Why don't you play PUBG?

Why don't you play PUBG?


based dev

They already confirmed that they're removing the cameltoe

That wouldn't happen if the game was from Japan.

runs like shit on my computer

Looks like it runs fine (30fps) on XBox One, the port was made by actual game devs.

Because fortnite is free and made by epic games.

Yes, but they added the cameltoe in the lastest patch. It had to be some sneaky devs work.

the current live EA version is on an older version of the engine the test server version ran much much better and looked a little better when it wasn't shitting itself on unstable test server

Because Fortnite is better

>epic XD
get out

Why would i play shitty arma mod standalone when i can just play arma?

underages out

Because it looks kinda shit. And I'm not talking graphics I have a GTX 1060 6gb and an i5 8400 so I can run that turd. It just looks like a shit game.
I have been having fun catching up on the backlog I accumulated over the years when I had a lesser machine.

>Because fortnite is free and made by epic games.
Fortnite is eye cancer with those shitty cartoon colors, all weapons are reskins, no cars and is boring as fuck.
Not saying that PUBG is any good but it's certainly better than Fortnite.

Keep saying that, poorfag.
Guns feel like shit, building aspect ruins it

That's fucking stupid then, it was a license to print money from lootboxes bought by faggots who play dress-up in pubg.

>Cartoon colors
You mean it has colors besides brown and grey. Remember when Sup Forums complained about all games being turned brown/grey? I member...

>speaks only in cosmetics
>says nothing of actual game play
Go play COD.

Building aspect adds more depth to it.
And I agree the guns are sort of RNG

>You mean it has colors besides brown and grey. Remember when Sup Forums complained about all games being turned brown/grey? I member...

No, I mean it looks like shit for kindergarten with all unnatural ugly as fuck bright colors for kids below 12 years old.

Wtf i love PUBG now!


Dumbed down PUBG.

Came here to type the exact same thing. God bless.

as opposed to being dull 235,345 shades of brown and grey trying to emulate the 'ohhh muh realismss' of the stale shooter genre of the late 2000's?

I Just had to upgrade my ram from 8gb to 16gb and now it runs fine

dumbed down ArmA.

Didn't realize having other options than camping in a corner like a faggot is dumbed down.

Use punctuation, dumbass.

>no cars

Yep, it's shit.

The movement feels like unresponsive floaty garbo.

so I was avoiding this game like plague because I dont like twitchbait shit games but now decided to watch a couple of videos to see whats the fuss is all about.
So the only appeal is that everyone has open mic and you can hear people sperg out after they are killed? I can see why kids like it ao much

>so I was avoiding this game like plague because I dont like twitchbait shit games but now decided to watch a couple of videos to see whats the fuss is all about.
>So the only appeal is that everyone has open mic and you can hear people sperg out after they are killed? I can see why kids like it ao much

Play solo if you get money from devs.
Play dude-bro party if you are playing for FREE.