Free on GOG, lads
ib4 piratefags
Free on GOG, lads
ib4 piratefags
I'll never play this game but thanks pal
Free on TPB, lads
reminder yanks are not allowed to use lads
everything on gog is free
the most annoying puzzle game of all time
half the puzzles are complete bs
t. 140IQ
>Click button
>"Thanks! Game will appear in your account soon"
Well, that was easy.
too bad, lad
I agree
I recently got it from a bundle, and I started replaying the game after all these years
I bailed out of it
cmon bro its like a chocolate bar
>selling $3 lootboxes of games again
I though GOG was based. I got burned by those pinatas before, no thanks
>I though GOG was based. I got burned by those pinatas before, no thanks
I wasted 10e myself
>spend $30
>get nothing
I'm actually a moron. I should've learned after the first time when I ended up with fucking Gone Home.
You only get them from GMG.
Got $5 box last time (earlier this year) and scored Titanfall 2, which I promptly sold on G2A.
new games on connect, too
>not already owning all the cheap games so you only get good deals
Good game tbqh
I like Age of Wonders, but it's not worth $30
the fuck? Terra Nova is LGS kino and Strife is fucking amazing.
Neat. I already have it, but nice to know.
You bought some surprise bundle? From fucking GoG? lol.
AoE3 is pretty good though, but the game has a bunch of extra content now. Getting the base version is kinda lame. You could probably get a complete version for like $10 on Steam.
Description says you can only get games that (after discount) cost more than a star.
well now that I think of it, that is an interesting idea
The main page is glitching for me for some reason. I got Grim Fandango but all the notable games are saying they're free too but when I click on the it puts them into my cart with a price.
Does Grim Fandango remastered have any issues though? I played the original for a little but but apparently the original doesn't work too well on modern systems.
Yes, but many games have been for sale for less in the past so you're not always getting good deals.
Rate my lootboxes.
I played about 15 minutes of the first AoW after I got it for free and decided I didn't like it. I don't think I'll even touch 3 desu.
TerraNova doesn't seem like my type of game. I already had Strife at one point.
I'm waiting for the Impressions Games to be at a sale level that isn't complete BS.
the problem with the pinatas/stars whatever is that you can end up getting games you already own on Steam, but that aren't available on connect
Don't fall for it bros, I got scammed with Bittripshit.
I didn't even get the good Delta Force game.
I am not falling this year
reminder we could possibly get a new Humble today
You can just refund them if you really want to. At least that was possible in the Pinata Sale. They probably don't allow you to abuse it too much though.
Cool, I've been using Residual and my original copy until now because I'll never give another dime to Mr Shitface.
How do you refund shit on gog?
>Tons of shit listed as free on gog
>Make an account
>The free disappears
What in the goddamn.
What if we're 1/64th irish?
>tfw just bought it on humble bundle for a dollar back in October
Oh shut up, spack
no thanks
why don't you get a little closer and say that, lad?
how's mensa
Well it makes it easier to run on modern systems. The only changes I saw when looking them up were that the lighting is different (which looks better in some areas and worse in others) and you have an option for a different control scheme.
What are the best point and click games, Sup Forums?
Go to your Orders History and contact support about it I guess.
just got like 5 games for under $30 in that sale. almost cleared out my wishlist. BASED
>Not owning Homeworld Remaster
I had to click get for free a few times before it registered as it sent me to the main store for some reason instead
Not even worth doing if it's not easy as fuck like on steam. Looks like they say in the TOS/support section of the site that they will try very hard to get the game working on ur machine b4 refunding (aka they dont just refund for no reason like steam does).
Bittrip are neat little games
Quern is one of the best Myst-like adventure games
LBA2 is amazing, if you've played the first one
Black Hawk Down the best Delta Force game
Ok i am thinking about buying Echo and some other new games until i reach the 33 euros for master of orion.
Any suggestions?I want to support new developers so give me new games as suggestions.M'kay?
BHD is not the best DF game. I don't care about shittrip indie rehashes and I don't enjoy adventure games tho I can respect those who do.
back to the future
is witcher 3 included?
I'll take it but I think I'm gonna stick with the original when it comes to actually playing it
Anyone want to trade me something for Hard West or Master Of Orion? I've got codes for both but I already own the former and I'm not really interested in the latter.
I am planning to.I am asking for suggestions on WHAT ELSE to buy until i make it to 33 euros.
Echo is 17 euros right now so i am looking for 16 euros of games.