4 (four) FPS.
What did Microsoft mean by this?
4 (four) FPS.
What did Microsoft mean by this?
It reaches steady 15+ according to that graph.
That's how it ran on PC about four months ago when starting up on the plane.
>30fps outside the landing & plane
Pretty good for an early access/gamepreview & will only get better with the patch & updates until it hit the 1.0 version which hit PC recently.
Xbox One X showing it's muscle.
>& will only get better with the patch & updates
just like ark eh? AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA
>What did Microsoft mean by this?
Either buy a "Microsoft Windows PC" or "Microsoft Xbox One X" that's what they meant.
kek, shut the fuck up retard.
The human eye can't see more than 10fps anyway
PUBG got better on PC with the 1.0 update, i don't see why it wouldn't on Xbox one.
>game is CPU intensive
>both consoles have budget laptop tier CPUs
Wow, who could have possibly predicted this
Quality textures and rock solid 20 fps
pretty good for an early access huh
So what you're saying is, the non-X version is more competitive.
has nothing to do with the CPU here. THe game run like garbage even on PC.
Not surprised xboners are defending this. Releasing games in this state should be illegal.
It's all about the CPU. Test server shows a massive performance improvement while looking no different visually.
For anyone wondering when the plane first spawns everything needs to load in which tanks fps for about 2 seconds before it stablizes, same for PC version,
For these the game is just simply loading in buildings and assets as you approach them, which leads to dips in frames for again about 2 seconds at most
Stop falseflagging over a shitty game for your console war shitpost fest
Microsoft really going for metal solid FPS on the XxXSephirothXxX X
so(n)yboys on suicide watch, you wish you had this exclusive
The game is in early access on Xbox, it's called the "Gamepreview" xbox.com
>People payed $500 for this
>3 more fps
Whoa.... so this is the power..... of uncompromised 4k
You are paying the devs to "test" a game that I guarantee is going to be just like h1z1 and dayz. It's going to be in early access for the next decade.
Now if only the PS4 Pro always ran better than the PS4 at games like the X is.
Stop spamming these threads you stupid motherfucker.
It's already released on PC though and only took months.
Confirmed to come to ps4 after ms's timed exclusivity they payed for
Shittty CPU + badly optimized CPU-bound game = kek
>paying $500 for pubg
>poorly optimized early access PC game runs badly on a console when the entire world map is in view
Wow what a scandal
>Playing in third person
>for this
for the best version of every multiplatform games on console.
>Implying i give a single shit about Sony
Always about the Sony deflection with you xbots
>It's already released on PC though and only took months.
It's still an early access game on Steam
Xbox version is still at the version 0.524.
are ps4pro and the xbonex the 2 biggest scams of the last 20 years when ti comes to console iterations?
they literally do nothing yet they cost double the price
Who gives a shit, it's still an early access game
>CPU power doubling every 18 months
>programmer incompetence increases at a faster rate
>net loss in fps as time progresses
i just don't understand
PS4 pro maybe, Xbox one X isn't. It's 6x more powerful than the base Xbone.
>Entire world map
Is that what you call an entire world map? it kinda looks like Daggerfall's background.
Literally come out this month. Try harder.
After 4 years Xbox One X only brought a 30% increase in CPU power. GPU power is increasing still but the biggest problem with the PS4 and Xbox One was the CPU, not the GPU. It's why PUBG is 4K @ 12fps on Xbox One X, lowering the resolution wouldn't have done anything to improve performance since the CPU is so trash.
fps outside the landing & plane
Fucking kek, you wish.
>It's already released on PC
>Literally come out this month
so which is it retard? And don't kid yourself, this game will still be early access garbage after December 20th with broken systems and terrible performance.
>muh teraflops
The CPU bottleneck is massive on Xbox One X too. Two piles of shit.
It's actually 30fps for the most part and in actual gameplay drops as frequently as something like Bloodborne or Zelda BOTW
Why is Pubg so glitchy and horribly optimized?
Pro is only $100 more and is 50% more powerful. Pro turned out to be the better upgrade in performance to dollars.
BOTW and Bloodborne don't drop to 12fps for extended periods of time (or ever)
it will magically reach 60+ fps on any modern cpu+gpu like it should
koreans have no idea how to make video games
Thanks for beta testing, PCfats!
Because their levels were never as big. Bloodborne did have the worst loading times of any notable video game at launch tho. And if it had you dropping into levels it would probably drop to 3fps.
>Because their levels were never as big.
BotW is much bigger than PUBG, the fuck are you smoking?
Any pictures of mid-range PCs with decent framerates? These tablet enthusiasts are inventing all sorts of things.
Are you fucking mentally impaired? Why are you even comparing an open world multiplayer game with dozens or hundred of players to singleplayer games?
not defending xbone i dont care but this game its unoptimized as fuck
Still more FPS than the PS4.
>posts an ugly shitty game for an argument
Because those games drop frames like crazy and are made by first party studios and supposed to showcase the power of the platform.
To be fair, PUBG is horribly optimized, even on PC
I think XboneX is legit running the game on low settings.
Which is hilarious.
Look at that lack of shadowing for example.
Why is the performance for this game so fucking bad? The game doesn't even look good.
The game doesn't run much better on PC
Idiot multiplayer games are supposed to be optimized to run well on everything
>pubg runs badly on old hardware
holy shit
Firstly, they don't, not as much and severe as PUBG.
Secondly, PUBG is a way more demanding game CPU wise, comparing this game to Zelda and Bloodborne is beyond retardness.
This, the game isn't going to run well on consoles but it's got a lot going on and FPS is going to be low at certain times. Your FPS doesn't matter when in the plane or on the starter island.
Just have to give it time, when the game first came out I ran it at 20-40 fps, now this latest patch has it at 120-140 and the lowest dip is to 95.
Can some explain the hype over PUBG? What makes it so different from the other types that got released before it like H1Z1, ARK, DayZ, etc.?
Idiot exclusive games are supposed to be optimized to run well on the only piece of hardware they were made for in the first place
Army men: sarges heroes.
AHAAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA, keep eating that Phil Spencer dick, Xcuck
>no AI whatsoever
>Graphically is nothing impressive
>Unreal Engine with all the optimizations/improvements brought by fortnite
>Still manages to produce a slideshow
Fuck you, nigger! Now I wanna play the PC or Dreamcast version
10 days ago I 100%ed it through my steamlink on retroarch.
Shit was cash.
>when the game first came out I ran it at 20-40 fps, now this latest patch has it at 120-140 and the lowest dip is to 95.
You guys are aware that PUBG on Xbone/X is the PC build from a month or 2 ago, right?
The on Xbone isn't the same build as it is on PC.
Just looking at how people heal and the icons for teammates tells you it's a recent build.
No one man should have all this power.
Will MS just buy the company and make this game themselves?
So this is the power of the Xbox One X...
Not bad, not bad at all...
How can a game look so shitty as if its a game from 2001 and yet run so awfully bad
Even on PC the optimization is shit
The problem is that on fast computers, programmers can rarely tell what's running inefficiently by observation.
For example, exponents are extremely performance-costly, but there's no way for programmers to know that because the only situation where it's noticable is when the program is so efficient that the occasional use of exponents halves the speed of the program.
I never would have realised that exponents are so inefficient unless I had done exactly that.
Runs at a constant 60fps on medium 1080p on my 5 year old GPU
This can't be real.
It's a shame medium settings is still ugly as fuck.
Not him but why would any sonybro be jealous when they have the option to play to
superior looking, and superior playing game.
I hope they do. Microsoft needs to shut this game down, finish its development, and then ship the finished product because this is embarrassing.
Mods just need to start deleting these faggot threads implying the Xbone's hardware has anything to do with the unoptimized pile of shit known as PUB-niggerfucker-G running like the steaming pile of dogshit it is.
I agree. Too bad the base XB1 looks like low-medium settings and the XB1X is medium and both run at sub 20 fps at best
>all those Xbox marketeers back when the Xbone X came out saying a PC would be unnecesary with the X
that's a high end pc, user.