>don't mind me, just ruining shield variety/balance
Don't mind me, just ruining shield variety/balance
that shield is the reason all the stamina regen shields in 2 were so bad
Grass crest shield is the shield for people who don't use shields. It's crap at actually being a shield.
The only shields that see use in ds3 are black knight, lothric knight, ethereal oak, and liewellyn.
Why would you ever use a shield as a shield in a souls game?
No one is forcing you to use it
It's not like there's a lot of shields for builds. Beyond black/silver Knight, target, artorias, and eagle, what else do you ever see online?
Not really. It has a 95% physical damage resistance.
Yeah it was much too common in DaS1, but I believe its nerf helped with the diversity of shields in the subsequent games. I like using shields that look cool and original and that you don't see often online, a very hipsterish attitude to adopt but I can't bring myself to use a blue crest shield like every boring idiot out there.
funny thing is youre a boring idiot
>using shields
Well, there's your problem.
Because I want to play a FAT character with a BIG armor.
to be honest all the decent shields in the games do that.
>using shields
>don't mind me, just offering easily the best balanced shield WITH spell deflection
And it looks fucking sexy.
Dat healthy boi lifestyle.
>All three games give the player a wide variety of shields and heavy armour.
>"No! You're not REALLY supposed to use them! Only play as some agi twink with an oversize greatsword."
I know you are, but what am I?
Of course you're supposed to use them, if you're bad and don't actually want to have fun.
>He doesn't try different play style just for the sake of doing so
It's like you're nothing more than a meta playing faggot. You're not a meta playing faggot are you? Greatshields in Dark Souls are always heavier than they need to be with stupidly high strength requirements for some of them. Yet I did an ultra armor, greatshield, pike using, fat rolling character with support miracles.
It was easily my favorite playthrough ever
What are you talking about?
I did try playing all kinds of builds, and have objectively confirmed that shield are for people who are bad and don't want to have fun.
OK then. Fun is subjective, but I'm sure your ninja flipping UG weapon build is a blast. I've done those before too and they get boring. Quickly.
Then again I prefer doing co-op play as opposed to invasions and I like tanking for the host.
>playing the game in the most boring way possible just to be different from everyone else
>95% physical damage reduction
>3.0 shield
the stamina regen is minor and heater is better
>giving a shit what people do in a singleplayer game
This is why including multiplayer elements in primarily singleplayer games is complete and utter cancer no matter how you look at it. Especially when it ends up affecting items and balance in-game on account of literal manchildren whining about m-muh balance, muh honor, and muh fun!! Even in Monster Hunter where the multiplayer is fucking co-op oriented it becomes cancer because of the idiotic friendly fire that only serves to make people feel bad about their weapon of choice. Multiplayer in general is a cancer in gaming. Fact.
Is havel BLOATMAX enough?
>spell deflection
Is that even useful? ive never bothered to try
Green and Gold is a fucking amazing combo. Too bad there's no armor that really matches it well.
Smack a crystal soul spear out of the air in pvp and watch the magic soyboys scramble away from you
I'm Jim Morrison, I'm dead.
>grasscrest shield
>black leather set
>a touch of faith for the occasional lightning spear
its all about fun and exploration for your first 50 hours. my favorite game.
yea It's great. Helps when you're trying to close the gap on a caster (either player or NPC) and don't want to rely on a roll. I've been clipped by crystal soul spears before because of dodgy hit boxes. Takes a little bit getting used to timing but it's funny to watch a player kind of not know what to do when you're batting their spells to the side like a badly thrown baseball.
There is also the wall of light spell which I use against Aldrich and his arrow storm. Casting is quick and you can cast back to back to deflect all spells for 2-3 seconds. You can literally stand in the storm and take no damage
there is literally zero to gain from doing so. parrying an attack rather than dodging it allows you to riposte, that makes it worth it
there's no reason to parry a spell rather than just dodge it
It look cooler
But you look cool you fucking tryhard
other than the fact that it's fun? And sometimes the environment you're in is tight and rolling becomes a bitch.
Nobody ever used the Knight Shield right, even by mistake?
So many shields out there that I just don't understand. What's the point of greatshields? Why equip such a heavy item when medium shields with 100% physical exist? What's the point of light shields that absorb like 40% physical? I don't get it.
You're referring to the knight shield from Dark Souls 1? I did. I used it for the longest on my first ever playthrough. It's because I was still learning what stats meant what, and learned how to upgrade shields. I switch back to the heater a little later
If it doesn't have 100% physical resistance it's worthless as a shield.
t. shitter
> What's the point of greatshields? Why equip such a heavy item when medium shields with 100% physical exist?
Greatshields have much higher stability so there's not nearly as much stamina loss when absorbing a hit
>What's the point of light shields that absorb like 40% physical? I don't get it.
Some have larger parry windows, other have some other quality like high magic defense, some are just intentional trash
Heavier shields have more stability. 100% damage resist blocks all damage of that type, but stability is what determines how much stamina you lose when blocking. With a lighter shield you can only block a few attacks before running out of stamina, while a heavier shield lets you block more.
>why greatshield?
Much higher stability. For instance the best and most stable non greatshield is the Black Knight shield. At +5 it has 69 stability. Where as even the regular steel great shield has the same amount of stability if not more at lower upgrade level. The higher your stability, the less stamina you lose when blocking an attack.
>Point of light shields with 40% physical
light builds who intend to use those shield for blocking very minor attacks like an arrow or something, and more for parrying than anything. That and some light shield have good elemental resistance.
backstepping the spell looks cooler idiots
>No Souls game has a viking round shield
>Just tiny parmas
>dark souls 3
>thinking Dark souls 3 provides i-frames for backstepping
This isn't Dark Souls 2.
Honestly what's the point of shit shields? If I didn't want to block all damage I'd just roll.
95% is not 100, and it has poor stability.
It's only good for the buff, but that's usually worth it.
Some shields have better elemental defenses. This mostly only mattered in ds2 where you could equip a certain combination to make yourself immune to pretty much all elemental and magic damage so mages couldn't touch you.
the mark of the tryhard
that extra regen won't save you shitter
Greatshields exist so you can cast Great Magic Shield on them and then laugh at the retards trying to waste your stamina while you just punch them to death with a Cestus
>great shield
>great magic shield
What a shitty sounding build.
not everyone derives enjoyment from r1'ing 20 times with a straight sword and spamming roll nonstop otherwise
crest shield > grass crest shield
Stonw Greatshield has a great weapon art that destroys R1 spammers pretty consistently. Turtle behind it and wait for an oppurtunity.