>Bad Company 3 coming out next year
>Dead Space 4 coming out next year
feels good burh
>Bad Company 3 coming out next year
>Dead Space 4 coming out next year
feels good burh
Other urls found in this thread:
they wont be good
i thought the dead space team got disbanded
Dead Space 4?
Quit lying, and even if it does it'll be unfiltered garbage.
Also Didn't Bad company 2 end on a modern plot cliffhanger?
The fuck're we going to do in Vietnam?
This shits all retarded.
Worse, they got cannibalized.
How do you know this? I'm terrified if this is true. They are going to dig these games out of their coffin and rape the corpse.
>caring about story in a multiplayer focused series
>Need some extra assistance dealing with those pesky necromorphs? Get 5 plasma cutter clips and 3 medium healthpacks for the low price of 1500 IshimuraBucks™, or $4.99 at the Origin marketplace!
Shut the fuck up sweetwater.
but the deal with bad company is it had fun single and multiplayer
Can't find anything about Dead Space 4.
Black Isaac will be default, you'll need to pay for normal Isaac
EA apology era SOON
I really want it to succeed but I know BC3 will disappoint me
only one of them did
bc2 was just dice/ea wanting the mw2 audience
>Bad Company 3 coming out next year
Hell yeah, motherfucker.
*who will be indian
They already made BC3.
It's called Battlefield 3.
Oh boy I sure am glad they will be digging up bad company to rape it’s corpse.
I really hope they keep it ground focused and keep the flying vehicles to helicopters only, bc1 and bc2 were good because the lack planes
They better have fully destructalble buildings like BC2
Earth got destroyed at the end of Dead Space 3. So 4 would either have to be a prequel or deal with a small colony of remaining humans somewhere.
If it is actually going to happen, fingers crossed Issac isn't in it so it'll have a chance of being somewhat scary again.
>Going from bc2 to bf3
That was the last time I bought an EA game
Not making that mistake again
So it's going to be what Bad Company is to the original games?
Bad Company blows the original games out of the water keep memeing though
imagine preferring EA series' post-rape
Bad Company is literally a meme game, only looked fondly upon because of it's shitty balance.
>The game is shit because i cant cheese with a plane
>planes were the only thing they removed
>It will have been 10 years since a Battlefield game had mod tools next year
Dead Space was the product of Visceral Games and the first game was fantastic. The second was pretty solid. The third was hot garbage and it is an example of why EA is scum.
>Dead space 4
>After Visceral is dead
>Where the series left off, Earth was literally surrounded by brethren moons, With what we can assume leaves Issac/Carver as the last two surviving humans unless they pull some "It was all a dream/they were insane xddd" bullshit
I want to believe but it's not happening
Now on the other hand, a prequel game taking place on the Ishimura starring pic related would be cool