of my wat

That's only for the main campaign missions. Wait until you get to DLC bosses and the optional multi-boss fights.

Hino-enma and Nue are also only difficult until you learn the fight, while human bosses have a huge and relatively unpredictable movepool. Wait until fucking Oda Nobunaga in the Return of the Gourd mission where his damage isn't nerfed like the final campaign stage.

no that one i just cheesed with living weapon and sloth
i mean the shit at the top of temple where u fight nobunaga

>but otherwise it's a oneshot fest.
That is blatantly false. I went up to Hino-Enma at Level 1 and I wasn't getting one shot, everything took two to three hits to kill me.

>vampire girl
>run underneath her when she flies around
>she dives into ground stunning herself allowing you to attack
>run away and wait for her to start flying again
Truly one of the hardest bosses without a doubt.

All Oda fights were piss easy. The only post-game mission I had issues with was simultaneous Hanzo+WhatsHerName fight.

Oh, Orochi. I died once, before I learned the crystal mechanics.

I mean the Ice Lady, in case I'm getting the name mixed up.

>crystal mechanics

He does but in the rematch he spams them non stop once his health is down

Hino-Enma is a vampire, Ice one is Yuki-Onna.

I mean hiding behind crystals and waiting until they smash themselves into that shit.

How are you actually supposed to beat the orochi boss with melee? I just spammed omnyo and it went down in a minute.

stab them one by one

Ki pulse did it for me.

I just couldn’t take it, i platinumed every single soulsborne game and i dropped Nioh after the first real boss, that bitch that paralyzes you.

I can’t get gud, the game is way too fast, which wouldn't be an issue if i didn’t have to manage ki blasts too.

I just can’t combo, dodge AND time the ki pulse at the same time.

I expected a souls ominusha, got a Ninja Gaiden Ominusha instead.

It had a great camera in the alpha, and then soulsfags bitched about it not being enough like souls.

>playing with mouse and keyboard
Oh no no no no no

just get the ki pulse on dodge

??? the game is perfectly playable with it except for groups of enemies because lock on is trash

What an awful bunch, they wouldn't shut up until they got PvP, and that meant the game had to be balanced and no fun was allowed again.

Literally better in every way