You have to pay to use online features of a console you bought with the internet you already paid

>you have to pay to use online features of a console you bought with the internet you already paid

>you're poor


perfect hair forever

hey, this used to be free, but i'm gonna charge you a fee from now on
>oh ok i'm not poor haha

It's amazing how human nature serves corporations when turning common good into a spite match.

Mads is perfect

Why would you sniff unused chop sticks? Do they smell like anything other than cheaply processed wood?

At least it has games, something PC hasn't had in over a decade.

Fuck you man, I love Kerbal Space Program

>you're a cuck

i'm not poor because i don't make bad financial decisions, such as paying for my own internet twice

only if you want to play good games.

T-thanks microsoft

>consolefags love paying to play online on their console after paying for the internet so they can prove to everyone online that they're totally not poor
I'm not surprised that this is used as an honest argument in the whole thing.

Running servers is expensive, but how much would sony really lose if psn was free?

They did just fine not charging for ps3. It's just greed.

>I'm a mongoloid who only plays AAA shit

>P2P online-game
>You have to pay for using your own internet connection

>i don't have money problems so I like to pay extra for everything.
You don't fool me.

>P2P MMORPG on console

>what are you, poor?

Yeah but I don't do this. I never have and never will. I realized how fucking dumb this was when I was trying to play original Xbox online in middle school. It's the biggest scam for money ever
>uhhh but muh servers muh quality control, thh...they're selling the console at a loss
Yeah don't care. Don't nickle and dime me just to play a few games online.
I mainly play on consoles but I don't fall for the forced online paywall meme, shame so many brainlets do.



Why does Mads look cute in DS but odd and alien-like in real life?

Don't care

What do Mads' armpits smell like?

Supposedly they are made out of ebony.

Probably manly musk with a hint of lavender.

>you have to pay to earn items in a full-price game that you paid to use online features in the console you bought it for with the internet you already paid
>the droprates are scaled accordingly to encourage this

You are now aware that Mads has no eyebrows

>You are poor if you don't like giving money to shitty companies for free

A fool and his money are easily separated

Funny thing is that no one is even trying to go against paid online services that Sony, Nintendo etc impose on us. (I mean not on us, I would not buy a console that uses such features unless it's completely cracked).

I dropped games altogether this gen. For me the industry is as good as dead with these cancerous practices.

Well, it's not like AAA games will ever be innovative again unless a state intervention outright forbids gambling mechanisms to be implemented, along with season passes etc that normies buy. But that won't happen so it's gonna be:

-season pass
-endless dlcs
-soft reboot

ad nauseam

Yeah I am just taking refugee playing old games before DLC, microtransactions and paid online started.
There is nothing else to do, really.
I do have money to spend on those things, but what's the point if you aren't actually playing games in pay2win shit like lootboxes but you are actually just paying to win? DLC is mostly shit and paid online didn't even fix online, so it is basiclaly just a scam. If you want to play pay2win shit just play a MMO, same fucking shit, at least you don't have to pay $60 for a fucking MMO.

No eyebrows

yeah but you get FREE games with it!!

This is why I liked crowbcat's channel, it shows how games are devolving and how today's gameplay lags far behind the core features implemented a decade, or 20+ years ago even.

Did you just smelled me?

>For free
That is patreon you nigger, you get a service for the fee. Don't be a dumbass


>>you have to pay to use online features of a console you bought with the internet you already paid
When is the internet neutrality vote?. you may have to add anothe paywall

>You have to pay to use online features of a console you bought with the internet you already paid the deluxe premium gaming package $99.99 a month from your ISP for..

Same mind. Also its the 14th of this month.

>buying a console
>instead of building a $1k+ PC

you mean using your own internet that you already payed for?