>spent the last three years living alone
>make my own food, work a quiet job
>spend my free time listening to music and gym
>cripplingly alone
Recommend me some social games, Sup Forums. You're my last hope.
Games for cripplingly lonely people?
Other urls found in this thread:
vtmb, if you want something single player. the characters feel real and the world is depressing enough but you can choose to do some things that make it a little better. plus it has the best soundtrack of any game ever which will give you something to listen to when you're not playing.
Grow up
user, with all due respect, how fucking stupid do you have to be to think that sitting alone in your house playing a game will make you feel any less lonely?
Go the fuck outside.
Nothing like people to cure loneliness, not because you'll be less alone, but because you revel in being alone
The Witcher games, especially the third one, really helped me. Made me feel like I was actually important and that I had friends
Throne of Lies
Witch It
>Made me feel like I was actually important and that I had friends
the absolute state of Sup Forums
You make it sound like Sup Forums ever had important people and hasn't always been a hive of lonely losers.
>same situation as OP but qt from my last work invited me as her +1 to their holiday party
I don’t want to fuck this up...
This so much.
Whenever I have to be around other people I just want to be alone but after being away from people for too long I want company but at the same time I really don't.
Fuck human nature we really are fucked up.
This. I feel like a nutjob sometimes.
Don't play games. Actually go out and do shit. Try to meet people. Forgetting you are lonely while playing a game won't actually make you less lonely.
Fix your fucking problem.
aw boo hoo he is lonely awwwwww
kill yourself m8
stop playing video games, start reading. even single, remote passages from marcus aurelius' meditations will do more for you than full-time investments to a video game
sincerely, /lit/
>marcus aurelius' meditations
>life ain't shit lmao just be urself
You don't need vidya, you need to get out and have a life.
I honestly envy you, since I lost my job 2 years ago I have to deal with my family and I have very little moments for myself.
>even single, remote passages from marcus aurelius' meditations will do more for you
Marcus Aurelius will probably drive him to suicide, you don't suggest stoicism to people suffering from loneliness when they constantly remind you that you're just a walking corpse at the end of the day.
>Wanting to socialize
Oh boy small talk about shit I don't care about
If you didn't make a loyal best friend in your school years you're pretty much fucked for social connections
Play Dota 2. It has a warm and welcoming community
more like /fit/ brainlet trying to sound intellectual
>school years
University works too, 10 years after graduating we still hang out in skype conference every single fucking day, mostly playing co-op vidya.
Well maybe we are exactly as pathetic as OP actually, living alone and working a quiet job.
>remote passages from marcus aurelius' meditations
Hello, reddit!
*tips fedora*
>Literally the fedora of philosophy
>more like /fit/ brainlet trying to sound intellectual
Why is this Chad sad?
love dem memes lol
Because he's lonely, op just said why.
>Theres no cure for loneliness
let me know if you find someone that actually make you feel seen
today was my birthday and not a friend of mine called or sent me a message
must be cause i have none
>Whenever I have to be around other people I just want to be alone but after being away from people for too long I want company
He wasn't hiding that fact, he did sign off with /lit/
>get out of the house
>can't find a reason why anyone would talk to me
>go back inside
gee it sure helped guys
I'm in the same situation as OP but only for less than a year. Overwatch does well for some social activity.
Happy birthday user. pls kill yourself yourself.
>read the meditations for affirmation and its historic context not its ideology
marc was taught by some notable teachers of his time, theres so much in that book that to write it off at a single ideology is laughable
stoicism at its core is bullshit though
Happy birthday.
>Hating on Based Marcus Aurelius
Go and escape reality
This is exactly why OP wants a video game for social interaction. In this scenario it's something you can turn on and off whenever you please with little consequence. Online friends truly are superior in that way.
girlfriends too
t. currently has irl gf
Just be yourself, go out there and meet people.
The human animal needs basic pack interractions. Become part of wild, user. Grasp the bear by it's balls.
>I don't like it,so it must be bullshit!
silly willy
Any Persona game, especially 4.
stack it with Camus' The Fall for exponential gainz brah
Check this one.
Can't he just bang a couple of Stacies?
No one is hating on him, they're laughing at some /lit/fag wannabe for name dropping him to sound smart.
Unironicly WoW. Join a raiding guild and you've got 10+ people to hang out with 1-3 times a week depending on how serious they are.
doki doki literature club
What fucking kills me is that I have the drive to go out and meet people, but I end up giving up on good opportunities due to being insecure about my appearance and weight. On the other hand, I have 0 motivation to work out, whenever I start I end up giving up less than 2 months in.
Happy birthday, user.
vr chat, mmorpgs, discords, and a therapist
should go going out
it'll take some time but you'll start to talk to people
I’d recommend 3, personally.
When you think about it, should we really celebrate the day you came out of a sweaty disgusting vagina ? That's kind of gross user.
but happy birthday. The best is yet to come buddy. Never give up, some great people are outside somewhere. Go out, hit the bar and make some booze friends.
Go to college and make friends. Honestly you should have SOME friends by highschool atleast in the U.S.
>The best is yet to come buddy
and the worst ;^)
Dragon's Dogma. You can make your oc and an oc for your oc and hire other people's oc to follow you around.
I think I might've crossed a dangerous line some time ago. I used to want to be around people when I was alone but Ive been alone for so long that I don't know if I want to anymore. I can still talk to people normally in class but I just don't feel a huge desire to hangout.
thx guise
>be myself
>drive around and go to stores
>don't speak or initiate interaction
>come home without making any meaningful memories or interactions
>just be yourself
How is citing one of the most popular person in the Western canon, who is easygoing enough to serve as a basic introduction, namedropping? It's virtually the opposite of that
persona 3 FES helped me through a lonely time and made me realize how easy it is to improve life skills and forge relationships. a little effort every day builds up into great things
some people are genetic dead ends.
It happens
Why do I have a longing to be around other people but then wanting to be alone when I am?
This must be why I've never been able to see my future.
I don't have one.
How is it not namedropping? Them being a prominent historical figure doesn't prevent it from being name dropping. Adding his name provided nothing to the message other than "I read this guy, aren't I so smart" it's not even a good piece of work relating to the subject of the feeling of crushing loneliness.
Get a dog
I'm surprised no one has said this already desu
>Holiday party
I’m a complete uggo, user. Medically confirmed. If I was as good looking as the P3 MC or anyone normal maybe I’d go out more.
>get a dog
>come home from work with joy that someone's there to greet me
>feed and train him
>eventually the feeling wanes
>just want to be left alone but now I have a responsibility
>feel guilt over not loving my dog
>end up giving him away
Same. I used to at least interact with people to get to nut in their cunt, but these days I can just camwhore with someone if I really feel the need to hear someone moaning.
Interaction in terms of IRL in person shit doesn't really appeal to me.
he will get moist fleshy hole,user will fuck vajin
happy birthday
Fuck people, work on a skill and do something rewarding. People fucking suck. Humans are nothing but talking apes that think we're waaay smarter than we actually are just because we know how to speak and build shit. People are TRASH, and are due to be replaced by robots and artificial intelligence anyway. Being lonely is retarded.
thanks man
I'm so fucking depressed
Adding his name serves as a signpost in which direction to go. Cognitive behavioral therapy which is basically condensed, modernized self-help for people that actually want to deal with depression, taking from millenia of literature (including classical stoicism which can easily be read as self-help once the metaphysical side is discarded), go hand in hand together.
Do you not see the value of horizon-expanding reading (which is just a surrogate for horizon-expanding EXPERIENCING) that directly combats [crushing loneliness]?
What if I'm so far gone that nothing works.
So you wanted to point him towards self help, but didn't want to sound dumb since the connotation with self help is that it's dumb so you smartened it up and in the process obfuscated your point almost entirely. Yeah that's not name dropping to seem smart.
Look out for the release of Monster Hunter Worlds or WoW Classic, they'll have plenty of player interaction.
Or take up a fighting game, they're not only a huge time sink, but also require another human being.
Pick a hobby that isn't video games, a hobby where you create something, like drawing for example...
CBT didn’t do much for me apart from making it easier to calm down and not give a fuck.
What does that even mean? Are you incapable of picking up a pencil and learning to draw? Or an instrument? Just do something you like, spend energy and get better at something.
Or just kill yourself I guess, I don't give a fuck. Life isn't hard.
Death is usually very painful. At least you're not dying
>find another feeling-sorry-for-myself thread on Sup Forums
>depressed anons asking for help
>offer advice on how they can get better
>they immediately give loads of excuses as to why they can't do it
i'm tired of trying to help depressed people, figure it out for yourselves or stop crying for attention
I can't feel emotion anymore.
I am broken. Completely. Nothing gives me satisfaction and everything makes it worse.
I guess my standard for """"smartening"""" something up is above naming a popular historical figure? The point is to read more. It's not obfuscated unless you can't read at all
If you aren't disgusted with humanity then you're either not paying attention or you just don't give a fuck. Either way, I don't care. I know how FUCKED humans are and how much we're going to deserve it. I'm going to enjoy my shit life in the meanwhile and not give a shit about anyone else's feelings, it's nothing but a waste of time. Once humans are fucking gone EVERYTHING will improve. The planet will get better, life diversity will explode, maybe something that isn't completely fucking retarded will evolve this time and actually reach the stars and make a difference.
tell me this is not bullshit
we now understand better how the universe works so we dont have to explain shit with "natural philosophy" which was the core tenet of stoicism, without its base its nothing but hot air
A big part of why I'm so depressed is that, over a long period of time, people in the West went from considering intelligence and cultural breadth to be admirable goals, to ignoring those qualities and being satisfied with pop culture and the reduction in people's ability to communicate, and finally to being actively hostile toward people who appear to consider those goals "good".
Sure, some people do the thing where they just want to appear intelligent, but calls of "pretentious" and "fedora tipper" are more often than not just crying wolf. It's pathetic and disgusting that this is what society is now.
If you can't feel emotion anymore then what do you care? Shit, I wish I was in your position. I'm an insufferable misanthrope because of how much I feel, it would be nice to not have such a crutch so that I can focus on my work and hobbies.
Pretty comforting desu.
It doesn't work like that, sadly. Apathy is the last stage of depression. Some argue it's its true form.
No emotion to derive motivation from. All your brain does is beat you down. It's not fun.
>Adding his name serves as a signpost in which direction to go.
Yeah you didn't obfuscate your point at all. You name dropped an historical figure to lead OP to CBT of all fucking things. It'd be like if someone said "I have an itchy rash on my dick" and then me telling them to read the works of Alexander Fleming.
Yeah you're pointing to something loosely connected to the "cure" you're actually trying to get them to find, and it serves nothing other than to feel smart because you took history in school.